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I usually just get lectured when I get in trouble. Well, I got into so bad stuff at school and cussed out a teacher, when she sent me to the principle I didn't go and sprayed the word B**** on her door. Ha, well I thought it was funny. Well, anyway I get sent to the office, and my mom come's to get me, all the way home she's yelling at me and crap. I get out of the car and she said, You're grounded, three weeks. I said w/e and pushed her. I didn't realize my dad was looking out the window, from his study, when I did. My dad ran down stairs, grabbed me and toled me to go to my room. I said no, so he grabbed my arm and pulled me to my room, he slammed the door and then I noticed he was pulling off his belt. I really didn't know what he was doing. I tryed to escape but he pulled down my jeans and boxers threw me on the bed and spanked me 25 times. I was crying when he finished and I realized he was to. I don't think I should of been spanked. He didn't abbuse me. Am I right?

2007-02-05 12:31:19 · 82 answers · asked by Johnny T 1 in Family & Relationships Family

82 answers

Well...It's kinda abuse, but not really. Someone who disrespects their parents are losers...If you did what you father said to do, you wouldn't get spanked. So learn how to respect you parents and teachers

2007-02-05 12:35:36 · answer #1 · answered by osomi_m 2 · 9 1

you cussed out a teacher,
didn't follow a Teacher's directions,
damaged personal property,
physically attacked your Mother
Hurt your Father so badly he actually cried

And you whine about being spanked?

Damaging personal property is illegal.
Physically attacking a person is illegal.

And you DON'T think you should have been spanked?

Wake up and smell the JAIL CELL! You were lucky only to be spanked!

Are you so wrapped up in yourself that you don't even think about how much your parents have done for you in the last 14 years?

Aren't you even ashamed of being such a disrespectful child? That kind of behavior deserves to be called "Infantile"!

What comes around, goes around!

Wait till you have kids!

p.s. that was a prime example of what my Mom used to tell me. "You ASKED to be spanked!" Heck you practically demanded!

2007-02-09 06:59:44 · answer #2 · answered by maj 4 · 1 1

LOL!!!!!! That's what your little bad *** gets!! You think you're so tough? You think you can get away with anything, don't you? Boy, did you get a rude awakening! Think you're grown don't you? Get over yourself! Nobody abused you! You're lucky it was just your dad who dealt with you! What do you think happens in the real world when you don't do what you're supposed to do? I'll tell you what happens: you get evicted, you get fired, you get thrown in jail, you get your face kicked in by someone who is not your dad, and therefore doesn't give a damn if you live or die! How many people in the real world do you think are gonna just let you get away with whatever? Do you know how many people out there would kill to have parents who care about them? You have parents like that, and that's how you treat them? And that teacher that you disrespected, she went home to her house, that she can pay for with her job, that she got from the education that she has. You have nothing!! You can't even get a job at McDonalds! You have no diploma, no degree, nothing. And the way you're headed, you're not gonna get any of that if you don't take your head out of your ***, and start listening to the people who care about you, and actually know what they're talking about! Grow up!

2007-02-05 12:50:40 · answer #3 · answered by dorky_goddess 4 · 3 0

I think that you brought them to a point where they didn't know what else to do to make you understand you behaved badly and it escalated. They've probably tried other things and they didn't work, right? They don't know how else to ge through to you and get you to change. If something's bothering you or you are mad about something why don't you just have a calm, civilized talk with your parents? Believe it or not they want the best for you and if anyone loves you it's them. I bet you if you start out by telling them you need help that they will want to help you. Apologize for how you behaved (this will calm them down). And if you don't want to talk to them talk to someone like a counselor at school. There is something going on with you that's making you act this way. Your dad was letting you know that becoming physical towards your mom is not acceptable and he was right, what kind of husband would he be if he allowed anyone to abuse his wife?

2007-02-05 12:42:09 · answer #4 · answered by strawberry 4 · 4 0

Sounds like you need to be taken behind the old fashioned wood shed...
Why are you so aggressive and why would you push your mother, of all people?
You have some major problems and you need some counseling, sorry to say.
I can tell you this, you need to learn respect, you only have one mother and father, honor them.
I am not a believer in hitting kids, my brothers and I never got hit nor did my own children.. It bothers me to hear about a parent hitting a child with any kind of weapon..
Why so angry at school? You have some deep problems you are dealing but acting out is not the answer..
Get help with your problems before you end up in prison or worse..
You are young, you have the world at your feet, get a good education.... Blessings~

2007-02-05 12:41:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

maybe spanking at this age is a little bit extreme especially since you are going through puberty at this age and your area down there is doing a lot of changing for example (hair, length, grith) not trying to be gross or anything. i don't think a parent should see their childs well you know when they are that age. if he did that must have been really embarrasing for you. also, he could have hurt you when he threw you down. no parent should throw their child down for any reason. grounding you and making you write a letter of apology should have been enough for this situation. by no means what you did was right or just. you need not to do it anymore because you will deserve a spanking for sure.

2007-02-05 12:42:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You can call the police if you want, but they'll laugh in your face. I think 25 times is a bit much really, and I absolutesly HATE the idea of physical discipline (I never hit my own, but I never found it necessary) but unless you're scarred or bleeding, you weren't abused...especially if you were still able to COUNT the amount of times he smacked you. I don't actually believe any of this happened to you, but IF it did....you have no respect for anyone or anything. Why should your father show you the respect a 14 year old deserves, when you destroy other people's things, call them names and push them? Obviously lectures don't get through to you. I think you just pushed him to the limit. Your mom tried grounding you and you were still smarting off. You pushed her and your dad tried sending you to your room. You didn't respect that either. If you're not full of it, you got what you deserved.

2007-02-05 12:36:07 · answer #7 · answered by Lisa E 6 · 6 0

Although I wouldn't have swung 25 times. Sorry to say kid. I probably would have put a few welts on your butt. As fro you dad crying...He feels that he has let you down as a parent. And what I mean by that is, The he didn't raise you to respect your teachers, parents, and yourself. The fact that he spanked you rather then put you in some kind of Juvenal detention facility. Tells me that he thinks there might still be hope to teach you. I don't know.

2007-02-05 12:39:56 · answer #8 · answered by Lee R 2 · 6 0

No that's not abuse. Knockin your teeth down your throat and then handing you the phone to call children and family services is what I would have done to my daughter if she ever pushed me. Now that's abuse. Sounds like that whooping was a long time coming. And from your attitude, you'll be recieving more, I'm sure. What happened to the good ol days when you could just backhand a smarta@# in public? That's what my mom did to me. Kids these days lack dicipline.

2007-02-07 14:13:09 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well hay I was in wrestling for 10 years and when i lost a match when i got home i lost again becasue i would get beat there too because i cost him money all the dads gamble on there kids and trust me i didint loose much for the fear of getting beat at home so i wrested with 100 percent that is being abused it sounds like you kinda needed it you dad didint want to do it he just saw that you were getting out of control and the lectures dont work any more so he did what he felt he had to do and is probaly crying for 2 reasons you tell me why ??

2007-02-05 12:49:22 · answer #10 · answered by fccowboy2002 2 · 0 0

I felt I had to respond to your question because I have been through the exact same thing.
My father was a very strict man, from a conservative Irish-American family. His father was abusive and abused as a child.
To answer your question as short as possible, no you were not abused. Your father did act out of anger, which isnt right, but you got a punishment suitable to the "crime". You might have been mad, but dont ever push your mother. The woman gave life to you. And here, you father, the man who loves her dearly, acted out of anger and gave you a punishment. He maybe should have waited until his anger cooled off first.
I was spanked until I was 17. That to me was abusive. My father was controlling and verbally abusive. If this is the only thing that happened, then you are fine. The fact that he was crying leads me to believe he was scared at himself and his reaction (fathers wont likely admit to that to their own child).
My suggestion would be to appologize to both your parents. It might sound weird, but hear me out: You did something wrong, at school and at home (it sounds like you know that). It would show them that you are grown up enough to realize your mistake, and appologize for pushing your mom. I think this would mean alot to both parents. Your dad might appologize for acting out of anger, if not thats ok. Im sure it will mean ALOT to them.
There isnt any "right" age to stop spanking, and yes you're a little old for it, but it sounds like your dad didnt know what else to do about it. Try talking to your parents, but as long as this was an isolated incident, you should be fine. Best of luck to you.

2007-02-05 12:41:35 · answer #11 · answered by reauxmarie 2 · 3 0

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