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okay, my bf is a drug addict. its been a long hard road, but i love him, and i can tell that he is trying, maybe not as hard as he could, but we are getting there. okay, well im not an addict so it was IMPOSSIABLE for me to understand the whole addiction process and how he couldnt just stop. if he doesnt want to do them, then whay does he? right? what was my way of thinking, but tonight i realized.. and even though im not an addict and they say someone whos not will never understand, i do. and ill tell you why and this is where i need your help. i use to cut myself a long time ago, and it was HARD to quit.well tonight i did again, for the first time in like 3 years.and thats when it hit me. i relapsed. no its not a drug, but it is a way of copeing.like drugs. it only physically hurts you, but can hurt those who love you if they knew. and like he tried to hide his addiction, i try so hard to hide the cuts and scars... i think i finally understand. do you think its the same in any way?

2007-02-05 17:08:07 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

oh yea, another fact that i found interesting... they say when you relapse on drugs, no matter how long youve been clean, you pick right back up where you left off or its worse... well i use to only cut once, or twice at a time, but tonight.... we wont even go there, but it was WORSE than ever... but dont worry about me, now that i see how much this is like drugs, i will NEVER relapse... drugs have almost ruined my life, and i see this as doing the same if i dont stop.... but WOW I UNDERSTAND NOW!!!

2007-02-05 17:11:31 · update #1

this is for joe- sweetie, you dont know me to judge me. he has been to rehab, and thanks to that fact, i understand drug addicts and i know that they cant just quit, COUNSELORS told me that:) and i use to cut A LONG time ago... and this was the first time in years that i have.... and did you miss the part where i said i understood how similar they are and how i wasnt going to ever do it again? i hate his addiction, and blamed him for everything, but when i took a step back and looked at myself and my behavior tonight, i understood that our problems were very much alike, and that was my question... if people saw the same similarities... i didnt ask for opinions on my mental health. but thanks anyway for you answer:)

2007-02-05 17:23:02 · update #2

9 answers

I've had similar revelations about my father, who's definitely an alcoholic in denial...
but then I cut myself...and I can deny it just as much as he does.

And I I think, even if cutting isn't an addiction or drug, it can really function that way. It's just more psychological than physical.
But there is a physical component to cutting. When you are injured your body releases endorphins in a hurry to help regenerate the wound (bleeding being part of that regnerative process). That's why many of us feel a distinctive 'high' after doing it. It's not all psychological...just as drug addiction is not completely chemical.

2007-02-05 18:20:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think all addictions are about coping. Some people use drugs and some people use exercise. It basically comes down to making choices. We all choose to do what we do to ourselves to relieve something in our past. Using drugs can start out as a recreation but in the end it's an escape from reality. Maybe the pain is too harsh to deal with so people use drugs to escape the pain. It's sad but most drug users are in some kind of deep pain that they haven't dealt with properly. This is my opinion. Find the source of the pain. There is always a source. It may be self respect, it may be a childhood trauma, it maybe not being shown enough affection growing up. It could be a number of things but there is always a source of pain that has led them down the path that they are currently at. Identify the pain, release the pain, and try to realize that tomorrow is always a new beginning to a new life. They say that people can't change, but I believe they can. I know because I was a drug user years ago until I identified the pain and released it and now I'm an avid runner and fitness fanatic because it still gives me a chance to get high. The only difference is that I get high on living life. I get high on running miles and miles and feeling great about how it makes me feel. It's still my way of coping, but it's also a great way live a better life. I made some bad choices in life and I forgave myself for the mistakes I made. I past that now. Now I make better choices and feel great about it.... Anything is possible if you make the choice.

2007-02-05 17:50:04 · answer #2 · answered by danny_austin4 4 · 0 0

Well the way that you have put it there, it sure does sound kind of the same. The thing about the drug is that is gets you and kind of keep you, after you have become addicted to it, you will always be addicted to it and you must stay away from it like an alchoclic does with beer and other alchoclia drinks. I was a cutter, and yes i know that it is a bad way to cope, and there a healthier once, and i have not done it for years, but i am also DID or as the use to call it MPD, and not too long ago a person within without me knowing cut, and cut really deep, but they keapt the pain of it, away from me feeling it, and they cleaned it and taped it together. By the time i learned what had happen i could not get it sewen up, but at least they took care of it. now this has not happen to me for over 10 years. But with drugs they do not find a healthier way of coping , they have to stop and keep in a support group, to make sure they stay clean, and do not relapse, while when you relapsed you were able to see what he was going through, but yet too you are able to stop from doing it again, even if you cut yourself badly, you are able to control it, and decide not to cut again, and chances are for you you will not cut again. He in the mean while someone can temp him to do it or slip something into his food or drink, or he can hide it from you until he can not hide it any more. He really needs to be in rehabit, and learn healthier ways, and how to stop himself from becoming addicted, though he will always be addicted to the drug, even if he did not mean to become addicted. Most people do not mean to become addicted to the drugs they use, but it is the drug that gets them and keeps them and keeps calling to them . And so he really needs to stay away from people who are using drug, cause it is a temptation each time he is around them, and how long can he go without the addiction coiming back and getting him, and he relasping and doing the drug sene again, and then it well be come harder and harder for him each time this happen. I wish you both all the luck in the world, and may god bless and guild you both, and keep you both safe. And my you not cut again, go to a therapist and get a healthier way to deal with any problem that may come your way, cause that is not the answer any more then him taking drugs.

2007-02-05 17:36:29 · answer #3 · answered by Ladyofathousandfaces 4 · 1 0

All drug addicts are selfish and self centered they put their drugs first ahead of anything else. Addiction is the only disease where the person afflicted with it is both the cause and cure. The only cure is to stop using drugs and alcohol completely and never do it again. A drug is a drug is a drug! If you are hooked on one drug you are hooked on them all period.An addict will look for any exuse to use (BLAME ETC) If your bf loves you he will stop if he doesn't dump him. In recovery from this disease it's either 100% quitting for good or nothing. Relapse means screw you I am getting high. I know there are some Dr Phil or Oprah Politically Correct lovers out there that will give me crap (generalizing etc). BUT ASK ANY RECOVERED ADDICT AND THEY WILL TELL YOU THE SAME! I'LL QUIT TOMORROW IS BS DO IT COLD TURKEY AND GET OVER THE AFFLICTION NOW!

2007-02-09 09:00:29 · answer #4 · answered by DEE W 7 · 0 0

Yes you are very right. I use to be a cutter myself and people who dont no anything about cutters have no clue what it is like. I myself had a wake up call and quit on my own ... I have not relapsed and it has been almost a year now.
Cutters are exactly like drug addicts. They start small like a scratch and each time it gets worse ... becuase your addiction to the "high" it creates grows ... you need to go deeper and do it more just like an addict needs more drugs to feel what you are looking for ....
I understand completeley !!!!

2007-02-06 16:35:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's all addiction. I've heard people who have experienced both drug addiction and cutting say it was harder to stop cutting. So A) you do understand, to an extent, and B) congratulations on going so long without cutting.

2007-02-05 18:40:30 · answer #6 · answered by fiVe 6 · 0 0

I think you both need to quick together and when one another feels to cut like urself tell him way you feel the need to and if you he feels the need to do the drug that he does call you tell what is driving him to do this and then go from them and be honest with it and he i hope that he helps you on this.i use to cut and all it doesnt make your marks notices able because ppl going ask or wonder what is driving person to do this.get help for both of you.keep me in form what is going on abby_jack_coke@yahoo.com

2007-02-05 19:07:36 · answer #7 · answered by abby 2 · 0 0

You're trying to kill yourself, same as he is. But it must have something to do with self-respect. Because you both are harming yourselves. He has an addiction and you have issues, you both need some help. He needs rehab and you need a counselor or someone to talk to. Thats really the only help I can give you.

2007-02-05 17:13:02 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

yes they are both a coping mechanism....i know because i'm addict

2007-02-05 17:17:51 · answer #9 · answered by wutangskaterforever 2 · 0 0

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