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22 answers

Oh gosh I have to think about that for awhile, I'll get back to you

2007-02-05 16:09:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Probably a lot would choose to die. I say that judging from all the depressed and suicidal people out there. That's just a bi-product of shoving this evolutionary atheistic worldview down the throats of everyone in todays schools and secular humanist culture.
What does atheism(and it's twin sister evolution) tell us about life? It tells us that everything came from nothing and it came about just by random chance. 'Nothing' just 'blew up' or should we say 'started expanding' like a balloon(the big bang). It expanded for 15 billion years and is still expanding. Fifty years ago no one knew you or I were coming. All of a sudden we appear on this earth and 99.99999% of the world still doesn't know we are here and will never know. We live our 70 years on this earth in a life that is filled with problems, one after another. There's no God to help us in our problems. All there is out there is matter, molecules in motion and cold dark space. We're just 'cosmic orphans'. We are the accidental by-product of nature. A result of matter plus time plus chance. There is no real reason for our existence. With no hope of immortality our life leads only to the grave. Our life is but a spark in the infinite blackness, a spark that appears, flickers and dies forever. Compared to the infinite stretch of time, the span of mans life is but an infinitesimal moment, and yet this is all the life he will ever know. If life just ends at the grave then it makes no difference whether one has lived as a Hitler or as a Mother Theresa. Since one's destiny is ultimately unrelated to one's behavior, you might as well live as you please. You die, go into the grave and the worms eat you. That's it. You're gone. Mother Theresa isn't sitting up there on a cloud looking down at Hitler and saying "you should have been more like me".There's no more consciousness
Why live like Mother Theresa. She spent her whole life living in a garbage dump because that's where the people she ministered to lived. Hitler had fame, women, money, lived in mansions, had power and total authority, was loved in his own country. Then when he knew the allies were closing in and his glory days were coming to an end he took a gun and blew his brains out. He had nothing to lose. He lived to be almost 60 and he had everything. If there's no God there's no final accountability. You tell me who had a better life. One hundred years after we're dead, very few, if anyone, will know that we ever lived. Then the universe will go on for another 15 billion years and die a heat death. Mankind is a doomed race in a dying universe. Because the universe will eventually cease to exist, it makes no difference whether it ever did exist. Mankind is no more significant than a swarm of mosquitos or a barnyard of pigs, for their end is all the same. No wonder Oliver Wendell Holmes, one of America's most famous legal minds(and also an atheist), once said that he saw no difference between a man, an ant and a rock. The same blind cosmic process(evolution) that coughed them up in the first place will eventually swallow them again. Atheism says that man is just a lump of slime that somehow evolved into rationality. No wonder that even in this country, the suicide rate is is in the stratisphere and 25-30 million people are clinically on drugs for depression. That's the bi-product 40-45 years since we changed our culture from a christian culture to a secular culture back in the 60's during the sexual revolution.
If the bible is true, we're all going to die once. That just transfers us into the next life where we will spend an eternity. The question is where? You decide that in this life. Hebrews 9:27 says "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment".

2007-02-05 16:45:19 · answer #2 · answered by upsman 5 · 0 0

Going to Heaven. First, because residing forever perfect will make you satisfied. God does no longer make eternal perfection depressing. also, have not you ever study the outline of the Heavenly city in Revelation 21:9-27? That position can make Donald Trump's jaw drop. this is remarkable! also, Psalm 16:11 says "on your presence there is fullness of excitement, at your top hand there are pleasures forevermore". it really is David speaking below the muse of the Holy Spirit about Heaven.

2016-10-17 05:36:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The only reason I would say live is for my children. They need me. Otherwise, die. This world is so heartless, immoral, and uncaring now. It's like there is not much good left in it. From Europe to Asia to Australia to the US, things are just spiraling downward. Who wants to live in that? Now that I know how the world is compared to when I was 18, honestly, I wouldn't have brought children into this world only becuase of that fact. I love them so much I don't want them to experience how most of this world has become. God willing, they will make it.

2007-02-05 16:16:38 · answer #4 · answered by Proud Muslimaah-Beautiful Islaam 3 · 0 0

I hate to say it, but to be honest I'd probably end up choosing eternal life, at least if those were my only choices. If I was allowed also to just simply live out my life in it's natural span I'd probably choose that, but dying right now . . .I'm healthy and in my twenties. I don't think I could choose to just end it now.

2007-02-05 16:18:24 · answer #5 · answered by Isis-sama 5 · 0 0

i would choose 2 live forever.

2007-02-05 16:09:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Not me. I'd take the living forever.

2007-02-05 16:15:16 · answer #7 · answered by fifimsp1 4 · 0 0

Living forever, Really?


I think that being immortal is the most horrible thing ever. You just be immortal like that and you can't die, you'll ultimately go nuts

2007-02-05 16:08:04 · answer #8 · answered by FAUUFDDaa 5 · 1 1

Give me the immortality. I could keep myself busy. There's always something new to learn because eventually you forget things and you can relearn them all over again.

2007-02-05 16:20:14 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'd choose to die right now, I've seen enough of my family buried already!!!! Don't want to have to bury any of my children.....

2007-02-05 16:17:59 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It depends, do you become withered and unable to speak, walk or function properly if you live forever?

2007-02-05 16:09:21 · answer #11 · answered by freeballn83 2 · 1 0

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