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Seriously, haven't you ever thought that it is unfair to lump us all into the same boat? Most Catholics/Christians do not molest little boys, and while every human alive is a hypocrite really, some of us are actually trying to live it and not just preach it. I see all the time people saying "Christians are always saying this and doing that", I think alot of people have had bad experiences with Church and people who claim to be Christian, and this is a real problem because those people are turning others away fro the love of Christ, but please, actually read the Gospels and consider that if someone isn't living like Jesus said they should, they are not a Christian so please do not hold us responsible for their actions. Many Churches are full of hypocrites, but so is Wal-mart, and I bet you still shop there. If you went to church and didn't feel welcome, chances are you were at the wrong one.

2007-02-05 15:46:45 · 25 answers · asked by ? 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Jett: You are pretty sure huh? Why dpn't you just click my icon and find out before you go pointing fingers?

2007-02-06 09:40:38 · update #1

Laci: I am judging atheists because I question the foundations of their beliefs? Typical...

2007-02-06 09:42:50 · update #2

25 answers

well said

and for every person who is bringing attention to those who claim to be Christians and are clearly not by their actions often are ignoring the hundreds who live day by day living the christian life and making a difference to all around them

yes some churches are unwelcoming - been thru that myself - but those churches end up closing after a while anyway cos no one wants to be treated like a leper just cos they ha vent been there before

although these places ought to be named and shamed to warn others off - dont tar ALL churches with the same brush

other churches are kind caring and compassionate and are full of people who truly love Jesus and want to live in a way that honours him too

2007-02-05 15:56:00 · answer #1 · answered by Aslan 6 · 1 2

Well your statement about living like Jesus just put all the Arch Bishops Priests the Pope and all the Princes and Princess 'd of the church out of Christianities circle then didn't it?

None of these people live anything like the style supposedly lived by the prophet Jesus! He lived as a poor man amongst the poor. He did not dwell in fine monasteries or elaborate buildings lined with gold. He did not wear rich embroidered gold threaded robes or have a collection of gold artifacts made from the stolen spoils of societies destructed by the Christians in the Name of the God King and Pope!

So you weren't around at the time all this was happening, well that doesn't change the fact that you are supporting a belief system that has gained its power from subjugation murder, rape destruction and pillage. Christianity and other religions have a lot to answer for. I was brought up in the Catholic faith, but am embarrassed to admit it. I encountered the sadistic views of nuns who caned my fingernails in their ignorance because I was left handed. Satan has to be removed from you and you must use the right hand as that is the hand that God favors. Oh yes real intelligent and informed caring people these Christian nuns.
Then there were my friends who were molested by the priest and some of the Brothers at CBC yes another great Christian deed, indulge in Sodomy praying ( preying) took on a whole different meaning for many of the borders there.

So lets all respect the Christians for their views and actions of the past because they have all being doing Gods work!
If your going to pontificate, make sure you look beyond the rhetoric doled out by the people who have pulled the wool over your sheep eyes

2007-02-06 00:04:46 · answer #2 · answered by Shelty K 5 · 1 0

I understand what you're saying and I've said this myself. I'm not a Christian and I left that faith for one reason, way too much hypocrisy.

It's not that non-Christians have a huge problem with Christians, they have a problem with some people condemning them and cramming their beliefs down their throat. I've yet to meet a Christian who doesn't do this in some way or another and use the old "I must spread the word" excuse.

I realize not all Christians are this way but at the same time, I've not yet encountered one who isn't that way.

People would be much better off if they just lived and let live. If someone doesn't like the idea of religion, that's fine. That between them and God, if He exists. Everyone's path is different and most Christians cannot accept that at all.

2007-02-05 23:57:28 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I have heard the excuse well they're not a real Christian so much that I realized something. A REAL Christian is like bigfoot. Just when you think you actually found one it turns out to be a man in a monkey suit!!!

My chief problem with Christians is a two fold one.

1. They think they are responcibile for the actions of someone thousands of years ago! (SIN)
2. They think that they are removed nfrom all responcibility for their actions by the actions of someone else thousands of years ago! (SALVATION)

As for the bible (That man made piece of crap) let me explain something to you. It is filled with more wholes then swiss cheese!!!
You want proof? FINE HERE YOU GO
JOHN 3:3 Jesus said Except a man be born again he can not see the kingdom of God.
LUKE 17:21 Jesus speeking again said Behold the kingdom of God is within you!!
This is cldearly a contradiction since if something is within you all along there is no way that any stupid ritual can change that fact!!

I can go on but If you want to hear more then Email me at Iblis_6969@yahoo.com

I am not just talking out of my a*s I know the bible and that is why I can honestly say I HATE THE BOOK AND ITS GOD!!

2007-02-06 00:00:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You have tried to address one of the problems I have about Christianity in saying that people have bad experiences and that those people are the bad apples of the christian community who cause people to shie away from the light of the church. But that is the problem! Every time we have to hear the same excuse, they are not "real" Christians, or they don't understand the "true" meaning of the gospel. The christian movement is sending mixed signals. Those mixed signals combined with all the absurdities that surround religion leaves a bad taste.

2007-02-06 01:04:50 · answer #5 · answered by Rabble Rouser 4 · 0 0

It hits both sides of the ring, until its no longer worth fighting over. There's a high level of immaturity in this forum... at least during the day. I think I've noticed a few people that like to challenge others in a positive and constructive manner, while a greater number of other people like to display their ignorance for all to see. Its fun either way. The trollers tend to lump together, while the more serious ones like to stick together as well. I've found the best policy is to only answer the questions that are worth answering, and don't take anything you see here to heart. Just have fun.

2007-02-07 20:17:03 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

While I agree that stereotyping isn't right, the vast majority of people I know who say they are Christian are indeed hypocrites. To simply brush that off as 'they aren't really Christians' does no good. They think they are, they say they are, their churches back them in that assumption.

Maybe those who truly act like a follower of Jesus need to start a new religion? Christianity as a whole has earned its bad reputation for a couple of thousand years.

2007-02-05 23:54:38 · answer #7 · answered by Sun: supporting gay rights 7 · 2 0

I'm fine with Average Joe Christian.

I'm not fine with Christians that don't except other religions or other gods as being just as valid as their own.
I'm not fine with people preaching that it's a just and loving God, because I've actually read the Bible 8 times, cover to cover, in the last few years.
I'm not fine with people harassing me and threatening me because I'm going to their hell. Really -- there are WAY better ways to go about it.
I'm not fine with Bible minded legislation being shoved at people. Slavery was aokay in the Bible, but we've managed to turn that over.

And I don't shop at WalMart.

You see, my problem with Christians is their concept of right and wrong thoughts -- black and white thinking. There are so many hate crimes acted upon BY Christians TO Christians. Either you're Catholic or you're a Heathen that needs to Burn. Either you're Protestant or you're a Heathen that needs to Burn.

2007-02-05 23:56:45 · answer #8 · answered by Annie 3 · 2 0

Moderate Christians serve as a buffer make int more acceptable to use Christianity as a means of governing, eg trying to get creationism taught in schools, abstenence only sex education, are against abortion because embryos supposedly have a "soul", oppose Same-Sex Marriage only because the bible says to stone gay people, they vote for Christian candidates and refuse to vote for ahteists candidates (63% of america will note vote for an atheist pres. candidate), thier constant, unreasonable pressure on media outlets causing censorship. Essentially, I am sick of "values". Words like "family values" etc are just code for legislating sin. I don't subscribe to sin and I resent having rules made for me based on belief in a fictional book.

If more "non-fundie" Christians stood up against the theocratic behviors of the Evangelicals, if they drew a distinct line and behaved in the secular best interest of the country, they would not be lumped in with the whacky extremist religious right.

2007-02-05 23:58:16 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

My problem with Christianity has little to nothing to do with the Christians themselves. I'm aware there's good and bad in every group. My problem is with the core aspects of the religion itself. It is my opinion that Christianity, while riddled with good intentions, is a fundamentally damaging religion. Its core teachings, ranging from obedience to God to original sin to universal love, I believe are both psychologically and emotionally harmful -- and something that should never be taught to a young child as being an absolute truth.

P.S. I NEVER shop at Wal-Mart. And I have been to Christian churches in the past were the people were very welcoming and I liked them very much. Like I said, that was never the problem. Stop making so many assumptions.

2007-02-05 23:51:29 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 8 1

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