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Why do many people think that to believe in God, they must disgard what science has taught us? Evolution is an amazing thing, and I believe that some sort of divine plan must be guiding it. Yes, we evolved from single celled organisms to underwater multicelled creatures to land dwelling creatures to mammals to primates to primative humans and finally to what we are today.

2007-02-05 16:40:21 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I am just saying that science and religion are not the sepret ends of a spectrum where ner the tween shall meet. I asked an intelligent question. If you post rude, intolerant answers you are not supporting your faith, you are showing your own ignorance.

2007-02-05 16:47:27 · update #1

Missing link? Their called Neanderthals, primative man, you know, cavemen. Species do go extinct, you know.

2007-02-05 16:55:52 · update #2

16 answers

Your are so very on the mark, and it is fascinating that everyone can't see that.

2007-02-05 16:45:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

That's the only way evolution could happen. It would take supernatural miracles from God at key points. These things just couldn't have happened by random chance. But where is the evidence that it happened that way?
I can't speak for all religions. But science and christianity don't conflict. What christianity conflicts with is evolution which is not science. The fossils do not show evolution. They actually show complex creatures appearing suddenly during the cambrian explosion with no transitional forms before them. Darwin was aware of that problem. He said "they're out there(the transitional forms) by the millions.....you should be stumbling over them as you walk out your back door". That's a quote from Darwin. His explanation as to why they hadn't found them yet was that archeology was in it's infant stages at that time. He predicted that after he was dead they would find them by the millions. But here we are 150 years later and they still haven't found any. Stephan J. Gould who was a Harvard paleontolgist and one of the top evolutionists in the world until he died a few years ago said this:"there's a trade secret among the paleontologists of the world.....namely, that the transitional forms don't exist". My question would be...why is it a trade secret? If the evidence doesn't show evolution why don't they tell the world. The reason is because evolution is a religion just like christianity(just read Ann Coulters new book'Godless'). Evolution, like christianity, must ultimately be accepted by faith.
But christianity is faith based upon reason. Evolution is just blind faith based upon nothing. It's no surprise that Gould and Niles Eldridge eventually gave up on darwinian evolution and started a new theory called 'Punctuated Equilibrium', a theory which Richard Goldschmidt(also an evolutionist) called the 'hopeful monster theory' a name he gave to it in derision. He descibed it by saying that a reptile once laid an egg and, VIOLA, out popped a bird. If you believe that, I've got some swampland I'd like to sell you....ON PLUTO.
Like I said, the fossil records don't show evolution. Everything starts at the cambrian explosion(also known as the biological big bang). Everything comes upon the scene at that point already well developed with no developing forms before that. Darwin understood that well and it troubled him. Back in 1859 you had no pre-cambrian fossils that had been found. So what you had was already well developed fossils that showed up in the cambrian era and nothing before that. That certainly didn't fit evolution. Darwins explanation was that the pre-cambrian fossils were destroyed because they were so deep and the pressure from the soil above and also the heat, being nearer the earths mantle, destroyed them. But that explanation no longer holds because since then we have found some pre-cambrian fossils but they are so basic, such as bacteria and blue-green algae, that you couldn't have had evolution from these basics to already developed forms without some transitional forms.
The concept of evolution touted in textbooks, then, is based on phantoms and figments of the imagination, not on fossils and the facts of science. Stephen Gould and Niles Eldredge put it this way: “Phyletic gradualism [gradual evolution] … was never ‘seen’ in the rocks.” Evolution was never seen in the rocks! Evolution is not a logical inference from scientific observations, because the observations were contrary to the theory right from the start, even as Darwin said.
If it wasn’t based on evidence or logic, then, where did the concept of evolution come from? Gould and Eldredge supply the answer: “It [gradual evolution] expressed the cultural and political biases of 19th century liberalism.” That’s what has been passed off in our school systems for 100 years as the “fact of evolution”—“the cultural and political biases of 19th century liberalism.”

2007-02-05 17:12:20 · answer #2 · answered by upsman 5 · 1 0

Yes, God may have used the process of evolution to create life forms on earth. He may also have used the Big Bang theory to create the universe. In fact, Fred Hoyle who developed the theory, found an unknown force that is making the universe expand which made him a believer.
Science and religion cannot be separated. Albert Einstein said in his book 'Out of My Later Years' that "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind".
God who is Absolute Wisdom will not ignore the discoveries of the wisdom of Science. There are many scientists besides Einstein and Hoyle who discovered God through Science. Thus, Science may be another path towards the discovery of God.
Have a blessed and peaceful day

2007-02-05 16:58:37 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not if you're a strictst on evolution.

BREEDING, for example. HUMANS breeding DOGS is NOT evolution.


If God has a Plan and it's a script and it's the GENOME it's NOT evolution.

I once likened Intellegent Design to an Arcade Game Program where there is a DEFINATE begining and END, but the programmer included RANDOM generations by RANDOM number sources.

That means you'd NEVER get the same thing twice as a general rule.

Now, if GOD programms in random factors, even if they are finite in numbers, but with NO definate "rigging" of the table, then evolution would take a play.

This would mean, and based on the millions of sperm and the 50 eggs of women it looks like God build in some RANDOM factors.

NOW, you'd HAVE to be able to PROVE GOD selected, by hand, ONE sperm and I'm not sure GOD gets that involved in our lives.

If so, then there is no FREE WILL and ALL of us should be eligible for heaven for GOD has RIGGED the game and WE can't win unless he lets us. That's unfair and NOT befitting a GOD.

So to say, I made you a murderer so you go to hell because of it, is unfair and UN-GODLY by ANYONE's description.

I think GOD did programm in a RANDOM factor and that each baby we make is a dice throw and natural can randomly pick and chose what to evolve over time.

Does this mean we came from Apes. No.

Does this mean we'll evolve into Spirts like God. Doubtful or no.

It means we might one day all have children like Mozart or children that don't have tonsils.

Jesus was not EVOLUTION it was REVOLUTION. It was BREEDING.

That was GOD's DIRECT willfull intent.

Obviously because EVOLUTION wasn't doing it's job. AT least NOT the job of MAKING US BETTER.

So GOD sent something to "change the direction of the river manually" and that was Jesus.

That is NOT evoultion. So I think it shows GOD has built some RANDOMNESS into us. Yes, that was PLANNED, but I don't think GOD personally selects each ovum and sperm.

God just lets what will be happen.

2007-02-05 16:54:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I thought scientists only believed in things that they could prove !
Where is the proof of evolution ? How can some things evolve & not others ? Why is a crocodile still the same as it has always been ? The world has " swallowed " a lie & now preaches it as fact like a newly formed religion taklng no account of the creator .

2007-02-13 16:39:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Of course He could, theoretically speaking.

But the greater question is, Was He the guiding force behind evolution? What did He have to say about how He created everything?

Reading the Bible in a commonsensical way, God told us clearly that He CREATED everything in SIX DAYS. So there is no room for any evolutionary compromise views.

2007-02-05 16:58:18 · answer #6 · answered by Seraph 4 · 0 0

There is a great video online (sources listed below) where a "Dr." Kent Hovind (a Creationist aka "Dr. Dino") debates a scientist (I forget his name) on creation vs. evolution. Hovind spins a pretty good tale, but unfortunately showcasing his lack of knowledge in biology, archeology, and of course, evolutionary theory. The scientist is a somewhat dry presenter, but he does get off a good line against Hovind: "Apparently Dr Hovind thinks his all-powerful God can do anything -- EXCEPT use evolution as a means to create everything in the universe." Hovind's response was something akin to "any God who used evolution to make us would be a retarded God." Nice....

Google "Hovind debate" and you'll find many vids on him, including a nice one with Micheal Shermer of Skeptic magazine. Oh, before I forget -- Hovind, the nice man who believes in God and is a Creationist, was sentenced last month to TEN YEARS IN PRISON for tax evasion. Seems he tried to convince the IRS that since "God made everything," Hovind doesn't own anything of his own, and therefore doesn't need to pay taxes on anything, including the money he makes from his Creationist Museum in Pensacola, Florida, USA. as well as his numerous speaking engagements. Whatever happened to "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesars, and to God that which is God's"?

2007-02-13 07:26:25 · answer #7 · answered by innovator 2 · 0 0

Yes; you've hit the nail right on the head. God is the essence of all things, and a process as beautifully simple and effective as evolution could only have been produced through God.

2007-02-05 16:46:08 · answer #8 · answered by Voodoo Lady 3 · 1 1

That is pretty much standard for Anglicans, Episcopalians, most Roman Catholics, and Europeans in general. Most theologians in Europe are evolutionists, as are many in the United States. But Fundamentalists, of both the Christian and atheist varieties, don't want to allow this as a viable option.

2007-02-05 16:45:36 · answer #9 · answered by Aspurtaime Dog Sneeze 6 · 1 0

Why do we need a God then?

If there was some Divine force it clearly has decided to leave us the hell alone and let us evolve as we will without interferance! SO WHY BOTHER TO THINK OF A GOD!!


2007-02-05 16:45:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Make sure you mention in there that the missing link has not been found, so all this is, is an assumption. When you find the link that links us 2 monkeys we'll have some thing 2 talk about.

2007-02-05 16:47:50 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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