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I have wanted to be a mother my whole entire life.

I have done everything I could to get further in life. For example taking high school courses in middle school and then college courses in high school. I have always been ahead of my peers and have always had my plan set out. I was able to graduate at 16 because of all this planning I was doing and I also had quite a few Advanced Placement courses that followed me to college. After I graduated I moved in with my boyfriend.

I was going to college working full time and had a cousin [long story but he’s our dependent now] to take care of. My boyfriend and I were working into a routine and found out we were fabulous for each other so we got married. I was so close to having my degree at the time so we decided to try for a child. A year and a half later I got pregnant. I was finished with most school and really excited to become the mother I felt I prepared myself to be.

Was I wrong to want to have a child at a young age that my husband and I could and can fully support? Was that wrong after I worked so hard to get what I wanted? What am I missing out on? Drinking, drugs, or “care-free” days? I’m so sick of stereotypes and plain ignorant people. Why are people plain rude when I actually worked my butt off to become a mother? I would really love to know!

2007-02-05 17:06:26 · 22 answers · asked by .vato. 6 in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

It just baffles me to no end when a person bases their sole opinion of a mother on how old she is. I am just as education as a suburban mother. I provide just as much for my children. I have had a wonderful life full of travel and experience. Was it wrong for me to want to become a mother even though I was able to do these things before most people do?

2007-02-05 17:08:32 · update #1

If you notice you all got thumbs down because I have this troll on Y!A. She constantly follows my questions around and believes I'm a horrible mother.

Meanwhile, she spews out against soldiers--calling them murderers and makes judgmental and disparaging comments towards anything and everything that she believes is not "right"

I very much agree with what you guys are saying. She writes constant questions about me and for a while I wasn't going to write questions about her. But then I decided to--and I was going to tell the WHOLE truth and nothing but the truth. Whereas she leaves out most of it. It's sad but I'm glad you guys are so kind.

I think the world could honestly live without people like her! Thank you!!

2007-02-05 17:41:56 · update #2

22 answers

No. I think you (your story) are a wonderful role model to all young women out there. Find the right partner, get married, be stable, prepared and ready and then have a baby. Having a baby is a life changing experience, and also a life-long committment. I say well done to you and your husband.

The stereo-types of drinking/drugs are something which should be gladly skipped. The care-free days belong to people who are scared of committment and responsibility.

Good on you guys...

2007-02-05 17:11:49 · answer #1 · answered by Kennette 4 · 3 1

Listen, there will always be those types of people and we all know that we can't control that but I truly believe that you did nothing wrong in achieveing your goals if those people talk it's because they probably haven't accomplished as much as you have. My friend believes that you did nothing wrong and if it happens it's because it was ment to happen. I don't understand why someone would hate on someone who's worked so hard to become the person that they wanted to be. If your friends with a person who put you down like that I believe that you shouldn't be hanging around with toxic people, that negativity is also bad for your baby's persona and health, because baby's can feel the vibe on what's going on. Though I don't know you if I did I would say that I'm proud of what a friend has accomplished such achievements that you have. I would seriously look up to you. Well besides missing out on life there really isn't much that your missing out on, because all there is in this world is drugs, disaster, mayhem, war things like that, so basically your not missing out on life. In conclusion you shouldn't worry about what other people say, you should just worry about you, family, and the family that your rasing right now. Quote: Here To Stay-Christina Aguiler-"well everybody got an opinion now, don't they
but it aint no thang to me
it really don't make any difference now to me
if you don't like what you see
i pay no mind to the negative kind
cause it's just no way to be
i don't stop to please someone else you see
gonna live my life for me"

If you can download the song it's very good.

Good Luck!!

2007-02-05 17:32:14 · answer #2 · answered by natali3x3 2 · 2 1

you know it doesnt matter what anyone else thinks, you will be just fine. i was15 when i got pregnant with my daughter, thank God my boyfriend was such a good guy, we got married a month before i had her (4 days after my 16th birthday). I got my diploma the same year i had my baby, and im about 12 hours away from my degree now. Weve had our hard times, dont get me wrong, but weve gone through it all together, i wouldnt change my life for anything. Weve now been married for 6 years and have our 2 little girls. You will be just fine and im sure the two of you will be great parents. Dont ever forget that or let anyone tell you otherwise.

2007-02-11 02:43:43 · answer #3 · answered by G L 2 · 0 0

A very sick mama dog is an extremely stressful situation. And I understand your anger at some of the answers that you received. It is normal for you to want to vent back to these folks some of your anger and frustration. So, try to remain calm and keep your focus on your dog & pups. Don't let this cloud your true goal - a healthy dog. And yes, I would love to know this outcome. Kudos to you for your quick action in caring for 7 pups! It isn't easy! I wish that more people would realize that there are situations that stump even the best of vets. While the calicum issue is the most common with these symptoms, it is not the only cause. And your dedication to this dog and her pups is very, very admirable. So, you know that you are responding to this crisis in the best manner possible. You are doing all you can do in an extremely difficult situation. Let God sort out the rest. Peace

2016-05-23 22:38:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No you were not wrong to want and have a child. Frankly I think you made a very wise decision. It's a sad commentary on today's society that drinking, drugs and the party lifestyle that involves them is considered a "good life."

It's a sad life. Drinking, drugs and having fun in those ways means people have an emptiness in their lives. They are the wrong ones, not you. There is no such thing as a person who binge drinks or takes drugs as being a happy person. You know that yourself. Binge drinking on weekends is a kind of psychological suicide. They don't kill themselves all the way, but a way to subconsciously degrade themselves.

2007-02-05 17:15:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I am really sorry to hear that other people are treating you badly for being a young mom. Personally I am really proud of you, your finished with school and in a committed relationship that can support a child what better time in your life then this to have kids. I have a few friends who are young parents and they have experienced the same sorts of reactions from people. Its horrible and I'm sorry that you have to deal with that.
I wish you, your husband and your baby the best!

2007-02-05 17:13:35 · answer #6 · answered by Inti 3 · 2 1

There is absolutely nothing wrong in your decisions. People are rude and say ignorant, judgemental things because they are just that - ignorant, thoughtless and judgemental. Perhaps it would help to remember that when people make a comment about you being too young or making a bad decision - it is a reflection on themselves, not you. Perhaps they are jealous, perhaps they regret decisions they have themselves made, or not made. Your decisions are obviously the best ones for you and your family and thats all that matters. Also try to surround yourself with people who know you and support you and disregard the rest. Easier said than done I know. All the best

2007-02-05 17:13:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

You can not dance to anyone else's tune! There is no point in putting so much weight in what "everyone" else has to say. You are your own person, you are educated, you are married, and you have a baby. Ignore the butt wipes of the world and enjoy what you have.......you are a good person and that's that.

Good Luck!

2007-02-11 02:31:55 · answer #8 · answered by Kbear 4 · 0 0

No, if you didn't want to drink, smoke, do drugs that is up to you. And I applaud that. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be a mother at a young age if you can take care of the baby. Which it seems like you two can. Don't let their opinions get in the way of you being happy with your husband.

2007-02-05 17:12:55 · answer #9 · answered by ~Les~ 6 · 2 1

it really seems like it doesn't matter if you were right or wrong...
I got excited when you were telling me about all your school and finding a great guy to share your life with... screw what you might be 'missing out on'... there is nothing that says you have to be 28 to be a mom... (age only imagined)... keep going with your bad self... make lots of kids with just as much ambition as you have... as you go... make sure you kick the dust from the 'nay-sayers' off your feet!
good luck...and kick @$$!

2007-02-05 17:20:00 · answer #10 · answered by teche16 3 · 2 1

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