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what it eat, how it is,i'm gatting one on saturday.

2007-02-05 13:19:18 · 14 answers · asked by christina h 2 in Pets Dogs

14 answers

You should never ignore your Lab, especially since they would never ignore you! Once they begin to follow you with your day to day errands they will always want to do them with you. If you are going for a walk, sleeping, playing, working or just doing whatever it is you do, your Lab will want to do it with you!
Labrador Retrievers require a large amount of exercise compared to other dogs, and because of this they are not well-suited for apartment living. This breed loves the outdoors and is an avid swimmer. They are members of the sporting dogs, developed over 1,000 years ago. Bread for hunting, this breed instinctively loves to retrieve, so make sure you have plenty of throw toys to accommodate him.
Labrador Retrievers are among the finest scent detecting dogs, and are used for a wide array of rescue work, and in the detection of drugs and explosives. Most importantly Labs are head and tails above the rest in assisting the disabled, especially the blind.
Labrador Retrievers can make the perfect pet, if you have the energy for their exuberant, lovable and playful character. They are a very intelligent breed that is easily trained and loves to please its owners. They get along great with children and other dogs.
Labrador Retrievers come in several different colors to choose from, yellow, black and chocolate. They range from 55-80 pounds, and are by no means a small dog. The males tend to grow larger by comparison. Caring for your Lab will require plenty of grooming. They have very coarse hair that will find its way everywhere, something to keep in mind for the exceptionally house-proud.
If you have not already done so, you should take your new Labrador Retriever puppy to the veterinarian.
Be sure to take the puppy’s record of shots and immunization record along with any other health data you may have.
You should always have your pet on dog vitamins, we recommend doggyvitamin.com for these and you should also ask your vet about heartworm and flea prevention.

2007-02-05 13:24:48 · answer #1 · answered by Bunny_Lover5 2 · 1 0

Labs are wonderful pets. They do have a few quirks. A lot of them like to "retrieve" things (like papers from the trash) and bring them to you. Sometimes they dig up rocks in the yard and bring to you. They are a little more likely to run around like crazy expending energy, paying no attention to what they are doing or why -- I call this a "Crazy Lab Moment". All dogs do this (especially when they are puppies), labs just seem to do it a little bit more. It is actually very funny. Many people say that labs are puppies until they are at least 2 -- others say they are puppies for their entire life. Many labs are quite energetic and need lots of exercise to expend that energy.

Because labs are retrievers, they tend to have soft mouths and delight in playing fetch. They make wonderful family dogs and are usually good with children (however, you should never allow a child to be unsupervised with a dog).

They do not need much grooming. Because of their size, they eat a fair amount (your vet or breeder is the best source of how much and what type). They were bred to jump into icy waters and retrieve ducks. Because of this, they have a bit more of a fat layer than the average dog. This means that they tend to gain weight easier than other dogs. Be sure to watch for this as (like humans) excess weight causes problems. However, a well bred lab looks a bit chunky (i.e big blocky head and well muscled, slightly stocky body). Once again, your vet is the best source of advice on proper body weight.

2007-02-05 13:37:57 · answer #2 · answered by doglover 2 · 0 0

Congrats of becoming a lab. retriever owner, you will not be sorry, they are intelligent friendly, funny full of homour good for kids loyal and great company.

As a puppy they do need food three to four times a day, but if you go to the breeder to collect your pup, ask its diet and ask as many question about the food, ask if you can get a week supply for the pup so that you do not have to worry. If you can not get the same food than at least you have some time to change the diet gradually.

Mine acctually got baby cereal and cooked minced beef, for the first three weeks and I gradually changed its diet. He was super fast house trained two days, (we did have one or two little accidents but he was really quick to pick this up) but that is an individual thing. My recommendation is, if he wakes carry him to grass, straight after a feed bring him out to grass, he will only want to do his businees in grass which is great for the future as he will not do anything on hard surfaces only grass (which is easy to clean up from).

They love there toys and ther own space, although he loves your company and will alsways stay close if allowed. But at night it is his own bed with his toys.

Mine has a toy chest wich he take toys from what ever one he wants, but he also puts them back. He loves travelling in the car and going for wals and swimms and absolutely adores the beach, do not forget they are made for retrieving this does mean swimming and he will love it.

Tip If you take your dog for a walk take him in the car first does not matter how far, but if you do it this way he does not associate the walk to the road to a walk with leaving the house and this helps in the prevention of straying.

You will love the lab. retriever have loads of fun

Good luck, if you have any question let me know I will answer them.

2007-02-05 23:29:28 · answer #3 · answered by V.S. K 1 · 0 0

Labs are wonderful dogs. They are good for families and are normally friendly if raised to move about freely. Start training immediately, don't just cuddle and smooch all the time. Don't get me wrong, all pets require affection but you also need to establish the pecking order. Human, top of food chain and all that. Dog should be taught to sleep on floor but needs to have warm snugly bed or quilt to sleep on. Purina puppy chow mixed with milk if puppy is real young, but you should also ask the breeder? I hope that you are getting the animal from a reputable breeder. Anyway, if the breeder has started the pup on a certain brand of food it is best to stick with the same food. The stress and trauma of a new home is upsetting enough for a puppy, so a change of food isn't a good idea. Puppies do not need canned or moist food, it is too rich for them. It's best not to feed them leftovers as they will expect to eat everything that you do. For diarrhea and vomiting a mix of cooled cooked rice and luke warm scrambled eggs is great. Use a wire slicker brush(they are sold everywhere there are pet supplies and usually red)to groom your dog. Brush dog every day morning and night if possible, it will help keep the fur clean, the skin healthy as it improves blood circulation and will also keep your house and clothes more or less fur free. Dogs coats get dry in winter just like humans. I have always bathed my dogs with my best shampoo and when necessary, conditioner too. You will need to keep their toe nails trimmed, their teeth clean, yeah they sell finger toothbrushes and

2007-02-05 13:57:52 · answer #4 · answered by freelee 2 · 0 0

It's Yellow Labrador and Golden Retriever.

2016-05-23 22:01:02 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Owner of two...male and female. The best dogs I have ever owned. Very loyal and very energetic.

As a puppy, start training yours early. If you wait too long they can become set in their ways. They will need lots of exercise. But not just exercise, they need activities that make them think. By nature they are hunting dogs so games like find the ball get their brains working.

I feed my dogs Canidae dry dog food. It does wonders for their coats and helps balance the acidity in their waste (no brown lawns). But labs will pretty much eat anything. And I do mean anything. Labs are known to chew for three to four years. And they will chew on everything. Get your Lab a good ball, like the indestructible ones listed in the sites below.

The thing for you is to be patient. Labs will make you wonder why you bought one but stick with it...the rewards of owning a Lab are right around the corner.

2007-02-05 13:46:10 · answer #6 · answered by shabby92 2 · 0 0

I have a Lab that will be a year old in march, he is a wonderful dog. They are great with kids and very loving. We give our dog Iams puppy for large breeds and he eats about 6 cups a day. Labs are also very easy to train and are really intelligent. I have become so amazed with the breed that I'm thinking about adopting another one.

2007-02-05 14:07:02 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

high quality large breed puppy food 1 cup twice a day. retrievers are great dogs but need training, you should start doing basic stuff like sit, stay, leave it immediately. they can be stubborn and some think they are not the brightest crayons in the box because of that stubbornness so consistency in training is a must. they also need plenty of exercise, especially when they are older...and make sure you start crate training immediately. labs can be destructive if left alone for any period of time and are famous for garbage can digging. good luck with your new pup!

2007-02-05 14:11:47 · answer #8 · answered by julie's_GSD_kirby 5 · 0 0

Labs are wonderful. I have a 7 week old Lab puppy right now.
She is eating Purina puppy chow. She's doing good. and Congratulations on getting a Lab! They are really sweet and easy to train.

2007-02-05 13:29:44 · answer #9 · answered by Courtney C 3 · 0 0

its a cross of a lab and a retriver it eats the same things as other its a very well natured with a gentle nature very good for children and older people it is energitic and easy to train good luck on your new pet

2007-02-05 13:25:09 · answer #10 · answered by bhupen d 1 · 0 0

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