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Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms? Why is not all nature in confusion instead of the species being, as we see them, well defined? ... But, as by this theory innumerable transitional forms must have existed, why do we not find them embedded in countless numbers in the crust of the earth?… Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and serious objection which can be urged against my theory.(Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, Oxford University Press, New York, 1998, pp. 140, 141, 227)

2007-02-05 18:16:42 · 28 answers · asked by Socinian F 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

The argument that Darwin proposed in the face of the lack of intermediate form fossils—to the effect that "there are no intermediate forms now, but they may be found through subsequent research"—today no longer applies. Present-day data show that the fossil record is extraordinarily rich. Based on hundreds of millions of fossil specimens obtained from different regions of the world, some 250,000 separate species have been described—many of which bear an extraordinary resemblance to the approximately 1.5 billion species alive today. Given the absence of any intermediate form despite such a wealthy fossil record, it is impossible any such intermediate forms will emerge from new excavations.

2007-02-05 18:23:27 · update #1

"The fossil record offers not a single example of an "intermediate form" that evolutionists can use as evidence, but does provide millions of specimens that demonstrate the invalidity of evolution. The most important of these are "living fossils," of which living specimens are in existence today. They can be seen from the fossil record to have lived in differing geological periods, and are proof of creation, since no difference exists between the living things of hundreds of millions of years ago and present-day specimens. Darwinists are helpless in the face of this situation."

2007-02-05 18:23:56 · update #2


2007-02-05 18:27:23 · update #3

28 answers

If there is an order & disposition, a ruler and an authority works to make things go on with harmony. Non-believers close their eyes and say"nature did it-nature did it-thank you mother nature..."
if they could open their eyes, they would see nature ;
has no cleverness,
has no knowledge,
has no feelings,
has no capability to do anything ,
so how come sun, soil ,air ,heat and a tree will come together and say:
Lets make an apple to these humans.
This is so ridiculous isnt it ?
Nature doesnt do or give anything for humans or any living creature
God gives the blessings THROUGH THE NATURE
Have a nice day

2007-02-05 18:33:35 · answer #1 · answered by ? 2 · 2 5

When Charles Darwin wrote his book, there was still much to be discovered. Even to this day, there is much to be discovered. We may never know everything there is to know about how life has evolved on this planet. The difference, we admit that, rather than claiming to have all the answers.
Many mutations, or minute changes, occur in such a way as not to be recorded by the fossil record. Soft tissues are not preserved (generally speaking), and many changes occur within them. For example, the human body has evolved past the need for the appendix. It serves no purpose within the body. Eventually (probably thousands of years from now, cause these things take time), humans will probably be born without them. And then there will be no evidence that they ever existed, because things like that aren't preserved. Who knows how many times this has happened? Only a small percentage of the species of the world have been preserved, and only small parts of each animal. Who's to say that we haven't found these things and just haven't recognized them?
250,000 is a pretty small percentage of 1.5 billion....then stop and realize that we haven't even come close to discovering all the species in our world, not to mention all the ones that we've killed off. It seems to me that there is still a lot missing, a lot we haven't seen yet and possibly never will.

2007-02-05 18:26:54 · answer #2 · answered by Jensenfan 5 · 1 1

Evolution is very possible. Scientist are discovering some links everyday. Do you realize how long the entire link would be? You'd have to go back as far as life has ever existed to know the entire link. Life is just organisms. Imagine micro-organisms millions and millions of years ago. Organisms do evolve. Plants evolve. Animals evolve. People evolve.

If living things didn't evolve how could life have continued so long. Weather and living conditions across Earth change over time. Over Millieniums, centuires, decades, years, and minutes the weather and climates change.

How do you think settlers were able to come into Alaska and Northen Canada and survive the extreme temperature. They adapted to it. It didn't happen over night it took evolution for the next generations of people in that land to develop a body that endures the cold. They became Eskimos.

Have you noticed how from California to Japan people have different traits. Such as skin color among other physical differences.

People have been evolving since the first man. If humans don't evolve they won't survive.

2007-02-05 18:42:33 · answer #3 · answered by ahauntedhistory 3 · 0 1

At least know what you're talking about before you try to argue against it.

First of all, try to make a fossil. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Okay. That didn't work out so well, did it? Fact of the matter is that pretty much nothing is fossilized. Any fossils that we do have are supposedly the result of completely freakish occurrances.

So saying that something can't have occurred because you don't have a fossil of it is like taking a snapshot of a country road once a month at a random time and concluding that no cars drive on it just because you happen not to have a picture of one.

As for why all the transitional forms aren't still around today, evolution has an answer for that too: they are out-competed. It would be the same reason that you can't go do a car dealer and buy a Model T. Who in their right mind would buy a Model T when they could have one of the many modern cars? So it supposedly goes with transitional forms - most of them aren't as well suited to modern environments and modern forms are, so the modern ones get all the food and the transitional ones die off.

Please, stop shooting at straw men. You aren't helping anyone.

2007-02-05 18:25:06 · answer #4 · answered by Hate Boy! 5 · 5 3

I can answer that easily, in 4 beats ... or more. Is the song over when the drummer stops beating? and, then it starts again on the next beat? Who says this is the completed form?

If evolution takes millions of years, how can you claim that this form is in the final transitional form after only a mear 20,000 years and not the 67,000,000 years it took for the current brain to have evolved. Notice I didn't say it was a perfect brain.

If it were a perfect brain, as you suggest it is, in it's final perfect stage, Humans would be perfect. I'm sorry.

I'm very sorry, because I see evidence quite to the contrary. In fact, in Chares Darwin's words you just quoted:
"...do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms?" Indeed we do. In yours, in mine, in all the spinal Bifida children, in Steven Hawkings, in the bimbo's and bozo's that on day will grow up and realize that there is more to life than party.

No. We are far from being a "Completed Form"

We are not unbeliving because of what you say. Rather we do not believe in what you say.

2007-02-05 18:43:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Man you need to go back to biology classes. Start with the single cell amoeba and work forward. Check out what happens inside the uterus of a female with cell division from a single egg to mitosis and beyond. The specie is the same, Human, but it varies according to the genetic inputs and therefore is different in each case, but maintains generally the same outcome a hominid.
look at the development of man from the time of beginning of hominids upon this earth are they the same as man looks today? NO! there were subtle changes to the design Neanderthal man Crow magnon etc etc so there are your transitional forms for one specie and perhaps the most important on this planet. Who is to say that the variances of the butterfly and bird species found are not just as subtle from the times of the dinosaurs. Pterodactyls evolved to the birds today, the reptiles are similar models to those of greater times. So your theory is without research or much understanding of development that has been going on on this planet for a few million years, not just 2000

2007-02-05 18:31:10 · answer #6 · answered by Shelty K 5 · 0 1

99+% of mutations are failures and die out rapidly. Failures tend not to be preserved in fossils as there are so few of them. The chances of anything becoming a fossil are extremely small. Do you have any concept of how long 220,000,000 years is? Can your feeble mind conceive of such a time span? You would rather submit to threats of an imaginary hell and knuckle under to fakers and idiots and why? It is in an unsubstantiated book. Why not believe in Grimm's Fairy Tales?

2007-02-06 12:27:27 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Actually your not looking because they are there. They exsist now and we have fossil records of a great many. Your stuck in your own time which is a millisecond in evolution. And now I put a question to you. Why is it that creationists throw it in everyones face that we dont have all the info yet? We at least have some evidence to support our claim while you have none, not a shred other than your book. Which is a good read but a book from thousands of years ago with little to no supporting evidence of creationism.

2007-02-05 18:25:37 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Today all nature is in confusion and there is lot of commotion. Every form u see are transitional forms, even humans are far from perfect. All of nature, including humans are evolving and we shall be finer beings, more tolerant and kind may be 1000 years hence or more. Today unfortunately we are hitting rock bottom, and the world is full of killings, wars, torture, corruption, children dying of poverty and starvation, etc. etc. Do we dig and go below the rock bottom level, or are we going to rise and evolve, this is the million dollar question we are faced today.

2007-02-05 18:29:09 · answer #9 · answered by wizard of the East 7 · 0 1

Neither determination is ideal. it truly is something a lot extra simplistic. it truly is demanding to conceal history once you're literally not the guy who writes it. i did not write history. some effortless info: a million) There are altogether actually thousands of prophecies from each and every of the international’s printed religions. that each and every one in effective condition jointly like the products of a huge, complicated and troublesome jigsaw puzzle. (Emphasis mine) coincidence? 2) If out of that blend of prophecy you consider merely the very particular time prophecies, the percentages of them being fulfilled with assistance from coincidence are below one contained in the finished type of protons, electrons and neutrons in 18 quadrillion universes the size of our observable universe. (back, emphasis mine.) 3) those prophecies one and all were very precisely fulfilled. it truly is historic actuality, make of that actuality what you'll. the percentages are more effective that a pan of water positioned on a fireplace will freeze. upload decrease back in all something else of the fulfilled prophecies and what have you ever? searching right into a replicate and denying your face remains connected does no longer make your face disappear, no count number how a lot you've faith it. Why is there nevertheless a debate occurring? Atheists and Christians both questioning they're those who write and interpret the guidelines. One team is taking section in football in a unmarried stadium even as the different team is taking section in baseball another position, and each and every questioning they're beating the different. perchance it truly is time for all and multiple to no longer merely play with assistance from God’s guidelines, yet time for all and multiple to commence taking section in an identical sport. WTB, effective communication. thanks for sharing. And thanks for the muse. good questions inspire me. Peace

2016-11-02 11:13:07 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Religions misunderstand it when they read that God made man in his Image.Examples:When God made a black man does it mean Gods black?Or when God made a deformed man does it mean that Gods deformed?When God makes man white ,mexican ,german ,chinese ,and so on and so forth does it means this is what God is?God does claim to be the Creator of all.So therefore he created all in his image.Meaning in his Minds eye.If you understand what Im getting at.Maybe men did look like apes back then but that doesn't mean that God didn't treat them as according to scripts.Religions don't like to believe this sorta thing.But just remember how Great God is.He created the heavens and the whole universe with many beings.Jesus did say he's not of this earth .He is from the heavens that God created for us.As he pointed to the skys....I'm not saying that Jesus is an alien.Alein simply means stranger.Maybe some can't phathom Jesus as being this huge.I can.God has talked to many things different then us like angels,Satan,and many more beings that we know nothing about so why not different beings that have evolved threw evolution?

2007-02-05 18:22:50 · answer #11 · answered by Matty G 3 · 1 2

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