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I know you can get them from dirty locker room floors, but is there anywhere else? I also know about the plantars warts remover pads; I'm looking for something to supplement that treatment.

2007-02-05 13:28:46 · 6 answers · asked by Amy 4 in Health Diseases & Conditions Skin Conditions

6 answers

tape a banana peel to the wart

2007-02-05 13:36:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Plantars warts can also be gotten from sharing shoes with someone with them.
I have had them and there are several ways to get rid of them.
the first is to have them surgically removed. this is ridiculously painful. no kidding, its BAD. they say that after you have them removed like that, they cant come back, but mine did.

Another way is to scrub them down with a pumice stone or some such after soaking them or being in the bath/shower. you can perform "surgery" on yourself(not really recommended, unless you have a very steady hand) after soaking and scrubbing if you have a good pair of tweezers, a sewing needle(or pin) and perhaps an x-acto knife(or the like).

Alternatively, you can buy a salicylic acid solution(like Wartner for plantars warts). These actually dissolve the skin and the wart, so use with caution.

2007-02-05 13:43:01 · answer #2 · answered by turtle.racer 2 · 0 0

Plantars warts are a virus that breeds on damp areas like showers.

There are over the counter meds you can put on them but to get them completely gone, a doctor needs to remove them as they have little tiny root systems that will grow new warts if all of the roots aren't removed or killed.

2007-02-05 13:32:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Moles, warts, and skin tickets are normal skin lesions that develop naturally. While they are typically low cancerous, they may be embarrassing if located on an obvious portion like the face. Skin wounds like moles and warts cause self-confidence problems to the sufferers. A person with moles normally turns into a loner because they don't really want to be seen in public. They feel ashamed to be out in public, therefore despair can obviously follow but you will change all of this with this guide from here https://tr.im/LXNhY , Moles, Warts and Skin Tags Removal eBook.  
The writer of this eBook, Charles Davidson, is just a practitioner in alternative medicine.  He's also a specialist in skin care, applying organic treatments to remedy different types of skin conditions.
Moles, Warts and Skin Tags Removal program is a 100% organic program, established to eliminate skin deformities such as skin tags, moles, and warts, regardless of how large or little they are.  It's also safe to make use of on children.

2016-04-28 03:51:38 · answer #4 · answered by minda 3 · 0 0

I had a plantar wart on my right heel. I got it from walking bare foot in the gym showers... these days I always wear pair of flip flops when I shower. It was so pain full to walk on and got very big. I tried everything to get rid of it... patches and the lotions didn't do a damn thing! I even burnt my skin on my foot so badly from one of the lotions I used, I then had to use crutches! In the end I went to a dermatologist and started getting laser treatment on it. I had to go once a week for about 6 weeks until it disappeared. So my advice to you is to go see your doctor and find out about laser treatment. He or she should then be able to give you a referral to see a specialist. Good luck!

2007-02-05 13:40:46 · answer #5 · answered by Lily 5 · 0 0

There is no cure for warts of any kind unfortunately. Warts are a virus and just like there in no cure for the common cold, the flu, or HIV(all of which are viruses), there is no cure for warts either. The best thing to do is to have them treated and removed to keep them from spreading to the hands and other areas.

2016-03-14 09:24:03 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My daughter had her Plantar's wart frozen off by a dermatologist...they can be very painful and deep...not sure that "Compound W" would do the trick though. You probably get them the same way you get athlete's foot or toenail fungus...it's a bacteria that can be passed in showers or sharing shoes, etc. and thrives in moist dark places...like in your shoes!

2007-02-05 13:42:11 · answer #7 · answered by dapperdoll 2 · 0 0

They are a virus. If you use over the counter remedies and they don't work you should see a foot doctor. They have their own blood supply so each one is handled as an individual. The doctor will freeze them, use a laser, or a new treatment of cutting off the blood supply with a machine that zaps them

2007-02-05 13:41:05 · answer #8 · answered by cubbiecupcake 2 · 0 0

I found this excellent information by using MedlinePlus

If you search on plantar warts you will get to this page on the Mayo Clinic page

Plantar warts usually go away on their own, but most people would rather treat them than wait for them to disappear. Unless you have an impaired immune system or diabetes or are pregnant, there's no reason you can't treat warts with over-the-counter remedies. But you may wish to consult your doctor for help. He or she may suggest a combination of over-the-counter and office treatments.

No wart treatment works 100 percent of the time. In general, your doctor will recommend the least painful — and least destructive — methods first, especially for children.

Common treatments for simple plantar warts
Your doctor may suggest trying these common treatments one at a time or in combination:

Salicylic acid.

Wart medications and patches are available at drugstores. To treat plantar warts, you'll need a 40 percent salicylic acid solution or patch (Curad Mediplast, Dr. Scholl's Clear Away Plantar, others), which peels off the infected skin a little bit at a time. Apply the solution once or twice each day, being careful to avoid healthy skin, which can become irritated from the acid. In between applications, pare away the dead skin and wart tissue using a pumice stone or emery board. You may need to repeat this process for up to three or four weeks to completely eliminate warts.

Duct tape

In a well-publicized 2002 study, duct tape wiped out more warts than freezing (cryotherapy) did. Study participants who used "duct tape therapy" covered their warts in duct tape for six days, then soaked their warts in water, and gently rubbed warts with an emery board or pumice stone. They repeated this process for up to two months or until their warts went away. Researchers hypothesize that this unconventional therapy may work by irritating warts and the surrounding skin, prompting the body's immune system to attack. Today, duct tape is commonly used to treat warts, especially for children who may find freezing painful or scary. It's often combined with salicylic acid.

Freezing (cryotherapy).

Freezing is one of the most common treatments for plantar warts and is usually effective, but may require multiple trips to your doctor every two to four weeks. Your doctor can apply liquid nitrogen with a spray canister or cotton-tipped applicator. The chemical causes a blister to form around your wart, and the dead tissue sloughs off within a week or so. Freezing isn't commonly used in young children because it can be painful.


Doctors and healers have used cantharidin — a substance extracted from the blister beetle — to treat warts for centuries. Today, this therapy is sometimes paired with salicylic acid. Your doctor paints this beetle juice onto your wart and covers it with clear tape. The application is painless, but it causes the skin under the wart to blister, lifting the wart off the skin. Your doctor can then clip away the dead part of the wart in about a week. However, some doctors are hesitant to use cantharidin because it's not approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of warts. \

Aggressive treatments for persistent plantar warts

If your warts don't respond to common treatments, your doctor may suggest one or more of these other options:

Minor surgery. This involves cutting away the wart or destroying the wart by using an electric needle in a process called electrodesiccation and curettage. This treatment is effective, but may leave a scar if not done carefully. Your doctor will anesthetize your skin before this procedure.

Laser surgery.
Doctors can use several types of lasers to eliminate stubborn warts. But laser surgery is expensive and painful and may take longer to heal than other treatments.


This therapy attempts to harness your body's natural rejection system to remove tough-to-treat warts. This can be accomplished in a couple of ways. Your doctor may inject your warts with interferon, a medication that boosts your immune system's instinct to reject warts. Or your doctor may inject your warts with a foreign substance (antigen) that stimulates your immune system. Doctors often use mump antigens, because many people are immunized against mumps. As a result, the antigen sets off an immune reaction that may fight off warts.

Imiquimod (Aldara).

This prescription cream is an immunotherapy medication that encourages your body to release immune system proteins (cytokines) to help ward off warts. You can apply this cream directly to your warts. Imiquimod is approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of genital and perianal warts, but it is also successful in treating common warts and plantar warts.
Other medications. In severe cases that haven't cleared with other therapies, your doctor may inject each wart with a medication called bleomycin, which kills the virus. This medication is given systemically in higher doses to treat some kinds of cancer. The injections for wart treatment can be painful and can cause rashes or itching. They're not used if you're pregnant or breast-feeding or if you have circulation problems.

2007-02-05 13:45:26 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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