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My dad blames every little thing on me! And my mom doesn't even wanna be around me anymore! They only care about my 5 year old sister! I am 12 years old,and my mom tells my sister that she loves her before she goes to work,but she doesn't tell me that! And at school,my grades suck,and most people consider me an outsider! I just want to die! No one would even care!

2007-02-05 13:19:37 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Family

No,nothing good can happen right now! NOTHING!

2007-02-05 13:25:16 · update #1

17 answers

Oh baby I am sure that is not all true, yes you have alot going on, but I know your mom must love you and well dads can be tought sometimes. You are about to be a teenager and those are some rough years, I have a 11yr and 12yr and a 15yr old and I wish my 12 yr old was up now she could help you. If you journal please write all ofyour feelings down. If not keep talking on here but please do not ever feel like you want to die. Try to start to work on your grades one at a time and maybe if you yourself improve some of your life you will feel better,do not get me wrong please I am not by any means saying that you need to improve I am only saying sometimes even at your young age we must dig deep down inside of our self and find what we want and what will work for us. Getting better grades and going on with life only puts you on the right track and that track is growing up! Then when you are old enough to get out on your own you can be your own boss! Good luck and keep your chin up.

2007-02-05 13:29:49 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Teenage years are one of the hardest if not the hardest years of a persons life. This is because you are stating to use reasoning and things that you never notice before are now starting to make some what of some sense. To make things worst you are powerless to do much about anything. It is very harsh. I'm glad I got that stage over with. and no I would not do it again. Well, If I knew then what I know now maybe. Nahh I take it back. Anyways, after you get to 19 or so things will start to change big time. When you get to 23 a lot of things will start to make sense. By 29 then you will have a good idea of whats really going on and you will have a good idea of who you are. Thats right, right now you don't know who you are. Trust me you don't. It will all make sense later.

To make matters worst you are going to some dramatic changes in your body both psycologicaly and physically. Especially your body chemistry is changing. Again, it will all make more sense later. You will laught later at all of this. So, for now take it easy. It is easier for your parents to deal with the youngest because the youngest is not as troublesome. Yes, you are troublesome but its the age. All teenagers are troublesome this is normal and every body goes through it. It is easier to deal with a 5 year old than a 12 thru 18 years old. then you turn 19 and above and you become easy to deal with again.

Another thing is that at your age you don't see things as clear as you think. Your view is a bit distorted. Maybe your parents do a lot for you in other ways that are not as explicit as giving you a kiss. it is still love but its harder to see. You would be surprice at all the things your parents do for you. Again, it will be clear later. I suggest you talk about the kisses and hug to your parents. Maybe is an oversight on their part. Also, try to relax and find your own way. It will be difficult and a lot of things you do won't make sense. Well, not now but it will later. You will find a lot of things that are very unfair. Then later on in life you will learn that some of them had a good reason for being the way it is. Then again some of the things where done just to be mean. You'll see. Just hang on cause things do get a hell of a lot better. I use to have this grim outlook on lfe. It wasn't untill I turn 25 that my life change and now I'm a very happy and jolly person. Looking back if as if I where a different person back then. Oh!, the age thing varies. Some people grow faster and others slower. Some not at all or so it seems.

Good luck to you and have fun. Remember to stay safe. You will pay for your stupid mistake but you will get rewarded for making the right desisions. Have fun and keep safe.

2007-02-05 21:36:37 · answer #2 · answered by mr_gees100_peas 6 · 0 0

Prove them wrong.
Learn to live by yourself
With or with out love
Don't mess up your life by letting people blame stuff on you that you have nothing to do with.
If you were even to consider suicide (hypothetically speaking) Your parents would be distraught. They'd go into depression and make your little sisters life much like yours. Who cares what other people think? Im the only one in my entire school thats learning japanese and wears clothes that make me look like big bird from sesame street. I get **** all the time but Im happy about it, I hear people think Im a stoner but I know that Im not and thats the only thing that counts. Believe in your self. If people really try they can do anything. Even make their parents accept them for who they are.

2007-02-05 21:34:10 · answer #3 · answered by Human 3 · 0 0

When outsiders grow-up they usually achieve more in life than average people. Show to your mother and father you can become better than them. Just hold on, moments when you feel like this will not last long. Grades do not matter, what matters is that you are yourself and compete with youself to become a little better everyday. You will soon realize you don't need anyobody to love you to be happy.... and probably then you will find out that there are people who likes you, but just then, Again, just hold on.

2007-02-05 21:25:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Please, please, please don't think like that. You sound like such an intelligent young lady. Just because 2 adults can become parents doesn't mean that they always do a perfect job. They make mistakes from time to time. Sometimes they make alot of mistakes. Have you tried talking to your parents? Is there another member of your family or a close friend that you can talk to? You need to reach out to someone. I have three young boys of my own and trust me I would care if something happened to you even though I don't even know you. Being a teenager is tough but times will get better. I'm sure your parents love you but more importantly you need to love yourself. If you ever just want to let out your frustrations or need someone to listen you can write me.

2007-02-05 22:18:21 · answer #5 · answered by navy wife 1996 3 · 0 0

hey dont say that! okay houw bout this email me coz i am on the same exact trrak i have c's and my dad tinks that is a failing grade and my mom is never there to back me up she just watches! and also yesterday my dad told me that i am just a bunch of waste !
k how bout this since u cant really talk to ur parent bout this talk to me coz i feell like killing my self
dun worry i care bout u
here no spaces or capitals kk

2007-02-05 22:40:51 · answer #6 · answered by Zahera♥ 4 · 0 0

I think your parents love you and you really love them. They probably just don't realize that they are not giving you the time you need.

Try using this trick. Go up to one of you parents and say, "Is there something I can help you with so you can spend some time with me?" This will show them you are mature by wanting to help but also show them that you feel you are not getting enough time.

Good luck.

2007-02-05 21:30:18 · answer #7 · answered by MiddleAgeVet 4 · 0 0

im 13 and my baby bro is 1 i know how you feel, I think that your parents just are trying to raise your sister right know im sure when you were 5 you had your attention know its your sisters turn to get some attention i can bet you anything your parents LOVE you a lot Talk 2 them and let them know how you feel!!!

2007-02-05 21:54:10 · answer #8 · answered by Nanas 1 · 0 0

Why the hell would you want to die i would try really hard in school and be someone in life and eventually they will need you and as for your sister she will be bad and your parents will see that youo are good and try to ask you to talk to her and just be like whatever i needed you when i was younger and you werent there. but dont be sying you want to die your life is worth more than theirs.

2007-02-05 21:26:25 · answer #9 · answered by Happy Mommy 3 · 0 0

hey dont think that my friend has the same problem
i care about you i blame my self all the time talk it over with a friend something good can happen

2007-02-05 21:23:37 · answer #10 · answered by Tank 3 · 0 0

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