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Ok, here's the deal. I'm thirteen years old, I was born in January 1994. From then until mid-2006 I was a devout Catholic. I believed in everything and even attended a Catholic elementary school because, simply, I grew up with the religion and it stuck with me.But in mid 2006 my life grew really complicated, a lot of bad stuff happened, and I started doubting the truth of God and the Catholic religion. In mid 2006 I officially considered myself Agnostic, but still attended Catholic church because my family did.
Now it's February 2007, and I've been reading into a religion that sounds just right for me. The religion is scientology, and I know that it is an extraordinarily controversial religion but it works for me. I am quite aware I will be made fun of and judged and will most likely lose a lot of friends, but it's something I feel I need to do.
I'm very serious about converting to scientology, and it's not going to work unless I can tell my parents. They're all very religious. How?

2007-02-05 08:12:08 · 31 answers · asked by SteakSalad101 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I thank most for their replies, and others for the perfectly "serious" replies I asked for.

I understand perfectly that people believe scientology is a cult and a scam and an excuse to make money. I would rather actually try the religion for myself before making a final decision than reading websites I've never heard of before that could be, or could not be, full of BS.

Keep replying please.

2007-02-05 08:31:54 · update #1

31 answers

Roman Catholicism is #1 in the major branch of Christianity

Christianity began in the 1st century AD as a Jewish sect, and shares many religious texts with Judaism, specifically the Hebrew Bible, known to Christians as the Old Testament (see Judeo-Christian).

There is a diversity of doctrines and practices among groups calling themselves Christian. These groups are sometimes classified under denominations, though for theological reasons many groups reject this classification system.Christianity may be broadly represented as being divided into three main groupings:

1) Roman Catholicism: The Roman Catholic Church, the largest single body, includes the Latin Rite and totals more than 1 billion baptized members.

2) Eastern Christianity: Eastern Orthodox Churches, Oriental Orthodox Churches, the 100,000 member Assyrian Church of the East, and others with a combined membership of more than 300 million baptized members.

3) Protestantism: Groups such as Anglicans, Lutherans, Reformed/Presbyterians, Congregational/United Church of Christ, Evangelical, Charismatic, Baptists, Methodists, Nazarenes, Anabaptists, Seventh-day Adventists and Pentecostals. The oldest of these separated from the Roman Catholic Church in the 16th century Protestant Reformation, followed in many cases by further divisions.

Estimates of the total number of
Protestants are very uncertain, partly because of the difficulty in determining which denominations should be placed in this category, but it seems to be unquestionable that Protestantism is the second major branch of Christianity (after Roman Catholicism) in number of followers.

2007-02-08 16:19:33 · answer #1 · answered by cashelmara 7 · 1 0

Unfortunately, being 13, there's a good chance your parents will freak out and try to ban you from conversion AND reading about Scientology. As I don't know much about Scientology, but I DO know about Catholic families and self-conversion, you MAY want to lay low on your conversion until you're old enough to do it without their support.

That does not mean they won't be supportive, but I found that my parents were MORE supportive of other religions once I'd learned more and become firm in my own beliefs (or lack thereof), could SHOW them that I was still morally ok, and was an adult - because it wasn't their choice then.

I will not say that you are not old enough to know your own mind. Goodness knows I was at that age. But many things have changed just from 13 to my current age (25), and I KNOW things will change more with my experiences in the future. Change, however, is not a bad thing, and I welcome it. I would suggest, that if you feel Scientology is right for you, that you DON'T stop reading and learning about other religions. I also suggest that you learn as much about Scientology as possible. I would also suggest you learn more about Catholicism, for it will help you to make correlations or examples when you DO tell them about your conversion.

Hang in there! The 5 years before you turn 18 may seem like forever at this moment, but I truly do promise you they'll slip by faster than you think. Try to live your life as best you can, and then when you DO broach the subject with them, please try to remember to be respectful, no matter what they say.

2007-02-05 08:24:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Where are you going to get the money for Scientology from at thirteen years old? Scientology is not a religion but a money-making scam thought up by a B-grade science fiction writer caleld Lafayette R Hubbard. It's OK for Tom Cruise and John Travolta, they can afford it, but for ordinary people the expense is crippling. I would take a look at the underbelly of Scientology before getting in any deeper.

It is right to question any religion at any time and to explore other possibilities. Better still have no religion at all.

Originally, Scientology was not a Church. They added the word Church to take advantage of the establishment clause in the US Constitution and to get all the tax breaks that go with churches.

2007-02-05 08:30:40 · answer #3 · answered by tentofield 7 · 1 0

You can be a Scientologist and Catholic too. You parents will not be concern if you study Scientology as a hobby. I'm a Scientologist and I apreciate you interest in Scientology but what are your motives? Are you just trying to piss your parents off? What I recomend you is to read a few Scientology books and continue with your Catholic practices. Being in good terms with your family is very important too. When you turn 18 you can do whatever you want. No need to worry your parents now.

2007-02-05 11:24:50 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I doubt you are thirteen to start with.
Second, religion is a very private matter so you could convert and not have to respond to anyone.
Also, your parents will certainly try to reason you and talk you out of it. In noway should you try or them for that matter take this to a level of aggressiveness or intolerance. If they get too pissy about it, try to not confront anyone, simply because it will just escalate. Not because they hate that but nerves make a smart person lose control sometimes and say the wron things. So step away from the conversation if it gets a little too awkward or bad.

Scientology is not a religion per se. It is a cult, to the same extent as sects. It has its own set of rules and theories, just like religions but the ethymological definition of a religion is that it has a prophet, a divine presence, and facts or events that have happened but otherwise not always explainable. Religions also profess health and science and progress.
Scientology does not fill in that definition.

2007-02-05 08:24:18 · answer #5 · answered by GuyNextDoor 4 · 1 0

If I tried to tell you my story it would be plagiarisms or close.
You have been instructed in a religion that has its roots firmly in traditions and history.
I can not accept any religion the was started as spin-offs.
They are corrupt at their core. Here in America anyone can start a church and Scientology is one they work on your indecision's and they will indoctrinate you.
Ask yourself WHY do you need a church?
Have you no faith in yourself?
Try the Boy Scouts If you can live their laws and motto. you don't need a church.
Twelve simple laws
Trustworthy; Loyal: Helpful; Friendly; Courteous: Kind; Obedient; Cheerful; Thrifty; Brave; Clean and Reverent. > >
Motto " Be prepared" and a slogan of "Do a good turn daily"
I think you need more time and information.
Why don't you set down and keep a list of churches and find their doctrine. You must have some ideas of what not to do.
Please keep in mind your tradition from the Catholic church and it being 2000 old . Any religion or church established from the 17th century to now is just a money maker circus praying on the disillusioned.

2007-02-05 09:00:30 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Whats the need to tell them? Do what ya want.. but remember you are only 13 and still live with the parents.. so that basically means thier rules.. when you get out on yer own.. it wont matter anyway... religion or lack there of is a personal choice.. and every religion is a CULT to any religion you arent.. My advice? play the game.. you are gonna have much harder games to play than this one in later life trust me LOL I've been there.. and still going.. (but not as fast as the energizer bunny anymore)

You wanna do scientology? Fine by me.. but i doubt you can afford it at yer age (you cant even afford the prelim "tests" at 13..

2007-02-05 08:54:26 · answer #7 · answered by darchangel_3 5 · 0 0

seriously you should wait a few more years study the religion a bit more before you convert in adolescent years people opinion and views on life change dramatically,your just too young to understand!I'm not trying to be mean or anything here.also its expensive to become a Scientology's and there are reasons you probably don't understands as to why this religion is controversial and is not recognized in a lot of countries and one of the only religions that isn't recognized by the catholic church.there are reasons behind this which are complicating and these decisions weren't made without a lot of thought and in depth research

2007-02-05 08:34:39 · answer #8 · answered by . 2 · 0 0

Want to know the truth about GOD. And, this is no matter what religion you belong to. He has given us a great a marvelous gift Free Will. If you know what that means you are quite educated for age 13.

No matter what church you belong to they will shove their religion don your thoat. I suggest the easiest way. When you turn 18.

http://www.ulc.org and become an ordained minister.

Stay as a Catholic learn there Doctrines and Dogmas. And, use it to preach and become a non-demonitional priest. That is how Scientology started.

So use it as a learning vessel I did and I have no religion. Since all religions I have made into one religion a perfect religion.

Go to Bible School learn more about the Bible, use it to your advantage to gain money and influence throughout a community. Look at Tom Cruise.

I say at 13 use the Catholic Church as a learning vessel necessarily you believe or do not believe that is Free Will. When you grow older you can join or like I suggested form any religion you want.

The church itself according to Exodus your body, the altar is your heart, and the soul is the stairs leading to the altar.

And, Scientology all they want is your money.

2007-02-05 08:24:50 · answer #9 · answered by Kitty 4 · 1 2

I'll tell you what happened. The Devil got his hands on you. He loves to get Catholics more than anybody else because we received the REAL body and blood of Jesus. You are at an age where it seems far more exciting to be anything else but, a Catholic because if you remain a Catholic you must refrain from sinning and this is too much for a world that says you must sin or you are a dork. Please, please, do not torture our Lord and leave him. Too many did that already, but, I would rather have you leave him then continue to receive him in the Sacrament and keep sinning. Look at the crucifix in your Church. This is what you are doing to him. You are there at Calvary at every Mass. Next time you go to Mass, when the Priest elevates the Host during the consecration look at it and say "My Lord, and my God" I promise you you will receive a great Blessing.

2007-02-05 09:18:31 · answer #10 · answered by Midge 7 · 0 1

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