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If a man goes to heaven, and the wife that he loved all of his life goes to hell, how is it possible for that person to experience heavenly bliss? I would think the thought of his wife suffering for time and all eternity would make him very sad and possibly angery at God for sending her there.

Please no BS answers like "God only knows" or "God would make sure that you are happy"

2007-02-05 16:17:49 · 21 answers · asked by super_mannurse 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Also, don't give me the BS answer that "God does not send you to hell, you send yourself to hell." Maybe we can try to think outside the box for once.

2007-02-05 16:45:32 · update #1

21 answers

It would not be possible. You are absolutely correct in calling this belief as not being compatible with a loving God. You've been taught a belief that is held by many Christians as true but has it's roots in Paganism. Study the bible with an open mind for yourself and you will find a much more peaceful answer to this unthinkable possibility.

2007-02-05 16:24:51 · answer #1 · answered by Mr. E 7 · 1 0

Can I ask you a tough question about hell?

Will the person in hell be happy or sad that the person he loved is in heaven enjoying heavenly bliss? Will he therefore "enjoy" hell because he is comforted that his loved ones are in heaven? I mean, if people in heaven are supposed to be sad, then should it mean that people in hell should be happy?

You see, you made a lot of mistakes in your posting, or rather made some assumptions. Firstly, we have no personal experience of heavenly life to be able to judge how things would be like in heaven. Secondly, God does not send people to hell. You make it sound as if God was acting like a tyrant. No, sinful people send themselves to hell. The judge did not send you to prison, your crime qualified you for that "luxury all expenses paid" stay. Thirdly, you ignore the Scriptures which says that there will be no more tears and no more curse in the new heavens and new earth. At the end of the day God is vindicated, and I can only say that "only God knows" how we can praise Him for all eternity while the rest of the unbelievers languish in hell.

2007-02-06 00:41:02 · answer #2 · answered by Seraph 4 · 0 1

There is no such place as hell it is mistranslated from the word hades that means death when you die you just die you don't go to heaven or hell directly after you die you just go to a state of dead until Jesus comes a second time when he comes and judges us and resurrects the believers and builds a new earth and that's where you get the idea of heaven on earth. In John 3:13 Jesus says No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came down from heaven-the Son of Man. If you think logically about it it would not be right for a Loving God to sentence his creation to eternal burning especially when you could not be burnt totally up because to suffer for the rest of eternity you couldn't be totally burned up or you would die. that idea just does not make since

2007-02-06 03:04:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The truth is that God does not approve of burning any of his children in a firey torment. If the man in your illustration loves his wife too much to be happy at the prospect, how much more so does God love all of us?? (See Jeremiah 7:31 and John 3:16).

2007-02-06 01:17:28 · answer #4 · answered by Sparkle1 6 · 0 0

Don't you realize Christians are so big on not acceptingh responcibility for anything they pass this trait on to God aswell.
They say, "God doesn't send people to hell you send yourself."
As if you judge yourself and say yes I deserve to burn in fire forever. Then you create this place called hell and toss yourself in there! IT IS SICK!

It's just like the husband that beats his wife then says, SEE WHAT YOU MADE ME DO! As if she grabbed his hand made it into a fist and pulled her face into it over and over!

What you mentioned is just one reason why even if I would be accepted into this Heaven I would be incapable of being there. I could have nothing but hate for a God that tortures anyone and doesn't even have the stones to take responcibility for his actions!!!
After all he created every soul knowing how the would turn out!

2007-02-06 00:24:56 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

All bondages are earthly, a man and woman live together on earth as husband and wife, in heaven the soul is a super abstraction of a human and deals only with god and the humans own deeds

2007-02-06 00:22:34 · answer #6 · answered by balaji s 2 · 1 0

this is a question that you would have to ask a scholar. in my religion (islam) we make a hajj (pilgrimage) this teaches muslims that when we look around and we all are praying for forgivness of god that on the day of judgement we are all accountable for our OWN sins. a good husband and a good wife guides each other in unity to a richous life. the husband is responsible for what is wife does to an extent. in islam the man is the protector of the woman. once we are dead and if we are fortunate enough to make it to JENNEH (HEAVEN) then we are no longer subject to the emotions like we have on earth. this can be applied to your children as well. think about it what person wants to see their children burning in hell. we all have our path in choosing a faith and most people try to live their life according to ones teachings. god knows that we are not perfect. according to islam allah is oft forgiven MOST MERCIFUL. there is no way around the cliche answer that you do not want to hear. but in truth only god knows. i know that there is a haddith in islam that says if a husband dies pleased with his wife she may enter paradise in which ever door she pleases. of corse this is subject to other criterias in which she would have to meet. example not commiting shirk. tis means associating partners with god.

2007-02-06 02:06:56 · answer #7 · answered by wedjb 6 · 0 0

as per my understanding of what things will be like at that time

you will never be able to hold God responsible for your wife's decisions, you will also have a much better understanding of all the opportunities God gave your wife to change her mind.

apparently when we meet some one in heaven we will not have to be introduced, we will just know.

I cannot give you references for all of this but this is what I've come to believe over time, I could be way off base?

2007-02-06 00:28:33 · answer #8 · answered by Dave 3 · 0 0

God sends no one to hell its a personal choice

2007-02-06 00:24:47 · answer #9 · answered by Are we using our brains today 3 · 1 0

i also heard something on the lines that we will remember those who we have loved and friends and know they did not make it. however we wont be sad for them because we also will realize that they made the choice they did. in a way like on earth when i know a drunk driver hit a tree and died maybe it is wrong but i dont feel sorry for them at all for they should not have been driving while they were drunk. i do feel sorry for those who are killed because a drunk driver. however i also know that when someone you know was saved you dont cry as much but rather you rejoice they are in heaven. however when someone dies on earth and you were not sure or you pretty much had a idea they did not make it you cry more.

i believe we are hear to serve God and to worship God and to live for God and not ourselves. and to witness for him.

2007-02-06 00:26:30 · answer #10 · answered by dannamanna99 5 · 0 1

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