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How can i have more faith in god? i am really pissed. i ask god for things and i feel like he doesnt answer me. he is supposed to be a father but why would a dad ignore his son? i know sometimes the answer is no to benefit us but i ask for ex: help in school, health, finding a job. but i just got hired for a job but i broke my wrist so now i cant be hired, i cant write notes for school, and i am in pain. why does he do this to me? how does this make sence? plz help! i am afraid i will lose my faith completely.

2007-02-05 15:08:44 · 14 answers · asked by cutegirl 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

God did not break your wrist.

Just believe His Word and do what He says, keep seeking Him and don't give up!

Jeremiah 33:3
'Call to me, (God), and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.

Jeremiah 29:13-14
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

I will be found by you," declares the LORD


I will pray for you!

2007-02-05 19:08:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Calm you angry heart. He did not do those things to you. Look at the bigger picture, we are not just all individuals going about our buss lives, making no difference to anyone else. Everything we do has an impact, whether we intend it to or not, on someone els' life.

You dont know, if ur wrist didnt break and you go that job, you might have missed some other much greater opportunity that is still coming. maybe the job wasn't right for you. It could be that someone else, someone who is in need of that job much more than you are, now has the opportunity to get it.

(How did you break Ur wrist?There are pain killers you can take, but this is all part of growing up and growing older...all part of life.)

Be grateful for the things you do have. God said in the Bible that we should not worry about the little things in life, such as where we will get the nest meal or clothes or stuff like that. He will take care of us just like he takes care of the much less important creatures such as the birds and flowers.

Just keep faith in God. U are not the only one, these things happen to people who believe in God as well, but we keep our faith, and with Jesus at our side, we can make it through anything.

He will take care of you. All you need to do is ask Him, your burdens will be lifted.

2007-02-13 16:32:13 · answer #2 · answered by Eryn v 3 · 1 0

Don't give up little one but I understand the pain you are in. Wel they say God doesn't give us more than we can endure, but even I wonder about that sometimes. But at the same time it must mean God think me more capable than even I think I am, so he tests me..I mean you. And if we are made out of gold. The only way gold is tested for pureness is being pounded and battered and dunked in the water and done so more..Wow! Well I admit I hate it at times, but that's the struggle of faith.

Whenever I think about myself, I stop and think of others like the martyrs in prisons who are Christians and will never see their families because of their faith. I think of the less fortunate around the world. Sometimes I see I know a brother or sister that is handicapped or has an arm missing or leg or poor and yet I see the joy of the Lord on their face. And you know I envy them.

But their secret is and I struggle with it is to realize no matter what happens to me, God is on the throne of my life in ever way.

Don't give up your faith or your hope. Be glad you are tested which means you are God's child. He must have some work prepared for you. Just be patient and pray to God every day and believe.

I will pray for you and God bless you.

2007-02-13 22:58:48 · answer #3 · answered by Uncle Remus 54 7 · 0 0

god will answer you when the time is right. maybe u broke your wrist because there is a better job out there for u ...my son died Jan Friday the 13th of last year..his father and step mother are under investigation for his death 4mo before he died a judge gave the father custody he held me in default because i didn't show up and he gave the dad custody however I was never notified that i had court..the father or step mother was beating on my son and no one would help me the police called 2XS i called 2XS and 2 different doctors called for the black eyes hand prints bite marks and cigarette burns my son would have when he came. I prayed to god asking him to return my son to me I would not forsake him anymore my baby was 1 when he passed I kept faith I believed god gave me a choice to have him with them knowing he was being hurt and knowing the system wasn't listening to me or to have him with god where no one can hurt him. I accepted god had taken him home to protect him. I gave birth to another son Feb 4th of 07..god has answered my prayers it may not be kegan , but he is safe know and I love xzavian very much and I thank god for my new baby boy everyday. also my mother had my daughter for 3 years of her life I always prayed to god to give her back to me I didnt think he ever heard me i got custody of her back oct 30th of 06 so look at this as a blessing..also I am far from religious very far so in all if I can keep faith you shopuld too he will reward u in the end

2007-02-13 22:12:25 · answer #4 · answered by 2WOLVES 2 · 0 0

Is God your servant? Why do you make demands of Him? It is our eternal position to be HIS servant, not the other way around. Your love for God is fleeting and impure if you think that just because you asked Him for something, He should give it to you. Did you think maybe you don't deserve it? What have you done for Him? God is like the father who has done everything for his children and they still treat him like dirt. They never stand on their own because they are too weak to survive on their own. They only speak to him when they need something. This is why you are in pain. It's called punishment which every good father does for his children.

Suck it up and try to make a relationship with God in which you serve Him and then maybe He'll help you.

2007-02-13 22:27:00 · answer #5 · answered by Heather H 2 · 0 0

when I broke my wrist, my husbands first response was "I thought God looked out for people like you"
My response was maybe he was, I could have broke my hip.
I pray God give me the patience to endure this life and be happy with what it brings me. He doesn't punish me, I would have broke my wrist whether I were a Christian or a non-believer. But with God I deal with lifes problems with a sense of peace. I hope that I learn from all life deals me good and bad, and become stronger with each thing I overcome. I only overcome with Gods grace. I sometimes feel like Job, but with each ordeal I must depend on God for my peace of mind.
I pray and God answers, he just doesn't always answer in the way you want.
God and prayer isn't a requests board. It is supposed to be a time to glorify God and praise him. I know you can think of at least one thing to thank him for. I know you can think of one need for someone else, instead of your own, to pray for. Sometimes thru prayer for him and someone elses needs gives you a victory over your problems.

2007-02-13 17:13:45 · answer #6 · answered by PAT 2 · 1 0

Often people try to blame God for things that happen to them. There is a purpose for everything and you and I just don't understand that purpose at the time it happens. We can not blame God when the Devil is trying to set us up for failure. Consider Job...all kinds of bad things happened to him, and even though he was just a righteous human being, he did not complain to God about what was going on, he continued doing what God would expect him to do. It was a test of faith, and he passed with flying colors. Don't lose your faith young lady...it's Satan trying to make you stumble and lose sight of God. Persevere to the end, and pray unceasingly!

2007-02-13 20:35:32 · answer #7 · answered by Jalapinomex 5 · 0 0

First, I would start by respecting Him. Try capitalizing His name. It'll do you a lot of good.

The way to have the most faith is this:

Live like your salvation depends entirely upon you.

Pray like your salvation depends entirely upon God.

If you do this, in the end you'll end up ok. Either that or you can go see the Mormons. They'll have a lot of interesting information on faith.

2007-02-13 15:58:55 · answer #8 · answered by James, Pet Guy 4 · 0 0

My dear, faith is not based in any specific result. It is based in the Word of God. He said He would never leave you nor forsake you. He is right there with you through your suffering and trials. He has reasons far above what we can understand. Can you trust Him to do what is best for your ETERNAL good and not just the next few days? Look at Job - talk about trials but God had His reasons. Can you love Him and trust Him enough to let HIM be God instead of trying to get Him down to your level? For every child of God there is provision, endurance, presence, strength and eternal working out of His will in your spirit. "ALL things work together for good to those who love Him and are the called according to His purpose." Don't tie your faith into specific answers, tie your Faith into God and His Word - His ability to see the end from the beginning and what is for your eternal good. God did not "do that to you" - but He will "be there with you," if you let Him. Let God be God - you just be His loving, trusting child.

2007-02-13 03:41:50 · answer #9 · answered by wd 5 · 1 1

GOD's delay is not GOD's denial.

Read Job in the OT. GOD did not do those things to Job, but he allowed the enemy, satan, to do them to Job because GOD believed (and rightly so) that Job would not lose faith in GOD.

Hang in there, and keep the faith.

2007-02-13 22:17:51 · answer #10 · answered by woman of faith 5 · 0 0

Frustrating isn't it!!

I have been pleading for God to answer one prayer in particular for a few years now and he still hasn't. I suppose he has other plans for me. Better plans than my plans. After all, his ways are not my ways and are far greater.

Please don't give up believing. The best thing to do in circumstances like this (or in any circumstance come to that) is to spend regular time with him in prayer and reading his word. And if, like me, you feel that you are hitting your head against a brick wall, please don't give up. We cannot begin to know what power our prayers have in the spiritual realm even though they seem dry.

I know some badthingshave happened to you buttry to focus and be thankful for all the good things that have happened. There are SO many.

2007-02-11 02:18:19 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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