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If he's all powerful, why doesn't he punish the guilty, or stop it from happening.

When the Children were cold and freezing being beat up by Nazis sent to their death, where was God,
If he's just watching it,
does he get a sick thrill from it, and why did so many of those gaurds who kicked naked freezing children in the head before they were sent to their deaths go on to live long fulfilling lives?

How can you say there is any kind of a merciful God personal savior of only human animals gives two craps about any of us when
there is so clearly NO justice in this world.

If God personal friend and savior to the human animal is there at all and had the ability to do something about injustice and suffering he would,
but He doesn't. Because He's not there. We are like microbes on a planet he's barely aware of if he does exist.

NO Justice= NO God.

2007-02-05 14:01:51 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Katie: I'd beg to differ and say things like that cause more of a rift with believing than an awakening.

it seems to me more people are apt to believe when they have never experienced horror and are quite naive and happy in oblivion.

2007-02-05 14:12:21 · update #1

whirliton: you don't know anything. not one thing for a fact. stop talking out your bumm and admit you know absolutely nothing.

2007-02-05 14:14:31 · update #2

18 answers

Don't ask for it, we will see it soon enough!

2007-02-05 14:07:30 · answer #1 · answered by rezany 5 · 2 4

That is not true. There are so many Christians out there who have experienced the horrors that this life offers. Read up on the Sudanese people. There were many Jews that survived Hitlers death camps and they still love God. We don't hear alot about the persecution of Christians, because they are Christians. If they were another group of people, we would hear.

I agree that there is alot of cruelty and injustices in the world, but we made that choice long ago. The sins of our forefathers, bears the marks on us. The choices our relatives make have an effect on us. God never promised us a perfect world/life. He did promise us paradise in heaven. No tears or saddness.

God doesn't sit back and say good that person died. God does send His angels to minister to us, the Holy Spirit is here with us. God is saddened by the hate in this world. But there is another spirit that likes what he sees. Satan. He is like a lion, roaming around seeking to devour us. Look at the hate in this world. Everytime some lunatic kills thousands of people, the first thing he bans is the Bible. He claims to be god. Hitler burned the Bible. He hated Gods chosen people, the Jews. Look at Saddam Hussein, it was illegal to preach the Word of God. Possession of the Jesus video would put you in prison. In Iran today, having a Bible in a college dorm will get you arrested.

Don't you see Satans earmarks all over this. Even on you. There is a book you might like called the Screwtape letters by CS Lewis. You can find it in the Library. It is fiction, but it reads like truth.

God will judge this world and end all the suffering in His time. Gods ways are not our ways.

You have already chosen a path without God. Blaming God for everything, I'm sure that makes the demons very happy.

2007-02-05 14:44:23 · answer #2 · answered by sunny 4 · 2 0

When bad things happen, "Where is God?"
When good things happen, "I don't need God, I don't believe He even exist"

Because the world is injustice, that's why there is no God in this world.
Because all the people outside the street, their hair is untidy, that's why there is no barber in this world.

There is God. That is the reason you are asking this question. in fact, deep down, you believe there is a God, just that you wonder why He let all those bad thing happen to innocent people only.
God is not the result of our debate, He is the reason for the debat.

God's wrath will come in Judgement Day. Man always think they are clever than God, asking Him He should do this and do that.
If it was so, then man is above God because man can order God. Don't you know that God, the creator of all, with His wisdom and His justice and love, will not feel what you felt, thought what you thought and act as justly as you would. Of course He would, He just got his own time of doing thing. Remember, who is God? man or God himself. Who is man, the creation, to ask God, the creator! The nazis will be judged, so would you by asking this question that insult Him directly. God is still merciful to allow you to finish your question and post it online.

"NO justice = NO God"
this equation prove there is God!
Cos God is not the result of this equation, but the reason for this equation to appear!

2007-02-05 16:18:49 · answer #3 · answered by wong b 1 · 1 0

evil interior the worldwide does not instruct that there is not any God. It proves that there is a God. once you're saying that some thing is incorrect, injust or evil you're pointing to an ultimate time-honored. the only way i might desire to be attentive to that a ruler is crooked is that if i've got considered a wonderfully immediately ruler. the only way i might desire to be attentive to if a dollar invoice is counterfeit is that if I knew what a real dollar invoice regarded like. If i grew to become right into a alien from mars and that i went to a Laker interest, every time Koby Bryant went to the unfastened throw line it may be obtrusive to me that the lakers have been being rewarded with a unfastened throw and the different group grew to become into being penalized for some thing. i does not might desire to be a rocket scientist to be sure that someplace there might desire to be a rule e book. If some thing is rather evil, there might desire to be an ultimate solid up there someplace. it is going to be unable to be evil only considering which you think of that's. consistent with probability the folk who're perpetrating that evil do not think of it is evil in any respect. Why might desire to you come to a determination what evil is. If there is somewhat evil interior the worldwide, it is means that there is an ultimate time-honored of morality up there. it is have been given to be own too. Animals have not got morality, in basic terms persons do. Impersonal forces have not got morality the two. in basic terms persons have morality. The universe is crammed with layout. undemanding sense tells us that it would desire to have a dressmaker. The universe has intelligence(human beings to boot as animals that have limited intelligence). as a result, the universe has an clever dressmaker who's own. Why does not rid the worldwide of evil? How do you be attentive to that he's not interior the technique of doing that? remember, He has to do it and not violate peoples unfastened will.

2016-09-28 11:43:31 · answer #4 · answered by vyky 4 · 0 0

Many people have asked this question over the centuries, and not just Christians. The ancient Greeks also wondered about this, as well as the Jews. People have written many books on the subject. If you are really interested in finding an answer to this question, then I would recommend reading “The Problem of Pain” by C. S. Lewis, or "Where Is God When It Hurts?" by Phillip Yancey.

One could conclude that God is either evil, powerless to stop it, or that he enjoys it. Or one could conclude that he doesn’t exist. All of these possibilities have been suggested, and it seems that you thought of some of them already.

But there is also the possibility that the temporary suffering of this world somehow brings about a greater purpose that we cannot fully comprehend. My own personal suffering makes me more compasionate toward others, for example. The Bible seems to state that God can use any circumstance to bring about the greater good in the long run.

This is not a complete answer, but it is the best that the limited space allows; and besides, we humans with our limited intelligence cannot hope to fully understand God.

...Christians always look for good coming out of evil. They believe God can bring good things out of evil and sin. For example, in the story in the Old Testament, Joseph's brothers sold Joseph as a slave. This caused suffering to Joseph and to his Father, Jacob, but God used this to save many lives (Genesis chapter 50 verse 20). "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Joseph became Prime Minister of Egypt and rescued the nation during a severe famine.

Although no-one wants to suffer, Christians find that the experience may draw them closer to God, as they experience his help and peace through difficult times. The Bible says (2 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 5) "The more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with his comfort through Christ."

The suffering of others is an opportunity for Christians to help. We can show and share God's love in practical ways - especially if we understand the person we are helping because of our own experiences. "When God comforts us, it is so that we in turn can be an encouragement." (2 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 6)

In the Bible it is made clear that God cares about what happens to the poor and needy and that He hates injustice and selfishness that causes suffering. As Jesus suffered as a human, even dying on the cross, God understands what it is to suffer and sympathises with and identifies with those who are suffering.

Christians believe that some suffering can change us for good and make us more like Jesus. It can help us understand the suffering of others....

2007-02-09 13:41:40 · answer #5 · answered by Randy G 7 · 0 0

God doesnt interfere with one's karma (meaning action). He is omnipotent but you are not. Therefore dont think that if he already knows what we will do, it leaves us with no choice. It does leave us with choices but he knows your choices. If he stops you from doing anything bad or healing all wounds, what will you learn? what will be your point in being here on earth? lessons are learned thru experience by your actions resulting from your good and bad choices. THIS is why he doesnt interfere. Why have a mind, a brain if he wont allow you to learn. He also gives you power to make the world a better place. He'll aid you in things that are not in your power or control, but we have much more will power than we think. How do you know justice is not given? Can you see beyond this materialistic life? Unless you think we are all bodies and no soul...then maybe.

2007-02-05 15:14:40 · answer #6 · answered by Puri 2 · 1 0

That's because satan is the God of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.) Satan deceives the whole world(Revelation 12:9) God is obedient to those who trust him but there is so much evil in this world because there is a lot of people who does not want to obey god and want to do they're own things. If everyone in the world would go by the bible laws there would not be any wars or violence and everyone would love one another. God is just giving people time to come to know him before his plan is complete

2007-02-05 14:29:09 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Jehovah has made provision to end all suffering. He created the first human pair perfect, and he lovingly made every provision so that life would be pleasant for them. When they deliberately turned their backs on god. was god obligated to intervene so as to shield their children from the effects of what the parents had done?(Deut.32:4,5; Job 14:4)As we well know married couples may have the joys that go with producing children but they also have responsiblilities. The attitudes and actions of parents affect their children. Nevertheless, Jehovah as an expression of marvelous underserved kindness sent his own dearly loved Son to earth to lay down his life as a ransom to provide relief for those of Adams offspring who would appreciatively exrecise faith in this provision. As a result the opportunity is open to people living today to have what Adam lost -perfect human life free from suffering in a paradise earth. What a geerous provision that is..

Satan and his demons also share responsibility. The bible discloses that much suffering is because of the influence of wicked spirits. The suffering for which so many people blame God does not come from him at all...
The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.-1 john 5:19
If God steped in he would only be helping Satan. Man then would think that they could do it with out him. (God) So he must let things go on "for now" so that man will know that they can not do it with out him..

2007-02-05 14:15:33 · answer #8 · answered by mrs.mom 4 · 1 1

GOD Created the Earth and gave Mankind "of This Generation since Adam", 6000 Years to Rule and Reign over it---WITH GODS PERSONAL PRESENCE HELPING US.

Adam Kicked GOD out of the Earth when Adam Sinned. GOD cannot come back and Rule and Reign untill the Contract with Mankind is Up.
It almost is up.

Adam sided-up with Satan, who kills, steals and destroys.
That is why the Earth is so messed-up.
That is why GOD cannot come back Yet and Take-Over.
GOD dosen't Break The Spiritual Contracts HE makes.
Adam did.

To understand this better, if some one who owned a car Legally--- gave YOU the KEYS and 100 Percent Authority to Rule and Reign over Their Car FOR a certain Length of Time (Legal Contract was Drawn out by Lawyer) , They would Still own it Legally, BUT WOULD have to ask YOU if They could Drive it. If YOU said NO, They could not Drive it Legally. You could have Them Arrested if They Drove Their own Car IF You did not give Them Permission to drive it, UNTILL the Contract Expired.

2007-02-05 14:29:09 · answer #9 · answered by maguyver727 7 · 2 0

It sounds like you have your mind made up, but I do think there are some good questions in there.
My answer is, if you dare to, is to read the book, "The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten Boom. She lived through the Holocaust, so she gives personal experience and insight. Since you mentioned this, and asked where He was then, I though of this.
Perhaps the library would have it.

2007-02-05 14:13:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I'm not sure your really wanting to know, instead you just want to vent. Remember, God gave man (and woman) free will. We can make choices, bad or good. Vengeance ultimately comes from God. As a Christian I live my life knowing that when I die, I will have an eternal life free from the injustice. Because God is a just God. Who's to say how God is allowed to pass judgement, free will means we have the responsibility. Why don't you make the world a better place? Or would you just rather sit in comfort and blame God for all the bad stuff. Do something about it, God equipped us to deal with anything the world can throw at us, I guess we can always run and hide from the bad stuff, do nothing, and find someone else (or God Himself) to blame. I choose to help.

2007-02-05 14:09:39 · answer #11 · answered by Scott B 7 · 2 3

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