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Is God>father and Jesus> son? If so, then how is Christianity considered MONOTHEIST religion? Shoudn't it be polytheist? And whats up with the "Holy Ghost"< what does this mean? If there's no difference between God and Jesus then why not just call God, God, instead of calling God one time and Jesus the other times? How can God have a son when He isn't like humans and reproduce like us? If God CREATED Jesus, then shouldn't Jesus be his CREATION just like we are and NOT a god? How can God have children when he CREATES and NOT REPRODUCE? Christianity is highly confusing and extremely contradictory, why do you christians follow it knowing that many of the logic behind the religion are completely unstable and highly doubtable? Should the "truth" be contradictory and false, is "truth" ever doubtable to the conscience.

2007-02-05 12:04:24 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

sorry about the spelling.

2007-02-05 12:04:58 · update #1

26 answers

GOD is the god, the supremo of universe.
Jesus is a man. 100% normal man like you and me.
Only difference between Jesus and us is that he could understood god and we do not understand.

Jesus could understood god completely just like other great-men like, Buddha and Nanak. Jesus tried his best to explain god to us but still we do not understand. We keep on debating.

We still are in the process of describing GOD just like the six blind men described an elephant.

2007-02-05 12:26:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

God is considered by most believers to be "triune" (three parted). God the Father (creator of all things) God the Son (that physical being we call Jesus) and God the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit (the life force that takes the actions)
It was the Holy Spirit portion of God that caused Mary to become pregnant with a human child (Jesus).

One God, three parts of that same God. The Bible says that Jesus existed prior to coming to earth. This statement can be true under the "one God" analogy as those things of which Jesus was made were already part of God. I know it sounds very confusing and it is.

As far as truth being doubtable...Of course you can have doubts. It is through doubt that you ask questions...and it is through the answers to those questions that God helps you to understand him. If you read a Bible passage once, you will see an answer...if you read it twice you will see another answer etc. The more you read and study, the less contradiction you will see because you come to understand who God is and how he thinks. Then, you can use that knowledge to interpret the words. I can't believe how much my own faith has grown and changed. I am not talking about any particular religion now...frankly I am not a great believer in organized religions but it was the basis for what I have learned since that time, so I guess they are not all bad. At least they made me ask questions and seek answers. Please use the Bible to get your answers. Read, read, and think about what you read and you find a lot of amazing things. Look beneath the surface of the words and SEE GOD. God Bless.

2007-02-05 12:18:35 · answer #2 · answered by Poohcat1 7 · 0 0

That's the trinity ur talking about. There are 3 parts. God the father, Son, and Holy ghost. Jesus is god in human form when he came 2 earth. The Holy ghost is God in the spirit. We as Christians do not worship all three. We serve 1 God. We are all his children b/c we were created by him. How can this be? B/c god made adam and eve. He made adam basically out of dirt. So there 4 we were created. I do not doubt the word of God or Christianity, we fallow it b/c it's a test in faith. The faith in things not seen. Your trying 2 say that there is no proof of this, but believing in the evolutionary theory is easy 2 believe? Did you no that it's not completely proven? They haven't found the missing link yet. ( The one that connects us 2 monkeys) When they find it then we will have some thing 2 talk about. It's not confusing, you just have 2 have some 1 break it down 4 you.

2007-02-05 12:17:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Jesus Christ is part of God, He was there in the beginning, and knows all, but He had to come to this world as a human to make the sacrifice acceptable. thus, He was born of a human. he couldnt have an earthly father, for the seed of man passes down sin. so the Holy Ghost, aka the Holy Spirit which convicts people and lives inside of their hearts that they may know truthfully what is wrong and right, also kinda like a storage house for faith, it made Mary pregnant (dont get sick, it magically happened) and Jesus was born.

We dont fully understand how they are seperate and the same (the trinity) but we do know that they are real. it makes more sense than being an Atheist, not believing in anything and having no hope or morals.

and if you have ever researched on evolution and how it works, it contradicts science, because to evolutionists, everything gradually became the way it is, BUT for us to exist today, everything needed to come and happen at the same time. if you remove your stomach (dont replace it) then you would die, and cells only duplicate themselves with the same characteristics without changing. so evolution doesnt agree with science. its quite amazing.

for example, if the earth really was millions or billions of years old, then there would be a greater population, we would have advanced long ago, there would be written records of human existance before 4000 bc (when creation happened), and there wouldnt be ANY carbon-14 in rocks now. but there is still plenty of carbon-14.

2007-02-05 12:20:50 · answer #4 · answered by Alexial Jastire 2 · 0 0

Yes, Christianity is still a monotheist religion.
There is something called the Trinity, which means that God is ALL of three. Three = the Son, the Father, and the Holy Spirit/Ghost. Meaning that God is all of those three. Which means that we aren't worshipping two Gods :) Good point, though.

God can do whatever he wants, since he's all powerful. he can reproduce, but that's not what he did and I'm sure he won't either.
He sent Mary, the virgin, to give birth to Jesus.
I think God makes it confusing because he wants us to have faith; not by sight, but by well, faith.

2007-02-05 12:37:34 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

GOD, how can we the creation even begin to understand the Creator? There is only one God. God has three very different manifestations that are able to function; live, think, speak, feel, etc. all on there own. Father is one part. Son is another. Holy Spirit is the last. God did not create Jesus or the Holy Spirit they just are, just like God just is. We have mind, body, and soul. We are a three part being, we can't morph into three different entities, but we are not God.

2007-02-05 12:21:07 · answer #6 · answered by Nani 2 · 0 0

You're speaking og the Holy Trinity. God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. God the Creator of all things, knew that humanity was going to hell. He then did something we will never be able to understand. He foud the most holy woman in the world and chose to impregnate her. (sorry for the spelling) In His almighty way, he knew that the only way to save mankind was by sacrafice. Jesus was born a man so that we could relate to Him and Him to us. When Jesus sacraficed His life, and was ressurected, He left His Holy Spirit to live among us.
Christianity is a monotheistic religion because we serve one God.
God is who worship
Jesus is who we try to be like and thank
The Holy Spirit is what lives inside us
We don't pray to God and then to Jesus. We pray to God through Jesus. If this helps let me know, if not, let me know meatreturns@yahoo.com

2007-02-05 12:17:26 · answer #7 · answered by meatreturns 1 · 0 0

The Father is God....Jesus is the son of god...Jesus is divine like his father, just like you are human because of your father. Jesus was not created....he co-exists with the Father, and comes from the Father....the Holy spirit comes from the father as well....they are all one substance....Jesus and the holy spirit are part of the expression of the father... just like if you had a large pitcher of water, and poured out just a portion into a glass, what is in the glass is the same substance as what is in the pitcher...but is only part of it...the part represents the whole...

God , being God, speaks things into existence, he does not need a wife. Jesus was born of Mary only because Mary was used for a miracle birth- just a vessel in which God would create a physical miracle.

i understand this, but i am a little tired right now.. so maybe something is not clear....i would be happy to discuss it further with you.

2007-02-05 12:16:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God is Father son and Holy spirit. Three distinct beings one God.
One of the deciples said show us the Father. Jesus said if you've seen me you've seen the Father. The Father is in me and I am in the Father. Very confusing. No human will ever understand it compltely. The best Theologian will be unable to give you a clearer answer. Maybe a few more examples which I could do myself.

2007-02-05 12:16:10 · answer #9 · answered by robert m 7 · 0 0

It is called the 'trinity'.
Think of it as three that are ONE like a shamrock. Each of God's incarnations is different. God is the God the Father.
Jesus is the son in the flesh. The Holy Spirit is Jesus in Spirit. All at the same time they are ONE. They work the same purpose.
"And I will pray the father, and he will give you another comforter(Holy Spirit), that he may abide with you forever." -John 14:16

2007-02-05 12:13:24 · answer #10 · answered by great gig in the sky 7 · 0 0

God is one in Spirit, so God the Father and God the Son are one in Spirit. The Holy Bible says that Jesus existed even before the world began, so we know He existed in God himself. Now we know that Jesus was also, a man - God's Spirit made flesh, so that God could be like us (His most precious creation), and become our teacher, healer, and saviour (the ultimate love sacrifice for our sins). I think of The Father as God in heaven, Jesus as God the human and high priest (currently in heaven), and The Holy Spirit as God everywhere else (Jesus in those of us who are saved and born again in Him). I also compare God to water, which we know water is a major theme in The Bible. Water is the same H2O molecule whether it is liquid, ice, or vapor. So God is the same whether He is Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. In His case, the water is pure, and is the same no matter where it is.

2007-02-05 12:09:22 · answer #11 · answered by cpoppa112 2 · 0 0

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