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are there any historical theories for this?

2007-02-05 09:32:24 · 32 answers · asked by fiddich59 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

Jesus in the age period 14-29
What are these many things that have not been recorded? One record that is glaringly missing is the period 14-29 years in the life of Jesus. One theory is that he went to India to be trained as a Buddhist.
The story of the Wise Men is surprisingly similar to the traditions of Buddhism, a religion 500 years older than Christianity. When a great Buddhist holy man (lama) died, wise men consult the stars and go on a long trek to find his incarnation. When he is found, he is taken from his parents when old enough and trained in the Buddhist faith. Could Jesus have been identified as an incarnation and taken to India?
The Russian explorer, Nicolai Natovich travelled to northern India in the 19th century and found a manuscript in a Tibetan monastery which he translated as 'The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ'. It tells of a divine child called Issa born to a poor family in Israel. he learnt the teachings of Buddhism before returning to Israel at 29. The later teachings and miracles of Jesus have an uncanny parallel with the Buddhist counterpart. For example, the injunction to love your enemies and the promise that the meek will inherit the earth have no precedent in Judaism but they are found in Buddhism.
1. Mark 6:48:     he went out to them walking on the lake.
    Anguttara Nikaya 3:60: He walks upon the water without parting it, as if it were solid ground. 
2. Mark 10:25:   it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the
                        kingdom of heaven.
    Jatakamala 5:5 & 15: Riches make a man greedy and so are like a caravan lurching down the road to hell.
3. Matthew 6:20: Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy and where
                         thieves do not break in and steal.
    Kuddakaptha 8:9 Let the wise man do righteousness; a treasure that others cannot share, which no thief
                          can steal, a treasure which does not pass away.
Jesus after the crucifixion
One story is that Jesus went to live with Mary Magdalene (together with her sister Martha and brother Lazarus) in France but this is unlikely as France was a Roman colony and he risked being spotted and arrested.
More likely, Jesus escaped to another country. The Jews are the tribe of Judah and according to the Hebrew Bible, there were 10 others that were banished by the Assyrians to the North East. One theory is that Jesus might have wanted to introduce himself to the the other tribes. It was easy to travel to the East  either via the Silk route or the Spice route. Thomas the disciple followed the Spice route and landed in South India where he established a church.
In Kashmir, there is a tribe  calling themselves Ben-i Israel; they claim to be descendants of the lost tribes. There is a story that in the first century a man from Israel called Issa (known locally as Yus Assaf meaning healer or Shepherd) returned to Kashmir. In a local temple called the Temple of Solomon, there used to be an inscription that told of Yus Assaf's claim in 50 AD to be Jesus.
Abdullah Assiz Kashmiri of the University of Srinagar says according to Kashmiri history books, Yus Assaf came from Israel; he claimed to be a prophet and messenger and spread his teachings. He continued to teach until he died around the year 80 AD. There is a modest building that claims to house his tomb. The first shrine was erected at the site around 112 AD and is now a shared gravesite shared with a Muslim holy man, Syed Nazir-ud-din, buried there in the 15th century.
Unless Issa's body is exhumed, we can't be sure that the body is a man who survived the crucifixion. However, next to the sarcophagus are the carved footprints that have marks or scars on them. Kashmiri said: "'The footprints were carved as a sign - the scars are clearly visible, as if he was nailed to the cross.. this must be the same person who came here from Israel... You won't find any footprints like these in Kashmir."
The position of the scars just behind the toes don't match each other but they would align if a single nail was driven through both feet with the left foot placed on the right.
If this is indeed the tomb of Jesus, then he spent most of his life in the kingdom of Kashmir. That means he did not died on the cross, there was no resurrection and he did not ascend into into heaven.

2007-02-05 09:39:37 · answer #1 · answered by vibrance0404 3 · 4 1

Well, you're correct about people spending even 5 days on the cross and surviving, but I still have a few points to add. In those times, they crucified a lot of people. They had it down to a science. The crucifixion was suppose to be a slow and painful death. One would have been hanging by the legs or wrists while the weight of your own body is crushing your lungs. The only way to breathe would be to lift yourself up, either by pulling up with your arms or by pushing with your feet (those nails would hurt like hell). Pushing with your feet was easier. So, to speed up the process, the romans would break the legs of the condemned until they suffocated. But Jesus' legs were not broken, as it said in the bible. In fact, they left alone because he was already dead. To check, they stuck a spear on his side. Water (from pnemonia) and blood flowed out. Since he was a famous guy, even at his time, they decided he'd get a really nice tomb. It was even under guard, day and night, to protect it from grave robbers. I really don't see how contemporary reports could get objective witnesses. You'd need to explain that to me, 'cuz any of our contemporaries were born almost 2000 years too late.

2016-05-24 19:26:02 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The Dead Sea Scrolls and some of the books removed over time from the Bible have information on these gaps. But most Christians prefer to think the King James Version the only real word of God.

Oh, BTW, from the original manuscripts: Mary Magdalene was Not a whore. The old King and his buddies just thought it made a better story.

2007-02-08 19:57:47 · answer #3 · answered by ... 7 · 1 0

Yes there are, and genetic proof as well apparently.

People can be traced back to their basic tribes or House ( House of David) There are families in France that can be traced back to this lineage. It has been said that after the Crucifixion, Jesus did not die. He was only pierced by the Roman Sword in his gut. Nailing to the cross was not life threateneing and it was usually for 24 hrs and then they were taken down. The wrists and feet were also ties to the cross as nailing would not hold them in the position we see typically sterotyped on icons of religion.

It is also said that they fled across the land and sea to a new beginning ( France or Gaul as it was at the time)

Between 14 and early 20's Jesus was a carpenters son and as such learned the trade of his adopted Father Joseph. He was also a student of the Prophet Saul who taught Jesus about the ways of God. He was never the son of God he was a prophet and stated himself that. his answer to... Are you the Son of God?
Those are your words not mine.

2007-02-05 09:43:04 · answer #4 · answered by Shelty K 5 · 0 1

When he was 12 his parents lost track of him and found him three days later in a temple "sitting in the midst of the teachers and listening to them and questioning them" Luke 2:41-50.

After that he stayed with his parents "continuing subject to them" Luke 2:51. And he continued to study "progressing in wisdom and in physical growth and in favor with God and men" Luke 2:52

After he was resurrected, he was seen walking on the road between Jerusalem and Emmaus (about 7 miles from Jerusalem) Luke 24:13

He then returned to Jerusalem (Luke 24:33) and walked with the eleven to Bethany (Luke 24:50).

2007-02-05 09:52:08 · answer #5 · answered by RubberSoul_61 4 · 0 0

As the story goes…

There is no known record of those middle years.

He ascended into heaven forty days after the crucifixion (Ascention Day), and three days later the Holly Spirit visited the disciples (Pentecost).

2007-02-05 09:40:41 · answer #6 · answered by HearKat 7 · 0 0

God's written word, the Bible, does not have anything to say about those years.

No, Jesus did not survive the Crucifixion. That is the whole purpose of His existence. He was sent here to take our place in death. To be the sacrifice for our sins. God will not let sin enter Heaven. Therefore, Jesus had to die so that those of us, who accept Him as their Lord and Savior, won't die because of the sins that we commit.

He arose from death and ascended into Heaven to sit at the right hand of God. Because of His returning to life from death, we can too.

Historical evidence for this is God's written word, the Bible. However, this is accepted by faith not proof, and I believe it with all of my heart.

2007-02-05 09:51:18 · answer #7 · answered by 4HIM- Christians love 7 · 2 0

Jesus ministry didn't start until age 30. At age 12 he spoke to the Pharisees and they were amazed at his knowledge. And he told his parents he was doing his fathers work.
Jesus went to hades after he died on the cross. Hades is the place of the dead, not hell. And Jesus WAS dead, this is not a debatable thing. The roman soldiers knew he was dead, they knew what they were doing.

2007-02-05 09:37:20 · answer #8 · answered by Jeanmarie 7 · 1 1

No, no. You are off track as so many are. PROPHECY. The ministry of Jesus was the fulfilling of PROPHECY. You will never find the truth by just looking for historical proof and such. You will never find answers because first of all, you have DOUBT !

Perhaps read the (short) Book of Malachi,which is the last book of the Old Testament. Chapter 4 verse (2) "But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings,and you shall go forth and grow up as calves of the stall."
And (5) " Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet, Before the great and dreadful day of the Lord "

Then after this begins The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. READ ON !!! >> ( Bible )

From my own viewpoint, too many seek to be convinced of 'proof' of Jesus ' life. He was to come after John the Baptist and to fulfill PROHECY. Once you have received healing,in the way I have, you will no longer seek 'logical 'explanantions to Jesus. He is The Way.The Truth,The Life. I know. I have been in a truly desperate situation with someone very,very sick. I was sat right by their side watching their 46 yrs of life fade away. Within ONE HOUR of direct prayer to Jesus, a total outcry for His help, He intervened and turned around a situation which even had medical doctors amazed.
HE is not up for question by mankind, but for following and for our eternal dedication and proclamation of Faith in His Holy Spirit. FAITH is where the power of His love is centred. Place your FAITH in Jesus and He will come to you as He did to me in my hour of absolutely desperate need. I FELT HIS POWER.
In quiet and intense seclusion, I placed absolute open FAITH in Jesus alone. I SAW the life and recovery come back into a loved one with my own eyes,heart and soul. (Luke.8.Verses 48 - 55.)

It happened one day in September 2000.

You see,there can be no man, (as we know man)...... like Jesus. How His middle years were absorbed is not so important. Our FAITH in Him is vital. During His three years of ministry among a much confused people on earth, He was and is the embodiment of The Holy Spirit Son of God our Father. The Fulfillment of PROPHECY !
He overcame death on the cross. Follow Him.

2007-02-06 10:06:46 · answer #9 · answered by TOS Violation ? (ex Spaced Out) 4 · 0 1

Actually it is 8-29. What was his job? carpenter. Who was occupying the lands? Roman Empire. What did Carpenters do at the time to make money? Build Crucifaxes for the Roman Empire to hang there prisoners.

And, about the survival of Jesus on the cross Pilate was shocked to hear him dead. Which makes me wonder if prisoners actually died on a cross. For only 1 truely did die, St Peter, reason he was hung upside down and died of blood going into the brain.

But, Jesus dying. I do not think so and if he did survive and according to Jews that he did, in fact live. He lived with his wife Mary of Magdalene. And, moved to a city which is now known as Paris, France. It is one of the primary reasons why the Knights of Templar was formed.

Your of Templar blood you get that story drilled into you and pass it on to the next generation. And, you misquote you will burn in Hell.

2007-02-05 09:44:42 · answer #10 · answered by Kitty 4 · 1 3

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