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Was God drunk when he made man?

2007-02-05 16:45:05 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

10 answers

yup, who else would design your anus to feel just as much pain from jalepenos as your mouth. Only either a sadist or an idiot would design your anus tissue to be that sensative (You know i'm just playing right god) on top of that he made it to where you can eat that crap for 20 years or so and not feel the effects, but one day bam... your @ss burns after you eat tacobell. don't that suck!!! Yeah it does. oh an also you have the little matter of ice cream and other fun foods before 21 you can eat em all day long and nothing happens... after that one day bam your fat if you eat wrong. UNINTELLIGENT DESIGN!!! I agree or god just likes to watch us suffer

2007-02-05 16:51:10 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

No, I don't think God was drunk! He was just bored! Here is the way I REALLY believe all this happened. What or who is God? I believe God is a part of a race of "aliens"; now I don't mean little green men, but a race of highly advanced people who have been around a long time. Since the Bible says that God, the angels and the devil all lived in Heaven and that angels and the devil can come down to Earth and go back to Heaven again it must be a real place. So the Bible must be basically true. Scientist and evolutionist say the Bible is just a book of stories. They say that Adam couldn't be the first man because if you backdate, then Adam lived roughly only 6000 years ago. Scientist can certainly prove someone has been here longer than that. God wanted to make a new world and a new people to interact with. That is WHY He made us! The HOW is known to scientist by examining the universe from the big bang until now. And the scientist are correct IN PART. Yes we probably did come from single celled organisims. Remember, this is the first time God has made a planet inhabitable that we know of. I don't think He made the entire universe or even the Earth, I think He just decided to fix the place up! So anyway it took Him a long time and a lot of trial and error to get it right.( We can now do everything God can do to create a civlization on an unihabitable planet except create life) once we can gain the technology to traverse the galaxy and the longevity to be able to live indefinetly, that is. Where the scientist have it wrong is that evolution cannot explain it all. For example, remember those horses in your science books? The little horse eohippus, the first horse? Then the 2nd and 3rd horse? Well we can find fossils of these but where are the fossils of those in between these and all the evolutioary mutations that scientist claim took place for all the other species? That is where, up until just recently as we now understand genitic engineering, God just decided to change the horse without a long protracted mutative sequence. Just like he did when after making primates and humanoids, he decided to alter some of them, when he figured out how, ( we can do this stuff now) and made MAN (Adam). Remember He basically told Adam and Eve to stay in the garden and not go out there with those other humanoids, they are what are know today as Africans and stoneage living tribesmen They are not MAN like Adam was. Everyone else that cannot trace lineage back to Adam is what God tried out before he made a perfect being. But he left them to live as best they could, that is why some groups of people NEVER evolved out of the stoneage on their own like the Africans and North and South American Indians and the Austrailian Aborigines. So, now God has something to do with his time! And from time to time his friends come here to check us out (UFO's). All the Earth is, is a big science project to God, a being who by what the Bible tells us, is a good and loving being; maybe His race has been there done that and knows how stupid a young civilization like ours can be! That is why He wanted the Bible to be written down so we could have a guideline to go by, maybe something His civilization did not have!

2007-02-06 01:45:34 · answer #2 · answered by Hingy 2 · 0 0

Some things are obviously too bizarre to have been created by an intelligent designer. Defective vitamin synthesis, the appendix, the human reproductive system, cancer, and the inability for humans to shoot laser beams from their eyes. If they didn't evolve, they were created by a being that clearly wasn't thinking straight.

2007-02-06 00:52:34 · answer #3 · answered by Lee Harvey Wallbanger 4 · 0 0

Testacles prove the design wasn't intelligent. The only reason they hang out in utter vulnerability is because the normal body temperature is too high to produce semen. Had it been *intelligent* design, surely the Creator would have adjusted the chemistry to circumvent our obviously "make do" design.

2007-02-06 00:52:11 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Considering the ailments to which humankind is subject, it seems to fit. My favorite example: in the retina, the nerves are between the lens and the photoreceptive cells, partially blocking the light. Some other animals have it done right.

2007-02-06 00:51:47 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I believe in no design at all. Do you really think some all powerful being sat down and thought up the existence of the Duckbill Platypus?

2007-02-06 00:48:24 · answer #6 · answered by ? 6 · 0 1

He made man who's destroying the very earth that he created

He's either a big bad kid or he's not too bright after all

2007-02-06 00:51:22 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

When you really think that what if there is a god and man is his best creation that gods really not that impressive.

2007-02-06 00:48:45 · answer #8 · answered by clutchstevens 2 · 0 1

Wow.... deep man.... i need some weed to contemplate this.

2007-02-06 00:47:53 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0



2007-02-06 00:55:51 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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