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It doesn't make sense that a powerful being would die for his creation. I understand about the LOVE and all but why then God create Hell to punish the sinners. If Jesus/God died for humans then does that mean humans don't have any sins any more and we can do more sins delibertly and get away with it just by BELIEVING in the theory that Jesus/God is the savior? Does this mean all humans that r yet to be born are sinless even if they do sin because Jesus/God died for our sins so we can be saved? "Jesus died for our sins" << How does this work? Why is there Hell made? what was the purpose of Jesus dieing when to this day people are sinning every which way non stop?

Please answer ALL parts of my question.

P.S. This is utterly confusing and lack logic to the zenith.

2007-02-05 12:51:58 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

what's the purpose of this life on Earth if there's no TEST to see who will fail or pass? If Jesus died for our sins then we should all go to heaven no matter how much sin we "do". This leaves no >purpose< (reason) for this life. Life is a test made by God, if not erases all errors, then is this really a test?

Answer this please.

2007-02-05 12:58:43 · update #1

36 answers

I am a Christian, but more importantly, I had to go through these same questions myself at one point. I just want to share with you what I found. I'm not trying to be "preachy" or anything, but I think you really wanted to know. To do this, I will have to make statements that you may not agree with, but it is the only way to answer you honestly.

God is “holy” which means that he is perfect beyond what we can imagine. Any time that we think God messed up on something, in reality we are just seeing too small a portion of the matter. Because of God’s holiness, he cannot allow imperfection (i.e. sin) in his presence. Allowing sin in “heaven” would actually be a sin, and God (by choice) cannot sin. However, God is also “loving” and he wanted entities who he could love, and who could love Him. He created the angels, but since they were with God from the moment of their creation, they couldn’t really choose to love Him; the matter was pretty much settled. So, God created earth, etc, in order to create humans. He wanted beings that can choose to love or not love Him. Having the choice is what makes our love for Him even more special.

Ok, so your question was on how He could die for us, and why there is still sin if He did:

People sin. In fact, every person on earth sins. We see the choice that God set up for us, but we love ourselves more than God, so we sin. If he made it where we could not sin (i.e. choose to not love Him), we would be like robots, programmed to say “I love you” but with no real way of feeling love.

God’s requirement for being perfectly sinless meant that none (Zero, zip, not even 1) of his created humans could ever live with Him in heaven. Sin in fact, is so disgusting to God that he has a requirement that every person who sins must be punished. This is a reflection of God’s holiness. God is like a Judge who is declaring the defendants guilty and deserving of a death sentence.

One way to understand this is to imagine an author who creates a character for a book or movie and truly loves that character. Later, someone else takes the character and creates a sequel that is completely different and repulsive to the original author. The author protests, trying to get the sequel to be rewritten, but if the producers are making enough money, they won’t listen to her/him. So the author then tells all of their friends not to watch it, and refuses to allow the movie, book into their home. She or he also files a lawsuit, trying to destroy the sequel.

Remember how I said that God is loving? He wants to be close to his creation, so he wants us to qualify for heaven. He loves his creation, so he wanted a way to help us qualify. He is like the author who wants the sequel to be better. So he came up with the most loving way possible.

First, he did what we could not do, he lived a full life on earth with the same choices and temptations that we have, and he did NOT sin. He lived a “perfect” life. While living that life, he showed us how much he loved us in every way possible (miracles, etc).

Then, he took that death sentence that he had declared as Judge, and said he would pay the debt for us, if we ask him to. All he requires is that we choose to love him, just like he has been trying to get us to do since he created us.

So now, there is still sin on earth. People still make the choice to not love God. However, there is still a choice to love him; to accept that he payed the debt for us. We can still choose to rewrite the sequel. We can do what he so desperately wants us to do, accept his love, and love him back.

I hope this answers your questions.

P.S. To answer your "test" question.. The test is whether we can see his love, and choose to love him back. It is really just that simple. Of course, to love him back, we have to accept the deal he gives, because loving God = either (a) never sinning, which is impossible, or (b) asking him to accept Jesus as the substitute for our punishment.

2007-02-05 12:56:04 · answer #1 · answered by danielfromtexas 2 · 3 2

Maybe you should ask one or two questions instead of a litany of unrelated questions. Jesus is not God, and the story of Jesus is that He died for mankinds' sins - it is called making a sacrifice for someone that you love. Now remember, GOD didn't die, the mortal part of Jesus died, God was always wherever God hangs out, which is everywhere and anywhere. Hell already existed, that has nothing to do with Jesus. Hell still exists because there are people that turn their backs on God (insert whichever deity you choose at this point) and these people make decisions that lead them toward destruction and evil. They belong to Satan and go to Hell when they die; some Christians believe that no matter how bad you are and how many sins you committed you can also repent and ask God for forgiveness to avoid Hell. It is all about CHOICES. Jesus had a choice, people have choices, you have choices, and those choices dictate the kind of life you lead on earth and the kind of life you'll lead after death. That's kind of the idea of Heaven and Hell. You also asked about humans being born sinless, but that is also not true, humans are born with the sin of Adam and Eve and have to be baptized to be free of their ORIGINAL SIN. After they are baptized, they start collecting sin again, which all people do - no one is perfect. Prayer, confession, pilgrimage, sacrifice, etc., are all ways to be rid of sin in God's eyes.

I am a Catholic but I think what is most important is that people live with faith. I personally don't care what religion anyone is, it is so much more important whether someone lives a good life and is decent to other people. Too many people get caught up in religious doctrine that they miss the messages, and all religions basically say the same thing - be good to one another.

2007-02-05 13:10:06 · answer #2 · answered by Sassygirlzmom 5 · 1 0

I'm a Christian and even I don't fully understand why God would die for such a crappy person as myself. The reason he created hell was to banish Lucifer (the devil) the former angel from heaven because he tried to make himself better than God. And sadly all his "followers" (anyone who doesn't believe that Jesus is our savior and king and doesn't try not to sin) have to go with him. Just because Jesus died so you wouldn't have any sins and you could go to heaven doesn't mean you can go around doing anything you want. If your brother talked your mom into letting you go to a party even though you were grounded and in exchange took the grounding (we're talking doing chores all day grounding) for himself, would you go and do a bunch of other stuff to get yourself grounded again? You have to do more than just believe, even the devil believes in God! You have to serve him and obey his commandments. All humans are born into sin and through holy baptism they are reborn and become sinless so even though they sin they become blameless before the Lord. When Jesus died he went to hell, coquered death and the devil and was brought back to life by the Holy Spirit. The Purpose of Jesus dieing was to give us the free gift of eternal life, and we can choose to accept that gift or not. I hope this helps!

2007-02-05 13:10:47 · answer #3 · answered by dreamer555 2 · 1 0

Methinks you have to understand something about that. It's true most people do believe that they can do what they want then at the last minute, be "Saved." But it doesn't work that way, because of the intention and consequence. We all know BEFORE HAND what we are getting into in certain situations, but some of us still pursue it, no matter what the cost or who gets hurt. Now as far not having sins, J.C. died so people wouldn't have to experience hell. And hell is for those who refuse to believe, not those who don't understand. And as for the purpose, again, we know what we SHOULDN'T BE doing.

2007-02-05 14:06:40 · answer #4 · answered by Da Mick 5 · 0 0

You're asking a lot for one post, but here goes:

Hell was originally created for fallen angels, not for human souls. But the humans who commit the same sin of pride as the fallen angels and reject Christ's gift of salvation will suffer the same fate. They deliberately choose to reject God, just as the fallen angels did.

Human beings are born with a sin nature just by dint of being human. You've seen even small children get angry or lie or do something that they know is wrong. We are NOT born sinless, that's for sure.

God is merciful, but He is also just. He can't allow sin to go unchecked. . .that wouldn't be fair to those who suffer as the result of sin. The early animal sacrifices were an acknowledgement that the person had done wrong and was sorry, but they were only a "make-do" until the perfect Sacrifice could be made.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have life everlasting.

Obviously, this refers to all human beings living then and in the future who choose to believe that Christ is the Son of God and the perfect sacrifice.

Forgiveness, therefore, is not automatic. You have to make a decision to accept Christ's atoning sacrifice and to turn away from your sins. You acknowledge that your actions have harmed yourself and others and hurt God by rejecting Him, as well.

And when you do repent, that still doesn't give you license to keep on sinning:

Rom 6:1-2 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?

Jesus died so that people *can* escape Hell and the consequences of their own actions. Nowhere is it written, however, that everyone *will* make that decision. He makes the offer of eternal life, and you have to make the decision to accept.

Heb 3:7-8a Wherefore (as the Holy Ghost saith, To day if ye will hear his voice, Harden not your hearts.

I've tried to cover as many of your questions as I can. I'll be happy to explain anything else to the best of my ability if you want to email me.


The "test" in life is to see whether you will obey God or reject Him. Again, Jesus died so that we have the ability to be saved, but not everyone will accept that gift.

It's like having someone give you a million dollars in a bank account. The money is there and available to you, but if you never withdraw any of it, it doesn't do you any good.

Same thing with Jesus dying for our sins. The forgiveness is there, but you have to make the choice. It's not just handed to you by dint of the fact that you're alive and breathing.

2007-02-05 13:18:07 · answer #5 · answered by Wolfeblayde 7 · 1 0

God the Son came to Earth and died as Jesus to save humanity from its sins. He had to die as a sacrifice because that was how the Jews of the Old Covenant made reparations for their sins. Thus, since Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Covenant, he followed its rules until He established the New one. That's WHY He died.

Now does that mean that humans are completely free from the consequences of sin? No, we have free will, and can choose to rebel against God. Jesus' sacrifice merely made it possible for us to humans to achieve eternal salvation...IF WE WANT IT.

People who go to Hell don't want to be in Heaven! Its unfortunate, but they so profoundly chose to reject God... why would they want Heaven, which is a face-to-face presence with God?

2007-02-05 13:00:05 · answer #6 · answered by Zindo 1 · 2 0

Here is where we separate the grey matter from our brain.......
God, in His infinite wisdom, realized that man will sin when left alone (even an infant that has not been taught to sin). Once man sinned, there was a price to pay, and we can't afford that payment.

Because of His great love, He created hell for those that choose to ignore His offer to pay that price. (I realize that doesn't make a lot of sense). He would rather us live on a desserted island than for us to no longer exist (this is as close an explanation I can give).

Since that payment has been made for each of us, and some of us have accepted that payment, we become cognisant of the vastness of that payment (and though we can't, we strive not to sin any longer). We choose to return that love by becoming as much like Him (sinless) as we can, and repenting every time we miss the mark of perfection. Something I for one must do daily.

I can lead a horse to water, but I can't force it to drink. The horse must first desire water. If it dies of thirst next to a pond of pure fresh water, is it the farmer's fault, provided the horse is not restrained from reaching the water? We must choose to accept His payment on our behalf, or we will be required to make that payment ourselves. It's a life sentence, without parole. Can you pay it? I can't. So He did.

No it's up to you. Believe it, and you become free. Refuse it, and become a prisoner.

2007-02-05 13:09:52 · answer #7 · answered by Daniel 2 · 1 0

This works since Jesus died on the cross it gave us the power to pray for forgivness. Hell was made to punish Satan after he rebelled against god and all of his followers. The porpuse of Jesus dying on the cross was to give us the power to pray for forgivness from god for our sins, it's just that some people don't care. Yes when you are born you are sinless since you are a baby and do not know right from wrong.

2007-02-05 13:03:14 · answer #8 · answered by crypt_keeper07 1 · 1 0

It is very clear that you do not understand. First of all, God created the place called hell long before Adam and Eve sinned. It was made for Satan and the fallen angels. Man was never intended to go there. But in time, Man sinned. Since that time all of creation is born with that same sinful nature.... they are bent on sinning from the day they are born. Your kids first words are often "no" and the rebellion begins. The Bible tells us that ALL have sinned.
When Jesus came to die, he came to provide a new way for man, a new covenant... BUT..each person needs to recognize they are sinners and repent of their sin. True repentance is turning away from the sin and not returning to it. We are not born sinless. Jesus came to die so that we would not have to get rid of the sin the old way they did in the Bible, using blood sacrifices on the altar. Jesus came as a sacrifice for all time... and we need to accept His provision and sacrifice...realizing thatit was made for us. His blood cleanes us once and for all time when we continue to walk in obedience to Him and make Him the Lord of our lives. If we continue to sin, He is not Lord...we are. If we are truly 'saved' we will want to do what pleases Him. If you love someone you respond to them in love. Love gives you choices, and God wants you to choose Him, and love Him back. He does not force us to love Him. He gives us the option. He loves you so much that while you are a sinner, He provided Jesus to love you back. Your forgiveness does not give you license to keep on sinning.

2007-02-05 13:21:08 · answer #9 · answered by rejoiceinthelord 5 · 2 0

Yes, Jesus was a gift to us. His death covered all of our sins. However, it is not automatic. Just as you accept a gift from a friend you must accept the gift of Jesus. Anything that we humans do that is against the 10 Commandments is sin. God does love us very much, He created us because He wants us to love Him back for who He is and what He has done for us (ie. given us life). However He will not force us to love Him. Would you force someone to love you? Or do you want people to love you for you? We still have free will. Unfortunately that free will lands some of us in hell when we do not accept the gift and follow the commandments. I hope this helps. God Bless.

2007-02-05 13:09:09 · answer #10 · answered by Lindsey W 2 · 0 1

God made mankind. God loved his creation. Satan's involvement made mankind "move away" from God which was Satan's intention (as he hates God and mankind) God has shown throughout the Bible that he always gives those he loves a second chance. The great flood for example. Noah was given 120 years to try to get the rest of the people to once again turn away from sin and turn to God. When they did not return to obeying him, God allowed them to suffer for it. This is called Justice. Hell is the same thing. Justice for those people who refuse to turn away from sin and return to Him. Jesus was sent by God to once again give mankind an out. (we do the same thing with our own kids if you think about it). Jesus took all of mankinds PAST sin and took it upon himself. He suffered for it and died in our place. This is the ultimate chance from God. He gave a part of HIMSELF for us. As far as can a Christian just go ahead and continue to deliberately sin..the answer is NO. The Bible is very clear that in order to be saved you must "repent and be born again" To be born again means to become NEW. Not just from the standpoint of no longer having any sin...but from the standpoint of letting Jesus be your leader in life. For a true Christian, the whole thing is about trying to live as Jesus lived. Follow his guidelines, his lifestyle and his advice. All people have or will sin and we will be held responsible for those things we do on purpose at the final judgement. Christians (people who believe that Jesus is the son of God and that he died for our sins) are promised only that we will not be cast into the lake of fire (hell) for all eternity. Some Christian religions believe that being held responsible means spending some time in a hell like place (purgatory for Catholics) until our debt has been paid. Others still believe that our degree of sin will determine our place in heaven or our place on earth during what is called the thousand year "millinium reign" (From the book of Revelations) Its all a matter of interpretation. Jesus dying only gave us a final "out or reprieve". It did not save all of mankind. It is up to each individual to determine whether or not they choose to believe and to act on those beliefs. In the Bible...John 3:16 and 3:17 it states. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him will not parish but will have everlasting life. 3:17 says: For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him MIGHT be saved." It's our choice.

2007-02-05 13:17:22 · answer #11 · answered by Poohcat1 7 · 0 0

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