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i am 17 year old boy....everything in my life was going just fine.....i scored first division in my final exam.....my 17th birthday was also full of fun.....until i need to hear this news that my parents ...that they are getting a divorce : ( ....i just couldnt bear the pain of loosing my mom cuz she is my best friend and we have been always together all times...she loved me and was there in everstep....i cant live without her....
on top of that....my relation with my gf was also over at the same time....she said she found someone who she is in love with...i said its ok....but i really feel hurt from it and i wished she would still love me but thats just a dream......
this life just sucks.....i lost the one.....my parents are leaving.....should i give up?....what should i do?...i don't have friends also ....cuz i am abroad in foreign country for my higher studies...and i havent made much of friends over here.....
everyday is a nightmare to me.....just feel like crying and screami

2007-02-05 08:46:09 · 16 answers · asked by dafastdifunk 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

16 answers

I am so sorry to hear about all of your pain. But...(now here comes the PollyAnna part) you have been given many blessings. First, though your parents are divorcing, they aren't leaving you. You will always have their love, their support and they will always have your best interests at heart. They just can't live with each other. They still love you.
Girls come and go. You are young; you are finding your way through life, and there is much waiting for you. Cherish the special moments that you have had in your life, both with your parents and your girlfriend--draw strength from that and start designing a plan--a plan to go forward.
You are strong. You can do it! You have a strong body, a good mind, youth, and the fact that you are living abroad implies that you have alot going for you.
We often never know how strong we really are until AFTER the trial. Then we can look back and be amazed that we came out of it the way that we did. It is really all about choices.
I can imagine the shock, though, but hang in there. The pain will pass. It is up to you, though, to look beyond. Get out of your comfort zone and make some friends. This is the time for you to really grow. I think that if you were to open up to some people, you will find compassion and good support--but still, it is up to you how you deal with it all. My prayers are with you. Do the same. Good luck. Write me whenever, should you desire to.

2007-02-05 09:03:13 · answer #1 · answered by Nisey 5 · 0 1

You are not losing your mother!!!! Nothing between you two will change!!! And, because of the fact that you are 17 and away at school, the divorce will not even have much affect at all on your life! You don't live with your parents anyway!! You just need a little time to digest all this. You will find a new girl, give yourself a little time. Try to make some more friends. When I was in college, I studied in a public area of the dorm instead of the library or in my room, and I made so many friends that way. Try it. Don't give up!! You have be strong, take it one day at a time, and don't let your grades drop. Time will help you. I wish you the best. We all go through times like this. Now its your turn. It will pass, things will be ok!!!!

2007-02-05 08:55:50 · answer #2 · answered by F 5 · 1 0

Take a deep breath. Now take another. I know things seem bad, but killing yourself will never make them better.

Divorce sucks, true, but it doesn't mean you're losing your mom. She still loves you and will still be in your life as much as ever. You can probably even choose to live with her instead of your dad. Your parents are divorcing from each other, not from you.

Losing your girlfriend sucks too, but at least she was honest with you. And, impossible as it may seem right now, you will eventually find another person to love. Trust me, it does happen, repeatedly.

Right now you need to call your mom and talk with her, explain your anguish to her. If you have any friends where you are living now, go to them and ask for their help. You shouldn't be alone right now, and other people can comfort you. Meanwhile, if you feel like crying, go for it. Cry, write in a journal, let your emotions out safely. Don't drink, do drugs, hurt yourself, or anything else that will only increase your misery. You will get through this.

2007-02-05 08:56:58 · answer #3 · answered by teresathegreat 7 · 1 0

when things gets rough in life boo dont give up for anyone. Your life is important
This is a task that god is giving you take it and learn from it.
And about your parents divorcing I'm sorry to hear that but know matter what they will always be there for you and maybe it was best for all of you all i can tell you is for you to be strong and support your parents cause they will need you just like you might need them too and your ex girlfriend all of that might hurt you alot but things wil get into place down the line and you will fall in love again and this time will be for ever good luck

2007-02-05 09:00:27 · answer #4 · answered by mary o 3 · 1 0

I can kind of relate to this. I went through a horrible two years starting after I turned 18. My father was in the hospital, I had to take care of two younger brothers and mange the house, work, and attend college. I had a boyfriend at the time, but all the stress eventually took its toll. That was one of the most depressing times in my life, but I made it and so will you. No matter what, you have to hang in there (it won't be easy), because things do eventually work out.

2007-02-05 08:48:50 · answer #5 · answered by Creampoof737 3 · 1 0

ok first of all if you mean killing yourself then thats defo NOT the answer, some things have happened to you it will happen take the bad things with the good. i can assure you the good things will happen, also your not losing your mum because your parents are getting divorced that doesnt have to change things with your mum just because she is not going to be with your dad doesnt mean that your relationship with either of your parents have to change, discuss this with your mum and with the gf thing you have your whole life to meet someone that will love you your only 17.

P.S. well done with the exam and Happy Birthday

2007-02-05 08:58:54 · answer #6 · answered by Andrew H 1 · 1 0

You are 17, you have your entire life ahead of you... why do you want to give up now? Just because things didn't work out with your and your girlfriend is no reason to mope around.. and the situation with your parents, I know its going to be hard for you, but maybe they feel this is the only choice they have... they aren't doig it to hurt you.. and you can still be with your mom. Best of luck to you!

2007-02-05 08:54:33 · answer #7 · answered by emtb9 4 · 3 0

don't give up. I know it may be hard to realize right now but things will get better. Going through these trials and challenges will make you a stronger person and things will work out in the long run. Whatever you do don't give up...I know things are hard but there are good things to come you are still young.

2007-02-05 08:53:28 · answer #8 · answered by sweetgirl 2 · 2 0

My ex boyfriend was cheating on me with a girl i thought was his sister, i had to go to court cause when i found out i keyed his car, turned around and total lossed my 2004 hyundai accenti now i have to find a way to get to work and get to my classes without a vehicle., my parents also tells me after 30 years of marriage their getting a seperation. Im mixed black, white and indian im sure you can imagine how hard it is fitting in with society and your suicidal. What your going through is what a lot of people is going through including myself its called LIFE. God isnt going to put any more on you then you can handle. Everyone has good and bad days youll get through it just hang in their. I shouldve been jumped off a bridge but even though im going through alot right now i still have my share of good too.

2007-02-05 09:02:41 · answer #9 · answered by meka g 6 · 0 1

my parents are getting a divorce too so i know how you mean. youve definatly got a gift as far as academicly speaking. as far as friends, hey its always okay to have friends on the computer. if you want ill even be your friend. to get friends, be yourself, itll take away the stress of having to act out and itll show people just how great you are. my boyfriend who i thoguht was perfect in every single way dumped me, and it was my first time being dumped (cause i normally dumped other guys but thats not the point and it makes me look bad) so i was so so so heartbroken, but i told myself, after you break up with someone, as increadibly hard as it may seem to belive, you will always find someone better in the strangest of ways. my current boyfriend i met while hanging out with my friends from another town, and trust me, hes much better than the "perfect" one of before. you can find a better girl, your parents and you will be okay, youll get to spend better quality time with each of them and you wont have to live in fear of fights breaking out, and you will find the friends you need. feel better.

2007-02-05 08:59:31 · answer #10 · answered by Lindsay Lee 2 · 0 1

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