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the dog in question is of course the pit bull

2007-02-05 09:22:14 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

25 answers

I'm more fed up with the morons who own dangerous dogs like these. There is nothing that anyone can say that will guarantee that these dogs do not harm children, and it is irresponsible to own such a dog - they serve absolutely no purpose other than to boost the low self-esteem of some chav low-life. Dogs like these are only owned by knuckledraggers, white van man, scrapyard owners and drug-dealers. I doubt this was the answer you wanted - but too bad, these dogs should all be castrated/sterilised and then they would be gone within a single generation.

2007-02-05 09:35:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 6

Look, its not just pitbulls, all dogs can be dangerous, except the pitbull has a bite power that exceeds nearly all other dogs, plus once they start fighting and/or attacking they are practically unstoppable, I know people in the US that have pits as pets and wouldnt exchange them for the world, but they are properly trained and cared for from the start, if a Lab attacks you a good kicking will see it off, not so with a pit, they just keep on coming, thats the difference, and thats what makes them so dangerous.

2007-02-06 19:33:11 · answer #2 · answered by magpyre 5 · 4 1

I am so sick of people saying that pit bulls are dangerous dogs just because they were used as fighting dogs in the past, and some idiots still think its ok to do that. Pit bulls were not used to fight because they are evil or mean, it is because they have a high pain tolerance. The dogs that turn on people and give the other pit bulls a bad name are usually the ones that have been abused or were trained to do this. In my opinion, anybody that is caught useing dogs to fight, should be thrown in jail for a long long time. Yes I will admit, there are the occasional cases where a pit bull that has not been abused or trained to fight has turned on people, but so has other breeds of dogs. You just dont hear about these cases because everyone is so focused on blaming pit bulls for everything. "Punish the deed not the breed!"

2007-02-05 17:41:19 · answer #3 · answered by Brittany 2 · 5 4

HAY - I've had a few chihuahuas that could tear up your ankles up if I taught them to! People say chi's are snappy, yappy and irritating as h----! However, not necessarily so...mine aren't.

I was raised with a pit bull when I was a little girl and he was very protective of me and gentle as well. There are bad owners of every breed as well as good owners of every breed. It's all in the training! It's just that pit bulls have 300 lbs worth of jaw muscle and that's a little intimidating. If you and your pit bull and me and my chihuahua were walking in the park which dog do you think would reach out to pet? There's a thought? :) It's just that you hear so many horror stories about pit's...they just unfortunately have a bad reputation. I've never heard or seen people being malled by a chihuahua but it does happen I'm sure. I'm a dog lover of all kinds! I've had dobermans as well and they were as gently as a kitten. I've had some cats that were mean though - could never figure that one out though...or how to fix the problem.

Prejudice is everywhere - even in races of humans. Sad...too much energy being wasted...

2007-02-05 18:08:00 · answer #4 · answered by Gayle M 2 · 4 3

I'm fed up with people who are too lazy to educate themselves on this and every other so called dangerous dog but spew ignorance on the subject every chance they get.
I'm fed up with lazy people who fall in love with that cute helpless little puppy and can't be bothered to educate themselves on the breeds requirements and ultimately ruin the dog.
I'm fed up with those few owners who think they can keep several pits in their house none of which have been altered and cry over a severely injured one after it fights for a female in heat.
I'm really fed up with people who own so called docile pits that cannot understand that the dog is not a babysitter and should never be left unsupervised with a child.
I'm fed up with every fool who buys a pitbull puppy and think they're going to get rich on the dogs pups and looks to breed as soon as the first heat comes.
I'm fed up with people who after breeding cannot find homes for these awesome dogs.
And I'm really fed up with owners of pits who hang their heads and walk off quickly rather than stop to not only defend the breed but educate the idiots making loud obnoxious comments about the dog.
I do not own a pitbull.I have never owned a pitbull.And I never will own a pitbull in the future.
But I have had the pleasure of knowing several very well and can say from experience that it's very hard not to fall in love with these dogs they are such happy creatures who know no stranger.They don't discriminate-they love everyone!And I'd love to own one but I'm old and I can't keep up with them.They have way too much energy for me.
For many months I had one here with my 2 german shepherds daily while his owner worked.He was a perfect little gentleman most of the time and when he acted up he was punished as if he were mine.If all 3 dogs were acting up all 3 were punished immediately.And I've had many compliments from neighbors at how well all 3 males played together and how watching me {a woman of average build} show no fear or hesitation at seperating the 3 at the first sign of a problem had put them at ease.My neighbors had the sense to realize that this little dog they'd feared so badly from the time he was a tiny pup was a great source of enjoyment.These people would stop in the street and watch all the boys play and there was'nt a face looking in that was'nt smiling.
Sadly the owner had to re-home my little buddy and I really miss the little guy.She works long hours and has no time for a dog and like I said before I could'nt keep up with him on a daily basis.If I were 10 years younger and in better health he'd still be here.

2007-02-05 19:17:36 · answer #5 · answered by misbehavin165 5 · 4 2

I couldn't agree more. There are apparently a lot more pit owner then I knew of. Not only that but 99% of them are incompetent. This is exactly why the breed has such a bad name. I have a pit and it is a loving sweet dog. My sister just had a baby and she is amazing with him. These dogs can be great if breed and raised the right way. It makes to sick to think of the people who abuse this breed and don't know how to raise them. I love the American pit bull breed and think they are fantastic animals. The can be just as great as any other breed of dog. There needs to be some kind of law protecting stupid people from owning animals.

2007-02-05 17:51:42 · answer #6 · answered by dogcrazy 4 · 4 4

I dont know much about pitbulls but i do know exactly what you mean about people talking about dogs & the breed they own(or dont & never have which is worse) as if theyre an expert.It is really annoying.Every breed is individual to itself & just becoz youve owned a dog or even a particular breed doesnt mean you know everything about that type of dog.The worse people are the ones which lead you to believe they have 1st hand knowledge & give out technical advice.People like that can cause harm not good plus even if you do know a lot about a breed every dog is diferent so you should always be cautious & get expert advice for anything important.Your better off looking on the internet than taking advice from sum1 in the street coz 2 many people like 2 giv advice without knowing wot theyre talking about,even 2 the extent of lying about where their knowledge comes from 2 impress.Sum people just like 2 look good & dont think of the harm they can do!

2007-02-05 17:44:03 · answer #7 · answered by Poppypunto 4 · 4 4

Ya know, people....it ain't the dog, it's the owner. Do I know anything about Pit Bulls? Nope, but I've heard many stories on both sides. As a matter of fact, I've only seen pictures of Pit Bulls and they don't look all that bad. Hell, you can train just about any dog to be a killer. Sooo, like I said: It ain't the dog, it's the owner.

2007-02-05 22:58:47 · answer #8 · answered by James S 1 · 4 3

The pit bull in its own right is a good dog. It is the people that bring them up and teach them that are wrong. You have most likely seen me on here before because I bred dogs and have answered a lot of questions on here. Strange but one ran out at me this evening and instead of being frightened I talked to him and he was all over me. His owner ran out shouting but the dog was perfectly ok with me. I have said many times on here, no such thing as bad dog, only bad owners. By the way babe I have 164 pound rottie, and he is lovely with the kids, they ride on his back. Another one they are trying to ban. **** they are creeps.

2007-02-05 21:40:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

I am a massive massive dog lover but I will admit I'm not struck on any Put Bulls whatsoever. I love big dogs preferably and breed Hungarian Vizslas but never judge a book by its cover. I also agree that take a look at the owner - how do they bring them up from pup???? Their way!!!

2007-02-05 17:40:20 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

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