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Why,when a quote is given from the koran revealing the true mohamad , that moslems say it is wrong without giving the correct quote or even worse don't respond... I thought they were supposed to fight liars and disbeleivers... or maybe, by their silence, they are really telling us all that it is all horribly true!

Qur'an:9:123 "Fight the unbelievers around you, and let them find harshness in you."

What is your opinion?

2007-02-05 14:17:26 · 3 answers · asked by digger 1 in Education & Reference Quotations

3 answers

Praise be to Allah. (Please Read This Comment)

Here's a copy of my answer to the copy of your question you've asked before.

First: what you have done isn't weird to any muslim and doesn't worry us about our religion because what you did is just the OLD BORING TRICK of Islam enemies which is "pick the quote and leave the rest which explains it". It's like when Allah says in the aayah (interpretation of the meaning):

“Approach not As-Salaah (the prayer) when you are in a drunken state until you know (the meaning) of what you utter” [al-Nisaa’:43]

If I'm one of the enemies of Islam I'll say: Islam religion doesn't encourage the prayer and asks people to leave it and it's evidenced in the Qur'aan itself as it says "Approach not As-Salaah (the prayer)". And leave the rest that explains it.

Second: we dont refer to Qur'aan verses in numbers as what u did (9:123) but u have to write it in this manner (Surat AL-TAWBA verse number 123)

Third: Is what you are saying true?? let's find out.

Fourth : Surat AL-TAWBA (REPENTANCE) has 2 main points to show beside other points:
1- to reveal the Islamic law in treating non muslims.
2- to show the reaction of muslims when the prophet (peace be upon him) was motivating them to spread Islam in Greece.

Fifth: My words will be concerned on the first point that Prophet mohammed (peace be upon him) allowed the disbelievers to live among muslim society but on 2 conditions ;
1- to pay the Jizyah (tax) to the Muslims in return for protection.
2- not to fight against Muslims in thier raids.
those 2 conditions could be canceled if disbelievers accepted Islam as thier religion.

Sixth: several times those disbelievers especially Jews rescinded that convenant. So Allah revealed this Surah to prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) to cancel those convenants with them. let's see the first 8 verses (interpretation of the meaning):
001 - Freedom from obligation (is proclaimed) from Allah and His messenger toward those of the idolaters with whom ye made a treaty.
002 - Go ye, then, for four months, backwards and forwards, (as ye will), throughout the land, but know ye that ye cannot frustrate Allah (by your falsehood) but that Allah will cover with shame those who reject Him.
003 - And an announcement from Allah and His Messenger to the people on the day of the greater pilgrimage that Allah and His Messenger are free from liability to the idolaters; therefore if you repent, it will be better for you, and if you turn back, then know that you will not weaken Allah; and announce painful punishment to those who disbelieve.
004 - Except those of the idolaters with whom you made an agreement, then they have not failed you in anything and have not backed up any one against you, so fulfill their agreement to the end of their term; surely Allah loves those who are careful (of their duty).
005 - So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate (zakah), leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
006 - And if one of the idolaters seek protection from you, grant him protection till he hears the word of Allah, then make him attain his place of safety; this is because they are a people who do not know.
007 - How can there be an agreement for the idolaters with Allah and with His Messenger; except those with whom you made an agreement at the Sacred Mosque? So as long as they are true to you, be true to them; surely Allah loves those who are careful (of their duty).
008 - How (can it be)! while if they prevail against you, they would not pay regard in your case to ties of relationship, nor those of covenant; they please you with their mouths while their hearts do not consent; and most of them are transgressors.

Seventh: Allah in verse no. 123 (interpretation of the meaning) says:
"O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him)."

Allah orders the believer to fight the disbeliever near to them first because of what they did and then move to a next level: to spread Islam in far lands as Greece.

So what you did is just that u picked the verse leaving what the whole Surah is talking about.

2007-02-07 05:22:21 · answer #1 · answered by Khalid H 4 · 1 0

the above verse was revealed during a battle between muslims and some unbelievers. Clearly, the verse says "fight the unbelievers AROUND YOU", this means those non-believers fighting the muslims as at that time. If the verse says something like "fight the unbelievers", it would have meant every unbeliever. The Qur'an is not just translated based on the text, most times, the historical background has to be considered, just as in the above verse! you hardly find a non-islamic website stating that. Just be careful where you get your information from, because you may be brained-washed as many people are!

2016-05-23 22:13:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

ok "digger"....i am a muslim and thank god i recite and pray everyday..and i'll tell you one thing..if i were the way you describe muslims, then my answer andprobably every muslim's answer would be"aiii you m***** ********** ***** ***** ****** ***** how dare you ****** say this ***** about " blah blah blah blah blah.. BUT as you can see..we did'nt.. that proves at least an inkling of peace don't you think? and since you obviously look like a person who has very much studied every little part of the quran..why do you twist and turn the meanings of the quran and y do you just look at the aggresive parts of the quran?? so this proves you just research it to satisfy your fake beliefs about it..and by the way.. who the hell ever told you that you can just research the sayings of quran and ASSUME of it being false? why don't you also read about the prophet's time, im sure you'll find it interesting how the "disbelievers" tortured them.. how they kicked muslims when they prayed, how they threw trash at them as they walked by.. dont we have a right to be aggresive with them?and mohammed (pbuh) NEVER did he EVER do any of their childish acts in return..EVER.and us muslims now adays can't take it anymore..would you like it if we threw accusations about jesus? even if we very much believe in him?..now about the prophet.. you say he's a "pedophile" or a "pervert" right digger? ok now digger what is a prophet's job? correct me if i am wrong but isnt he a person who shows god's followers how to live life the way the religion or god wants?? now how can he prove that it is not wrong in the religion to marry a girl who just matured or marry a girl who is 25 years older than him to a bunch of people who are willing to become muslims (his companions) without showing them? he has married alot of women to justify that it is not wrong in the religion.. won't you want to see if some particular action is accepted or not accepted in YOUR religion BEFORE you do it? no further comment about this matter..and take every other thing in the religion.. they all have one thing in common.. THEY ALL HAVE A REASON TO BE THERE.take a simple thing like tatoos..look it up and if you don't find it, i will personally explain..now i wrote all of this because i saw your questions and all you ever rave about is islam..if you have something against it.. thats your problem and no matter how hard we explain it to you, you'll still have this grudge against it then that is a psychological problem...report me for abuse maybe? but all i am doing is hoping this will clarify a bit of your assumptions.have a nice day digger..

2007-02-07 20:52:16 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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