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Anyone out there running it? As a computer tech I keep thinking MS will someday "iron out" all the virus problems with Windows. I heard about the "One Care" or "No One Cares". That doesn't sound like a deal for the end user. So, what about viruses? Does it look like Vista will be the same as XP? What about this performance thing I keep hearing about. We've got a nation of people too cheap to buy XP capable PC's. Are we now expected to buy even more powerful PC's to run Vista?

2007-02-05 16:59:41 · 2 answers · asked by techshare26 2 in Computers & Internet Software

2 answers

How should they take care of All Viruses? What program shall they write for the virus that will come on line two months from now? And, while Microsoft has very good programmers, they are not the absolute best on earth! There is always someone better, or with a different idea, or a different way! RACE, age, nationality has nothing to do with it.

The world is writing Virus and other maleware, What program/s
can take on the ever changing world?

You felt that you need to say that you are a computer tech! Your question and statement calls in to question the true level of your

2007-02-05 17:46:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Considering an Upgrade to Windows Vista
Adapted From: Windows Vista For Dummies, Special Preview Edition
You'll see Windows Vista in the headlines quite a bit this year. The buzz starts in the technology section, ambles over to business columns, and eventually turns into news headlines. But amid all the buzz about Vista, there's one nagging question: Do you really need this thing?
Here are a few of the most tempting features Microsoft has worked into Vista, and what you'll find in them.
Improved search
Windows XP really drags its feet when searching for files. Searching for a filename takes several minutes on a crowded hard drive, and if you're searching your files for a particular word or phrase, you're in for a long weekend. Vista, by contrast, spends its idle time fine-tuning an index of every word on your hard drive.
To keep that work handy, Vista places a Search box on the Start menu, atop every folder, and in a few other areas. The handy Search box and the up-to-date index make it faster than ever to find the files and programs you want.
Vista even updates its index with words on Web sites you've visited recently, letting you quickly call up that headline you remember reading last week.
Trying to find the right setting in the Control Panel's vast array of switches and options? As you type words describing that setting into the Control Panel's Search box — display, for example — Vista filters out every item that doesn't pertain to the display. Eventually, you'll only spot a few icons left, and they'll all pertain to your computer's display.
Some may call it a nuisance, others call it User Account Protection, but Microsoft prefers to call it advanced security. Vista's built-in User Account Protection security not only keeps unwanted creatures from crawling into your PC, but it also stops the ones already inside your PC from calling home to their creators through the Internet. Whenever something in your PC tries to do something that could change Vista's settings, Vista asks for your permission.
Although all this security is indeed a bother, it's the only way to keep your PC and your files safe.
Even if you turn off the security features for your own account, leave them turned on for your kids' accounts or the account you create for your babysitter or housesitter. Vista security will keep them from mucking up your PC while you're away.
Windows defender
Just about everybody's heard something about spyware — unwanted software that sneaks onto your PC. It then spies on your Web-browsing habits and sends the results to sneaky companies who fill your PC with ads targeted toward your interests.
When something's wrong with your PC, spyware's the most likely suspect. Spyware-infested PCs experience slowdowns, conflicts with other software, and even crashes. Vista's new Windows Defender seeks out and destroys spyware before it takes hold. Because companies constantly create new breeds of spyware, Microsoft automatically trains Windows Defender with Windows Update to recognize the latest spyware strains and pry them off your PC.
Parental controls
Most parents don't let their children travel unknown neighborhoods without supervision. But what about the PC and its ticket to the Internet's chat rooms and adult Web sites? Vista's strict parental controls let parents control their kids' computer workouts by adding the following controls:
 Blocking specific Web sites and programs or blocking all but a few hand-picked Web sites and programs
 Filtering Web sites by their content
 Blocking file downloads
 Controlling the days or hours the PC is available
 Collecting detailed activity reports showing Web sites blocked/visited, programs run, games played, and instant messaging conversations held
Although Vista calls them Parental Controls, they let any administrator account holder control the activities of any standard account holder. That means you can finally control exactly how your roommates use your PC — if you let them use it at all.
And your boss can see exactly how much time you spend playing solitaire when you should be working. Be forewarned.
DVD burning
Windows XP couldn't write to DVDs without the help of a third-party program. Vista can finally write to blank DVDs by itself, making DVDs an easy way to back up all those digital photos. Combine Vista's DVD Maker program with Vista's improved Movie Maker program, and you'll finally be able to burn your vacation videos to DVD and watch them in the living room.
Vista's built-in Backup program lets you automatically store your backed-up files to CDs or DVDs.
Runs on an average PC
You may have heard how Vista won't run on older PCs, or it needs an expensive video card. But if your PC's running Windows XP, it will probably run Vista just fine.
As for the video card, Vista certainly looks its best when run on a PC with a high-powered video card. But it also looks fine on most PCs today. The differences really aren't that obvious.
In fact, some people will turn off Vista's glass tabletop because all those reflections can be distracting.
Information on Windows Vista

Windows Vista – necessary to upgrade?
If you have WinXP, and you are thinking about Windows Vista, you will have to check system requirements. I have not seen an advisor for that yet.

In today's paper (Buffalo News, 1/24/07) there was a lengthy article on Windows Vista. The author was of the opinion that it really isn't necessary for the ordinary user and that many XP users will not wait outside the store at midnight to buy it as they did for Win95 years ago.

Microsoft Extends XP Service (Buffalo News, 1/29/07)
REDMOND, Wash. (AP) - Qn the eve of the consumer launch of its new Windows Vista- operating system Tuesday (Jan. 30, 2007) Microsoft Corp. is extending the period in which it will offer support for the previous version, Windows XP.

Consumers who own Windows XP machines already were entitled to get customer service on the software up until April 2009. That date reflects Microsoft’s policy of curtailing its support for an edition of Windows two years after a new version hits the market.

Microsoft recently said consumers who still have Windows XP running April April 2009 will be entitled to five more years of “extended support.” In the extended plan, consumers will still get security fixes, but instead of free service from the Microsoft help desk, they will have to pay for most assistance.

Microsoft said the move was meant to bring the support policies for consumers in line with what businesses already have.

Vista has been available for big businesses since Nov. 30, 2006, but hits the consumer PCs market as of Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2007

Windows Vista – Specifications – Most Visible Features
Buffalo News, 1/29/07
Vista will add to Windows display deal with viewing photos, playing videos, recording and downloading music, and running the new “memory-gobbling” programs like Office Live. Needs:
800mHz speed, 1gHz better
512mb RAM minimum
20gb to run Vista
60-80gb hard drive

2007-02-05 17:06:42 · answer #2 · answered by TheHumbleOne 7 · 0 0

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