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18 answers

Iraq wasn't a threat, yet we attacked. Why? Someone wanted war. Why? It wasn't the American people. It certainly wasn't the boys being killed every day. Who would benefit from such a war? Not the American people. Yet we attacked. Who consolidated his position as a "War" president? Who has been declaring record profits in the last fiscal quarter? Someone benefited, and it is their fault.

2007-02-05 13:44:26 · answer #1 · answered by last_defender 3 · 3 3

No one - and I mean NOT ONE OF US - sitting here tapping away at a keyboard (gleefully, judgmentally) in the comfort of our homes, apartments, shelters, college dorms or whatever, should criticize the commitment, bravery and tenacity of those in Iraq who chose to serve there...for WHATEVER reason they chose to serve!

Personally, I'm old enough to remember 9/11 like it was yesterday. Everyone I knew was murmuring something about Hussein and his angst that the son of Bush (the Great Satan) had returned the Bush family to power. Reminds me of WWII.

People insist that Japan had "tried" to surrender many times before the atomic bombs.

But look back less than 4 years prior to Hiroshima. The Imperialist gov't had placed a personal envoy outside Pres Roosevelt's office. He sat there clueless at the very moment Pearl Harbor was being bombed.

So, if YOU’RE in charge. Who do you believe?

Of COURSE we thought Iraq was behind 9/11!!! Pretty much everyone did. Further, most of our brave troops will tell you that they or those they know (and I mean “up close and personal”) have 1st hand knowledge that there ARE weapons of mass destruction. There may not be as many as we feared, may be more than we've been able to 'officially' declare, though because MOST were likely smuggled off to other countries (or do you think Saddam didn't care about 'looking good'?).

And that doesn't include any that may still be hidden. Why haven't we found them yet? Well, try fighting 2 million homogeneous-looking gang-members in L.A. while searching for camouflaged death-machines enclosed in Pandora's boxes in an area the size of California!

Or, let me lay it ALL on the line. How ‘bout this, oh Savior-Child? Why don't you and I just sign up for the Marines and get over there. Put your money where your Big-Bass Mouth is…show us all your yellow stripe.

People who care the slightest bit for this country and want to criticize our president on reasonable grounds should do so on proven bases: eg: the fact that renewable fuels would've been cheaper than what we’ve spent on this war. And, they’d have brought more stability to that region than any war.

But, then, I guess you never thought of that, did you?

Far be it from me to suggest that it's grotesquely more convenient to lambaste others than to find - on your own - a more achievable solution.

Still and all, young man (woman), my invitation remains open. Wanna re-up? Let's do it! I am NOT afraid.

I do not see, after close examination of all fact, that any ill-will within the desperate, human interchanges between those imbued with the task of governance is at fault.

And I can’t wait to tell your mother and father, as you lay in the hospital with a mild ‘scratch’ that I lost a leg saving your pathetic hide.

More, that you'll look with an astute newness of conscience at your parents and their disdain for this conflict.

Let's Roll.

2007-02-05 15:45:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My husband is serving his country so other can have the freedom to speak their crap. It doesn't matter why bush went to war all that matters is that he said go and they go and put their life's on hold and their family's make the Scarface so you want and opinion on the war, Iraq or what ever about the military ask the people who live it ever day the ones who prey for their loved ones and the leader who leads them into this wars.

2007-02-05 14:51:09 · answer #3 · answered by dawn 1 · 2 0

Regardless of the motivation as to why troops are over there, they are there, and they may not appear to make a huge difference.....but at least they ARE making a difference. From experience I know that serving in those places is hard, uncomfortable and often dangerous 'round the clock work. But I'm sure you'll find for every person against those soldiers....there'll be more that are greatful that they are there.

2007-02-05 14:35:47 · answer #4 · answered by m577a1 1 · 2 0

Of course they are serving our country. Every single person that is in the military has volunteered to protect the U.S. The President of the United States believes that the use of our military in Iraq is essential in protecting our country. That is the bottom line.

2007-02-05 13:42:58 · answer #5 · answered by Ballgame 2 · 2 1

Do you ENJOY looking ignorant? When I (AND every other military man and woman) took our miiltary oath, we swore to protect THE UNITED STATES. Too bad we couldn't leave YOU, and other ungrateful brats like you, out of that promise

Read it: Federal law requires everyone who enlists or re-enlists in the Armed Forces of the United States to take the enlistment oath. The oath of enlistment into the United States Armed Forces is administered by any commissioned officer to any person enlisting or re-enlisting for a term of service into any branch of the military. The officer asks the person, or persons, to raise their right hand and repeat the oath after him. The oath is traditionally performed in front of the United States Flag and other flags, such as the state flag, military branch flag, and unit guidon may be present.

In the Armed Forces EXCEPT the National Guard (Army or Air)

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
So help me God.

2007-02-06 08:27:44 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The war in Iraq had nothing to do with serving the us citizens...
It is Jr doing dad's job 10 years later!

* Note: Against the war does not mean against the Soldiers fighting the war!

2007-02-05 13:39:15 · answer #7 · answered by Travel_Fan 2 · 1 3

Wow you're an ignorant and egocentric *****. i think truly sorry on your husband. What do you imagine your happiness is unquestionably worth more effective than your husband's and your 3 children? Do you imagine being a unmarried mom with 3 children is going to make you look more effective powerful interior the relationship circle? in case you try this, you're not to any extent further in uncomplicated words going to interrupt your existence and your hubby's existence, you're going to smash any stability your 3 children might want to have had. And in case you knew his kin are finished of military men, then you definately knew what the deal change into entering into this relationship interior the first position. no individual compelled you to marry the guy.... yet now you pick to be a egocentric ***** and leave him because being interior the military is the in uncomplicated words way he's conscious a thanks to make a residing? in spite of it really is you come to a call to do. basically be uncomplicated with your self, do not forget that you're egocentric, that any guy with 1/2 a mind and some variety of intelligence is going to work out top by potential of you and could not in any respect come to a call to remarry and protect your 3 children as a lot as your own husband. do not forget that in case you do damage up, you're in reality making certain a lonely destiny, with a path of destiny failed relationships. And even as your children advance up and change into adults, they're going to understand how a lot of a b*tch their mom change into for leaving their dad, even as he change into basically serving his us of a and doing what he's conscious maximum perfect to protect his children. they're going to hate you for that and also you may want to die on my own without one to bury you...... i will virtually assure this. Your shortsightedness is going to value you a lot. supply up specializing in what's maximum significant for you and your happiness, do not forget that there is gonna be some not basic circumstances in all marriages, that its no longer gonna very last continuously, pass again to college at evening time, pass coach your self and supplies you up in accordance with men or your hubby's paycheck to feed the children. pass accessible and do it on your own also. Divorce him, and that i assure you, you'd be one help charge remote from being in poverty and starting to be adverse white trash, if you're not to any extent further that already.

2016-10-17 05:35:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They are brave men who get very little in money or appreciation for their sacrifice. They are over there trying to keep muslims from killing each other and blowing up each others kids.
They don't appreciate their sacrifice but we should.
Wether you agree with the government or not they are doing their job. Who is the interest of someone? I mean who or what do they get besides their legs and arms missing.

2007-02-05 13:40:35 · answer #9 · answered by Ruth 6 · 0 1

Our military serving in Iraq are serving big business & the military who are in with big business. War is big business & the heck with the ones that have to fight it! Our military has been serving big business since the end of WWII! But not necessarily to provide our service people with what they need to fight a war. Only to gain more power & to be able to buy billion dollar planes & ships. Our military likes to buy & big business loves selling to them!

2007-02-05 13:43:40 · answer #10 · answered by geegee 6 · 2 3

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