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9 answers

gOOD LUCK, MINE WERE ALL 3 YEARS ON THE NOSE! I used rewards, like stickers and they wanted a sticker so they went! I started with a childs potty, they were scared of the toilet so I trained them on a childs potty till they felt comfy on the toilet! Good luck! Boys are hard to train!!!!!!

2007-02-05 13:53:26 · answer #1 · answered by whoa,3boys! 5 · 0 0

My son (the youngest of 3) is the same age. I let him follow me into the bathroom and I'm trying to teach him all the terminology. It's still a little early in the game to be expecting too much but I have seen progress. Most kids usually get completely trained by 21/2 to 3. He's peed in the potty 3 times and it's always right before he hops in the bathtub. There's just something about running water that makes them have to go. Otherwise, I can't get the kid to go in the potty!

Good luck!

2007-02-05 21:57:57 · answer #2 · answered by Georgia Girl 3 · 0 0

Your son has to want to go potty in the toilet, so you have to give him a great reason to go!

I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter, fully potty trained. You can do it like I did all in one day if you commit to it. Here is what I did

Make sure you have all you need. potty chair big boy underpants, some great laundry soap. cuz there will be accidents!

Give your son LOTS to drink. Almost like force feeding, but not much juice, or you will be dealing with really loose stools.

Every 1/2 hour take your son to the potty. He will eventually pee in the toilet. When he does make the biggest deal you can. Jump up and down. whoop and holler. clap your hands tell EVERYONE you can. We called Grandma and Grandpa!

Continue doing this every time he pees in the toilet. He will want to please you if you keep making a huge deal of it.

Make sure you inform everyone else what you are doing, so they can help making the big deal.

For boys to start to train them, sit them on the toilet backwards, this puts the aim into the toilet, so you don't end up with so many puddles to clean up.

Another thing that helped with my son when he started standing like daddy to pee was cherrios in the toilet, he had to aim at them and pee on them, move them around. This kept the pee in the toilet.

I do not suggest food as a reward for going potty on the toilet, we have enough overweight kids in this world.

2007-02-05 22:18:50 · answer #3 · answered by Renee B 4 · 1 0

You're best bet is letting him go at his own pace. Don't force him to go potty, that will just make him not want to do it even more. It will make him feel frustrated and he won't understand. Make it a fun game, put cheerios in the potty and have him try to hit them when he pees. Or you can try a rewards system, like stickers, m&m's (just one for evey time he goes) or tickets (put in a jar everytime he goes, then when it is full he gets somthing really special.) I hope some of these ideas are helpful to you. Just remember when you start, really stick with it and don't give up! You'll both do just fine! Good Luck!

2007-02-05 21:57:41 · answer #4 · answered by Olivia 2 · 0 0

Everytime we change our daughters diaper we put her on the potty. We sing the potty song and let her flush the potty. After about a week of doing this she actually started going in the potty. now she gets to wipe and we sing the kaylee pee peed in the potty song. she claps her hands when she goes because she can feel how proud we are of her. She still has not started telling us she has to go before she goes though. She normally just grabs her pull up as she is going.

2007-02-05 22:43:50 · answer #5 · answered by Tammy K 2 · 1 0

take him to thestore and let him choose his own "big boy underwear". and if you dont have a potty chair for him let him help you out by choosing one and tell him this is what little big boys use. that helped with all three of my kids. put some books in the bathroom for them to look at andtake them and let them practice. get waterproof books though.

2007-02-05 21:55:05 · answer #6 · answered by themom95 3 · 0 0

Good luck! he's still a little young. but this worked for me...

My son will be 3 in March. I have been trying off and on to potty train him since last April. He wasn't ready so I put it off for a while but my husband and I have been getting tired of changing dirty pull-ups so i've decided to give it another try. I CRACKED THE CODE! It finaly worked, I just had to wait for him and myself to be ready.
Pick a week when you don't have to go anywhere, STAY HOME! It will take that long cause you son needs to figure out the sensation. My son doesn't tell me he needs to go, I put him on the potty and tell him to wait for the pee pee to come out.
My son is like any other boy who likes cartoons so I put his portable potty on a towel in front of the tv and put on a video.
(I used a towel under the potty for spills, I had to change it just about everytime he went. Alot of laundry that week)

He watches alot of videos that week. But it was all worth it cause know he goes by himself. I still ask him every once in a while if he needs to go but he say's no everytime even if he needs to go. He sat and watched his video and peed in the potty. When he would get up and I knew that he wasn't done peeing I would tell him to sit on the potty and sometimes he said no and i would turn off th tv and then he sat back down on the potty so i would turn the tv back on. When he did go pee I went over board with happyness. We sang the potty song "Russel went pee pee on the potty, Russel went pee pee on the potty Horray!!!!" and we danced. He was so happy to see me happy that he wanted me to be happy again and again. I found that the same routine worked.
be prepared to have accidents but don't punish him for it just say "did you have an accident? Thats ok go sit on the potty and see if there's anymore pee pee that needs to come out."
Pee pee on the potty
Then he got 2 chocolate chips and we dumped the pee in the BIG potty and he gets to flush the toilet and say's "bye bye pee pee" and washed our hands. then he got a sticker for washing his hands.

2 chocolated chips for pee
6 chocolate chips and a lolly pop for poo (cause it's special)
1 sticker for washing his hands.

The first couple of days give him alot of juice and milk, everytime he's finished his cup fill it up again. I did this with my son and he had to pee every 20min. That means the more he pee's the more times he get's that sensation and figures it out. I bought a timer at the dollar store to remind me it's been 20min and make sure he was sitting on the potty. I gave him alot for attention that week, lots of hugs and kiss and I told him "mommy is so happy, you make mommy so happy when you go pee on the potty, i'm so proud of you!" "Your a big boy now that you go pee on the potty" and we would call his aunt and tell her over the phone and she would respond with pure excitment. That made him happy!
My son was going pee by himself after the 6th day but don't get me wrong he still had many accidents but its a work in progress, and we are still working on going poo. And he wears a pull-up at night.
By the way we are on day 18. I hope this helps. A friend of mine used mini brownies as a treat and her son was trained in 2 days. I wish!!! but you never know it might work for you!
best of luck!!!

2007-02-05 22:20:10 · answer #7 · answered by Mrs B 3 · 1 0

Let him be a baby first!

2007-02-06 12:41:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

tell him to take his time and relax

2007-02-05 22:04:51 · answer #9 · answered by charles_johnson92801 2 · 0 0

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