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I had depression a year ago and i know the symptoms. I was on prozac but have been off it for awhile. I'm wondering if it is coming back. I've had a problem at work with getting along with a co-worker. It's to the point where I'm in trouble work wise because I've told alot of people about this. Now i'm tearful alot and this is all i think about. It constantly is on my mind. However at home i'm tearful because i can't get it out of my mind but my family and friends don't know about it. Arround them i hide it. Is ths depression? I'm really worried. I don't want it to come back but i recognize some of the symptoms but i'm only this way because what has happened at work.

2007-02-05 14:03:24 · 8 answers · asked by birdlady 1 in Health Mental Health

8 answers

It could be...especially since you've experienced the symptoms previously and are able to recognize them in yourself. And it's very common to have a relapse in response to a stressful situation. The fact that you're having repetitive thoughts about the work situation definitely sounds like more than a "normal" reaction, and you probably should talk to your doctor about it.

Of course it would be preferable if it didn't come back, but
a) you've recognized the symptoms and it seems like you are prepared to deal with them; and
b) the depression you experienced before sounds like it was successfully treated with meds

Good luck and hope you start feeling better soon.

2007-02-05 14:09:42 · answer #1 · answered by ambr123 5 · 1 0

Depression CAN be a transient situation due to stress, such as a death in the family, but it can also be an annoying thing that hovers over you, waiting to resurface. Depending on your exact version of it, yes, it can interfere with your activities and catch you under the chin when you least expect it. Its not a character failing, nor is it an excuse; its simply a medical problem with overtones that demand extra attention on your part so you can recognize it and keep it in check as much as possible. Its a real PIA (Pain In @$$, heh heh) because it makes you feel rather divided within yourself, mind vs. emotions. Keep a clear view of that and you'll be better-equipped to master the little bugger.
Do this: consider taking a med for it again, since it helped before, perhaps something lighter such as Effexor; tell your family and friends to some extent you think you can handle so its not festering and they will understand better when you are off-kilter; consider patching the problem at work if an apology might smooth it over; and above all, take some positive action, because regardless of the rest, you'll be exerting control over your own situation instead of just suffering. That's a good step towards a fix. How do I know? Been down the same road myself. There's no one answer for everyone, but there are several good ones to CHOOSE from. Give it a shot and good luck!

2007-02-05 22:28:17 · answer #2 · answered by gamerathon 3 · 0 0

This does sound alot like depression. If prozac worked for you why did you go off of it? Sometimes people need to keep taking it, and my philosophy is keep taking it if it works (as long as you are not experiencing any ill effects from it). You sound like you are emotionally sensitive right now and that little things cause lots of guilt or negative feelings about self. I know when my medication stops working because my depression comes back in discreet ways, such as me feeling as if I'm a bad person, or taking people's comments as overly critical, feeling irritable and almost paranoid about what others think about me, and just feeling like I'm not able to get a control over my emotions. It sounds like you could benefit from a support system. Why not talk to some of your non-work friends? True friends are supposed to there for you in times of need. It's okay to admit you have depression - it doesnt' make you weak or inferior. It just means that you need help right now. Maybe you could talk to the doctor that prescribed you the Prozac and see if this is somethign that can help you get back on track, unless the Prozac was not helpful or produced too many side effects. There are other medications out there, but don't shut yourself off from the people you love and don't try to do this alone. Depression is a tricky disease - like it causes one to play mind games with themselves. Don't give in to it by not gettng help. You don't need to be all alone in this. Good luck.

2007-02-05 23:44:13 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Everyone has moments of depression, so it can be very likely that you are depressed, but it does not necessarily mean that it is the type of depression that is in need of meds. I've been off meds for over a year, yet I still get depressed. I just find someone that I can trust in with all my heart to tell them and lean on them for strength. I also find distractions such as things that I like to do to keep my strength up to keep going.

If you feel that it is not getting better after awhile, or it has gotten too unbearable I would go back to a doctor to find out what they say.

2007-02-05 22:13:30 · answer #4 · answered by ARK_drummer 2 · 0 0

You do sound as if you are dealing with a form of depression. I do not want to worry you further, but the majority of people who are diagnosed with depression, will have to deal with this illness for the rest of their lives.

You need to get some professional help for yourself, and fast. Please do not let the feelings of tearfulness begin to take over your life. If you were going for counseling while you were on Prozac, please contact the clinician right away, and explain what is going on.

You do not want the depression to take over your life once again, and with proper counseling, and possible medication; you can regain control of your life. Many, many people suffer from depression during their lifetime, it is nothing to be ashamed of. We are so lucky, in todays world to have help available.

Sometimes depression can be controlled by simple changes in diet and exercise. You may want to consider having a through checkup done by a medical doctor, with accompanying blood work to have your bodies chemical, hormonal and enzyme balances checked. Depression can be attributed by these types of imbalances.

Although medications such as Prozac can be helpful, they can sometimes be handed out as a panacea, rather than getting to the actual root of the problem. The only person who can take care of your health and well-being is you. Best of luck to you, and have a good night.

2007-02-06 00:01:05 · answer #5 · answered by Sue F 7 · 0 0

Are you sure it's only because of something at work? True depression is chemically based. Your work situation may be triggering the side effects, but if you have been diagnosed with depression in the past, why not see your doctor and talk about it? This is a serious issue for a professional. I've been where you are... actually I'm bi-polar, and let me tell you, you can't handle it by yourself and there is no shame in seeing your doctor about it. Good luck to you.

2007-02-05 22:12:35 · answer #6 · answered by erismom 1 · 0 0

Yes it is. But don't panic it's intensity is low. You please join laughter club. Also try to communicate with those people who laugh a lot & make others to laugh. Think positive, don't stay alone. Take everything in good stride. You can take prozac but in smaller dose.

2007-02-05 22:14:35 · answer #7 · answered by Dr. Arun 3 · 0 1

Yes! This is very much depression! I bet you hear a lot of voices telling you a whole bunch different things trying to put you down and say you will never be good enough. but, know that you should not be worried because these voices you hear in your mind is only Satan trying to make you hear his lies and not what God wants you to hear! Know that God loves You! I to dealt with depression and there were three things that really turned my life around I would like to share with you!: 1. Knowing that God and Jesus Loved me and I was valued! 2. Knowing I had people on my side at church, in my social life and in my family that cared about me! and 3. I had to get myself out of the atmosphere that I was in! If all you do is stay in the darkness thinking about how it is never going to get better and think why life is not worth living. Than your going to be proving yourself right and it will not get better! But, if you build a personal relationship again with other people and most importantly a relationship with God! Then you will see yourself back with a renewed joy! I would not be telling you this if I had not experienced what you feel myself! Know down inside you are looking for love and happiness but you will never find it the way you are living right now. However, God loves you, and He wants to come into your life and give you a joy and peace that you could never experience any other way. Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you" John 14:27. God created you, and God loves you. His only Son, Jesus Christ, loved you so much that he gave His life on the cross so you could be saved and break free from in perfectness, sin and this depression to become a child of God. I know you feel like you are caring your own cross on your back right now but, PUT IT DOWN THIS INSTANT! And give Jesus all your worries and burdens. When you accept Jesus Christ into your life, something wonderful and supernatural happens. God Himself comes to dwell within you! You become part of His family, and you can know the joy of His presence every day. Pray right now and I encourage you to invite Jesus into your heart. I will be praying for you sister because I was too once where you are now and the only way am still alive is because my faith in Jesus saved me and he showed me the better life I could be living if only I put my faith and trust in Him. I encourage you to read a bible right now! start with the gospel of John! There you will find a story of a man named John the Baptist that paved the way for another man named Jesus that loves you and will bring you guidance and hope to your life, if you look to him and follow him for your life's answers instead of yourself! I can't stress enough how I know what your going though and you really need a change of atmosphere in your life, get out of the darkness and try to meet new people! A lot of Church's have small groups and some even have adult groups and bible study. So, I would encourage you to do that because it wasn't till I started putting Jesus first before myself that my life and my mind that I started to get better, I had a whole new image of myself and I started to see how much I was really loved and valued in God's eyes. You have so much to offer! I leave you with a passage from the bible that started to pull me out of the darkness and into the light: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make all your paths straight. Prov. 3:5-6. So, Go ahead right now, this minute, Go to Jesus in prayer! ask him to lead your heart so you may trust him that everything will be all right and the next step you take will be right in line with what he wants for you in life, and what life is suppose to be like in serving him! Amen

2007-02-05 22:49:33 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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