We have two cockatiels. An hour ago the older one fell of his favorite perch and went limp exept for convulsions throgh his abdomon...a steady pumping of his butt area up and down just like it had to pass something. While I held him, his tail was making a clicking sound as he moved it up and down.
He seltted down a little bit, and just died. We took him to the store thinking that it was unrelated to the other one...and they said he looked healthy, but that he might have had a condtion.
When we got home 15 minutes later, the other one was convulsing in the same way, clicking his tail and looking like needed to poop something out. He also died in my hand.
My question is, does anyone know what caused this?
We had been baking taquitos an hour before(and they did burn a tiny bit), and the oven was on for making brownies..but we've baked before...It was 80 degrees in the apartment, and we had just run the dishwasher. That I know of, nothing was special about the atmosphere? Any ideas?
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