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Ever since very little I have been feeling like I have Psychic powers, when I was around 5 and 7 I would always, know who was calling my mom on her phone, or who would call my mom, what commercials would appear on the TV & well just little things, when I was 12 I once guessed the correct lottery numbers, & said that destiny’s child would be back together (right) before the radio did. In fact my radio woke me up & that was the first thing that came to mind, “Destiny’s child” & then they got back together. I really didn’t think it was anything.

And then a few months ago I started getting weird dreams, like I would wake up crying because they were so life-like. One was my brother would go on a long trip & die in a car crash.

I was so scared for him I didn’t really eat & just felt sick all the time, I stopped calling him (he lives with my dad) because I was afraid he would pick up his phone & get in a wreck. I told my mom & her friend (& her friends daughter) on the way to church & just started crying because I really don’t know, I hardly ever cry, (sorry this is so long) anyways I found out Monday (the dream was on Saturday) that my brother would fly to LA with band mates. That freaked me out even more, & then Wednesday I found out the left wing on his plane broke, & they had to shut down the air port for an emergency crash. It didn’t crash (thank god) but it was as if I knew it was going to happen.

The same thing happened again (only the dream was she was murdered by a cow) I know that’s silly but that same scary feeling came over me again, she was in a car crash shortly after, a “cattle” guard had totaled her ford focus, there was absolutely nothing left, she barely survived.

And then….I had my palm read. The lady said I had “very bad energy coursing threw my veins” & that my love life was very unstable & that I would “lead down a path of suicide.” She said that I was being used as “satins eyes” & I needed to seek help. I was so horrified & shocked that someone had said something like that to me; I refused to pay because I felt insulted & left. She started yelling something about dream catchers, & then that freaked me out…again.

The stress of these dreams are too much to handle I’m very calm & collected I make average grades & I’m extremely social, every 3 or so months when I get a ‘psychic’ dream I feel depressed & angry, I literately cant be around anyone, its horrible! I feel as if that person has died already, or I get the feeling this is the last time ill ever see this person again. something ALWAYS happens, and its always about death.

Okay, lately now I’ve been getting those simple “feelings” I got when I was 5 -12, about being about to predict little things, like what songs are about to play on the radio, you know just random little things.

Here is the question:

So will a simple dream catcher help at all? Or do I need to seek out a priest or something? I don’t tell people about my dreams because I know they wont believe me, & they’ll think I want attention. So how do I handle something like this? Is it even psychic related?

If it helps I’m 15, dyslexic & have ADD. (People can never tell though, I stopped taking classes & medicine last year.)

2007-02-05 16:55:22 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

sorry i stopped taking medication & classes in 7th grade. Because my IQ & testing proved that I simply did not need it anylonger.

again, this doesn’t happen often. (thank god.)

i reaaalllyyy dont believe I’m possessed. I'm way to happy to be…demonically possessed. i honestly think that palm reader was off her rocker, but her words still stay in the back of my head you know?

I simply want to know, if a dream catcher can reduce these terrible nightmares, or if I need some…other kind of help.

2007-02-05 17:10:21 · update #1

14 answers

The woman who told you that Satan was looking through your eyes, and that you were headed for suicide, is a wacko. She is the one doing the evil. Through your own experience you know that no matter how depressed you get, you always pull through...a bad day leads to a hundred good ones...no drugs necessary.

When you're a teen, life is full of drama and instability...it's part of growing up. When I was a teenager, I had psychic experiences, and couldn't wait to tell anyone who would listen...for effect...to create drama. Everything calms down more and more as you get older. (Though you still have the experiences, you don't need to tell people so much.)

You'll always be running into negative people...ignore them, concentrate on the positive, and you'll be fine. Myself, I would stay away from dream catchers and priests, and concentrate on good, positive friends.

2007-02-07 06:55:42 · answer #1 · answered by H. Scot 4 · 1 0

that is quite possible. i have psychic abilities and in occasion i have had some lucid dreaming experiences. i was able to meet paramhansa yogananda through lucid dreaming. i was quite aware of what was happening. i even was consciously thinking! your grandmother also had psychic abilities, according to what you say. of course you have psychic abilities, particularly if you are dreaming consciously, a form of psychic ability, which is not very common. the fact and the matter is, if you do some research, is that lucid dreaming is a form of a psychic ability. i think this is related to group karma. don't be surprised if there is some other people in your family that has some form of psychic ability also, because they could. that is karma. do you think that it is a coincidence that first your grandmother and then you have a psychic ability? think again. in my family i also have psychics. when my grandmother points a finger to someone, it is for a reason! sometimes she can explain why, and sometimes she can't. hope this helps...

2016-03-15 07:36:25 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

You know what, you are not crazy, but you have a unique gift. I do not believe it is psychic, but God is showing you events in advance and to pray about these events before they happen. I have the same dreams also, but where I see people dying, they are often warnings. God will show me people who have destruction coming upon them and then I will pray for them and the event does not come to pass. Or, The Lord will have me warn that person, so destruction will not come upon them. Your problem is that you have not had anyone to teach you what you are actually seeing. You actually have a gift which can save people lives. Most people do fear this type of gift because they do not understand where it comes from or the purpose of it. If you have anymore questions about it, just e-mail me.

2007-02-05 17:20:24 · answer #3 · answered by super saiyan 3 6 · 3 0

You are a clairvoyant, not a psychic. Being psychic is not merely predicting trivial events that will immediately happen. Psychics pick up details, images, voices, scents, thoughts and vibrations of the dead, experience mental images relevant to their life and the lives of others' in their lives.

A priest may tell you that you are possessed by the devil if you confide in him about these 'random' predictions. He will just quote bible verse and pat you on the head....

You are a CLARVOYANT. Not a psychic.

2007-02-05 17:02:52 · answer #4 · answered by Just Ask Ashley 2 · 1 3

The Indigo Child may see auras as lights or colors around other people. And show an uncanny ability to sense dishonesty. Destined to be one of tomorrows psychics yet often identified or suspected of having Attention Deficit Disorder – ADD http://www.psychic-junkie.com/indigo-child.html

We are all psychic, but for the majority the gift or the belief has been long knocked out of them. Educated out is another way of looking at it. Many professional psychics have grown up in a psychic friendly environment. Perhaps a grand-parent or parent with the knowledge has helped bring the extra sense out in the open and encouraged its use. But there are as many practicing psychics who have not had the benefit of caring psychic guidance and who have still managed to develop and hone this natural extra sense.

To tap in to your Psychic Sense you can go to my free develop-psychic-ability page here: http://www.psychic-junkie.com/develop-psychic-ability.html

And the 'Am I Psychic?' page is here http://www.psychic-junkie.com/am-i-psychic.html

And some interesting psychic tests are here: http://www.psychic-junkie.com/psychic-test.html

2007-02-07 13:15:13 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God has given you a special gift! Only he can help you use it in a positive manner! It sounds as if these dreams are warnings. No one has actually died, from what I gathered! But it may help when you receive them to warn the person to be careful and if traveling take a different mode of transportation than what you saw in your dream. At first it may be difficult but as time goes by people will start to take you seriously. If you can change the outcome of the dream, you also will feel better about having them. Dreams are what can be, not what has to be.
Dream catchers do help screen out the scarier stuff. But if your given the dream as a warning, you will still see all those details.
I know they can scare the tar out of you sometimes. And that feeling of your heart racing and your whole body feels like it's on pins and needles. I have them every now and then.
Try asking God to help you use this gift in a way he intended. If it really bothers you to receive the dreams then ask him to take them away. He will do so. We are never given that which is more than we can bear!

2007-02-05 17:27:47 · answer #6 · answered by Carolyn T 5 · 2 0

It is possible that your dream was a psychic warning - but here is what I want to say to you. Psychics have more power than just seeing the future and getting messages. Psychics can be light and energy workers that heal and protect too. If you have a power - that is awesome. Control your power, don't let it control you.

White light protects (and the different colors do different things) so if you are worried about someone in the future, don't sweat and worry about it. Use your faith and use your mind to protect them. Imagine the person in your mind and see them bathed in light. You can visualize a ribbon of light spiraling around the loved one from 1 foot above the head to 1 foot below the feet to give them protection as well.

Search the web for psychic protections for one that resonates with you and do yourself a favor and visualize your own self in your mind's eye and see yourself strong, safe and at peace when you have worries like this. You must first nuture yourself, for then there will be plenty to give to others.


PS - I think these on-line Angel Cards are very uplifting and encouraging, particularly for those of us with gifts: http://www.consciousone.com/c1Cards/cardsView.cfm?cardGroupID=1

I have never known a dream catcher to help anyone in such situations - sorry.

2007-02-05 17:06:23 · answer #7 · answered by carole 7 · 3 1

Sweetheart, you have been through an awful lot for such a young lady. Please know that you are safe. Satan is not using your eyes. You are open to future "potentials". This means that you are seeing an outcome that is possible, but not set in stone.

A dream catcher will not "catch your dreams" unless it is empowered by someone like a shaman, and tailor made for you. Since that's hard to come by...

The Universe is asking you to be a warning signal, dear one.

When you have a dream that involves a death or harm coming to someone you know, tell the person immediately! Just by doing that alone you open up the possibility that the path for that person will change before any harm comes to them. It does not matter my dear if they think you're crazy. Just tell them.

You may not always be able to avoid having the dream, but you cannot let it affect you so deeply. The more you think about it and feel bad, the more energy you give it as a possiblity.

The little predictions are normal and common. You are just tuned in to the frequency that most of us miss.

You do need to stay on your medication, sweetie. Please, for your own health and safety.

I wish you luck and many blessings.

2007-02-05 17:14:28 · answer #8 · answered by dorkmobile 4 · 4 0

If your life works, you influence your family.

If your family works, your family influences the community.

If your community works, you community influences the nation.

If your nation works, your nation influences the world.

If your world works, the ripple effect spreads throughout the cosmos.

Remember that Your Dreams begin with you and ripples outward. So be sure that Your Dreams are both potent and wholesome.

How do You know Your Dreams work?

All Dreams spread outward from a fertile and potent nucleus.

You are the Nucleus!

"Dream until Your Dreams come true!"


Prepare to make an investment of $20+
Go to the store and get 12 skiens of yarn
12 differnt cololurs
And every 12 days make a new dream catcher
At the end of a year you will have 30 dream catchers
At that time: display them for sale
Offer each one for $3.00
Do not sell any for more or less than $3.00
Display them: FOR SALE
Be done with them
Obviously they will be worth more than any $3.00
By the time you make thirty of them, they will be rather extravagant
Such is life
Display them and sale them for three dollars each
But; only when you have all thirty

2007-02-07 13:48:36 · answer #9 · answered by Guillermo 1 · 2 1

i've had the same feeling, and i get severe deja vu, and have actually seen the image in my head the morning before it happened.
its just your mind messing with you.

2007-02-07 14:40:08 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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