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John Wickliffe on the state of the church A.D. 1371:

Pg. 50,51
“In these days the whole state of religion was depraved and corrupted: the name only of Christ remained amongst Christians, but his true and lively doctrine was as far unknown to the most part as his name was common to all men. As touching faith, consolation, the end and use of the law, the office of Christ, our impotency and weakness, the Holy Ghost, the greatness and strength of sin, true works, grace and free justification by faith, the liberty of the Christian man, there was almost no mention.
The world, forsaking the lively power of God’s spiritual Word, was altogether led and blinded with outward ceremonies and human traditions; in these was all the hope of obtaining salvation fully fixed;
Insomuch that scarcely any other thing was seen in the temples or churches, taught or spoken of in sermons, or finally intended or gone about in their whole life, but only heaping up of a certain shadowy ceremonies

2007-02-05 11:21:42 · 10 answers · asked by Lovin' Mary's Lamb 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

upon ceremonies; neither was there any end of this their heaping……With how many bonds and snares of ceremonies were the consciences of men, redeemed by Christ to liberty, ensnared and snarled! The Christian people were wholly carried away as it were by the nose with mere decrees and constitutions of men, even whither it pleased the bishops to lead them, and not as Christ’s will did direct them. The simple and unlearned people, being far from all knowledge of the holy Scripture, thought it quite enough for them to know only those things which were delivered them by their pastors; and they, on the other part, taught in a manner nothing else but such things as came forth of the court of Rome; whereof the most part tended to the profit of their order, more than to the glory of Christ.”
From Foxe's Book of Martyrs edited by Grinton

2007-02-05 11:22:07 · update #1

Josh, I get it. My question is does anybody else and what do they think the meaning of this passage is.
The fellow who said this is his period of history didn't fully read the passage? This is taken from Foxe's Book of Martyr's, not from Wycliffe's works. Some prejudice is there without any comprehension??

2007-02-05 11:33:52 · update #2

10 answers

During the time prior to the reformation, the Roman Catholic church had become corrupt with almost no resemblance to the early church that Christ had come to create. There were masses, novenas rites and rituals that are not mentioned in the bible. They were created by the priests and church hierarchy to keep the people in line. The common man was not allowed to read the scriptures for himself or to interpret any biblical passage. This was considered heresy and punishable by excommunication and even horrible death. The Pope in those days and many of the higher clergy could grant forgiveness of sins to anyone with a purse large enough. The poor were excluded because they could not finance the lavish lifestyles of the clergy. Many of those in this book took their lives in their hands by searching the scriptures and finding the simplicity and straightforward message of salvation. That it is a free gift for anyone and that works and rituals will not get you into heaven. The Church really squashed this practice until the time of Martin Luther. He was a priest who, understanding the truth, wrote out a thesis with 95 points that were errors that the church was committing. That is what started the reformation. Now anyone who wants to read and study the Bible is free to do so. Hope that helps.

2007-02-05 11:37:03 · answer #1 · answered by Yo C 4 · 1 0

I have not read John Wickliffe, but after that little sample, I can see no reason to visit his works. what a long winded pompous fool he is. OK so I am not a Christian, Muslim or Jew, but I am a Historical Bibliographer of Middle-Eastern Manuscripts, and this period falls into my era of specialism.

In the late 14th Century, virtually all religion in western Europe was conducted in Latin, to an audience which was mainly illiterate. Pictures were placed in glass, to tell the stories, and most of the church was conducted in a land grab race between the different donimations.

The only word understood in the bible was the word Christ...

This is the period of churches before the high gothic or perpendicular arrived. The mother church had spent the last 200 years burning all the heritics within its ranks - the Cathars & Waldensians in France and Constantinople was sackd during the forth crusade, ending the spilt between the church. Rome was free to consolidate its power base.

Many Catholics were troubled by the way the Church abused its power. The Church allowed the sale of indulgences (substitutes for confession that had to be bought) and allowed people to buy the titles in the church such as priest, bishop, etc. The Church even went so far as to allow people to buy more than one title, a man could be both a priest and a bishop.

Most of the rural community was in fact lay brothers, working for the monastic orders which had divided up the land, to control the cloth trade in northern europe. Trade, movement, and power was controlled by Rome.

but Rome was in Turmoil, a civil war, with the pope fighting against other factions who wanted to control the church.

Pope Urban V (Guillaume Grimoard, 1362- December 19, 1370) was a severe disciplinarian, - enforced one of the last crusades against the Turks to take back Alexandria. He also sent many missions to Bosnia, Lithuania, Bulgaria and China.

The great feature of Urban V's reign was the effort to restore the Papacy to Italy, and to suppress its powerful rivals for the temporal sovereignty there. Numerous cities of the Papal States were in open revolt against him.

His successor was no better, Pope Gregory XI (c. 1336 – March 27, 1378), whom took measures against the heresies which had broken out in Germany, England, and other parts of Europe. He also tried to bring about a reformation in the various monastic orders. The nineteen propositions of John Wycliffe (c. 1320–84) and the thirteen articles of the Sachenspiegel were formally condemned by Pope Gregory XI in 1377.

Gregory XI did not long survive this removal, dying on March 27, 1378. His successor was Pope Urban VI (1378–89), but the antipope Clement VII (1378–89) also received much support, and the Western Schism (1378–1417) lasted almost forty years.

"Wycliffe believed that the Bible ought to be the common possession of all Christians, and needed to be made available for common use in the language of the people. National honour seemed to require this, since members of the nobility possessed the Bible in French. Portions of the Bible had been translated into English, but there was no complete translation. Wycliffe set himself to the task." wikipedia see link

what he meant was the bible should be avliable to the merchant class, as the rest were illiterate, so would not be able to read it anyway.

2007-02-05 11:30:20 · answer #2 · answered by DAVID C 6 · 1 1

Try praying about what your reading as God can make this passage and what John Wickliffe is saying about this passage more clear to you. God can speak to you through His word or whatever you reading but only if you let Him show you these things about the real truth in His word which is the Bible.

2007-02-05 11:25:31 · answer #3 · answered by Josh D 6 · 0 0

Jonn was just reaffirming what Christ had said about "mens' traditions making the word of God of none effect".

The churches had set up their own doctrines, whereby men must be saved, instead of accepting Gods grace.

2007-02-05 11:38:09 · answer #4 · answered by Madmax 3 · 1 0

True religion (Judaism) has been fulfilled by the work of Christ. God is not religious nor does he specifically want us to be. God wants a relationship with us; He is radical and alive. Christianity is not a religion. Religion is man made. Christianity is God made. Religion is mans way to God. Christianity is Gods way to (have fellowship with and to dwell within His creation) man.

2007-02-05 11:36:48 · answer #5 · answered by acesfourpal 4 · 0 0

seems to be very impartial. the majority of the church was in good order during this period. it seems anti catholic to me, for a better understanding of early christianity the best material comes from the church fathers. the author seems to have many misconceptions of the catholic church all without any basis. for another perspective on the catholic church you may find the study course (number 2) on salvationhistory.com beneficial.

2007-02-05 11:33:17 · answer #6 · answered by fenian1916 5 · 0 2

sure, there grew to become into salvation even interior the days of abraham. are not getting the thought there grew to become right into a distinctive gospel even nevertheless. interior the time before Christ walked the earth, adult adult males nonetheless had the Spirit of God, how do you think of david understood lots approximately his own sins? a lost guy or woman does not understand sin by one iota, thats what makes them lost! additionally, are not getting the thought God grew to become into accepting of all religions and peoples in that day, if that have been genuine then the completed Bible is a farce. Exodus 20:3 Thou shalt have not have been given the different gods before me. 4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any element it rather is in heaven above, or it rather is interior the earth under, or it rather is interior the water under the earth. 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, NOR serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, vacationing the iniquity of the fathers upon the youngsters unto the 0.33 and fourth technology of them that detest me; 6 And showing mercy unto 1000's of them that love me, and save my commandments. goodness with out the goodness it rather is in our Lord Jesus Christ isn't goodness in any respect yet a grimy rag interior the sight of the Lord.

2016-09-28 11:34:39 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

That was the reason for the Protestant Reformation.

2007-02-05 11:26:35 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Im pretty sure it means get your gangsta on and keep it really real.

2007-02-05 11:23:44 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

So whats your question?
Are you a preacher or something?

2007-02-05 11:25:32 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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