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You say Christians cannot prove that God exists, well can you prove that God does not exist? Where did the Universe come from? Do you think that the universe created itself? How do you explain the physics behind that? Don't the laws of physics say that you cannot create something out of nothing? I myself see that the laws of physics actually go more in the favor of creation rather than atheism. Someone had to create the universe. Things do not create themselves. But thats my opinion.

2007-02-05 07:54:00 · 62 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Santa and the easter bunny are fairy tales and have nothing to do with the real meaning of Christmas and Easter. Christmas and Easter are about the birth and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

2007-02-05 08:00:37 · update #1

Why is this a stupid question? Is it stupid to you because you don't have an answer? I'm not rtying to insult atheists. I just want to know why they automatically discount creation as a possibility and say God does not exist. You say that God doesn't exist but you cannot prove that he doesn't exist. To you everything is based on evidence! Where is your evidence?

2007-02-05 15:20:14 · update #2

62 answers

We dont need to prove that we're right we just have to prove that your wrong. Which you are by the way.

2007-02-05 07:58:42 · answer #1 · answered by That Kid Zinc 3 · 4 4

First of all, it's impossible to prove a negative.

That's why the burden of proof lies with those who affirmatively assert that God to establish that he in fact exists. It's not the burden of those who assert nothing to prove anything, until an affirmative assertion is made.

I don't know what created the universe, but there's no empirical evidence to suggest it was created by any god.

And you just contradicted yourself. If nothing creates itself, then who created God? If everything has a cause, then something also had to have caused God to come into being. Is there another God behind God?

2007-02-05 09:44:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Let's try a new tack on this old question. I'm betting even money that you've never witnessed, or heard of, or imagined an act of "creation." In other words, your use of that word is, to put it mildly, unwarranted - because you have no reference for it.

Do you think watchmakers "create" watches? They don't. They merely reorganize EXISTING MATERIALS. So what exactly is this "creation" you speak of? Don't bother your little head over it. You're not going to come up a single thing. It's a category you, and many others, think they understand but really have no clue about.

And don't get the idea that scientists somehow know some great secret you can't discern. They don't pretend that one day there was "nothing" and then poof! there was the universe. That isn't what the "Big Bang" means. In other words, physics doesn't offer us any sort of "creation." AND PHYSICS HAS NO NEED FOR SUCH A CONCEPT.

It's just that we are caught in our own circumstances, where all that's important to us seems to have a "beginning," a period of existence, and then "ceases to be." But does it really have a beginning, an end? Or is it just a long sequence of changes? What it boils down to is our own limitations causing our frightened intellect to wish that the universe behave in ways that correspond to our smallness. This has nothing to do with physics and everything to do with fear of death.

UPDATE: Believing that the particulars of your beliefs are "important" doesn't make them any truer than any other set of beliefs, including those you deem to be "fairy tales." I know some religious people who are convinced that Christianity is indeed a fairy tale.

2007-02-05 08:22:48 · answer #3 · answered by JAT 6 · 1 0


The burden of proof is on the ones making the (positive) claim (i.e., the theists).

One can't prove or disprove the existence of God.

All we're saying is that it is illogical to believe in a god when there is NO evidence of which to speak for his existence.

We may not know the answers NOW to the "big question(s)" but we don't stand back and say "Oh God did it" - that's a lazy way of going about answering tough questions. It's a "God fills in the gaps" approach. Ignorant.

It is NOT necessary that someoone created the universe. And anyway, by your own logic if someone DID (i.e., God), who created God?? You fall into your OWN TRAP genius.

I recommend you reading "The Blind Watchmaker - Why the Evidence of Evolution reveals a universe WITHOUT design" by Richard Dawkins to further understand why your simple minded thinking is... well, frankly, not thinking things through and shows an ignorance of Evolution (and abiogenesis and the Big Bang theory, etc.).

2007-02-05 08:07:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Does an atheist really need to disprove the existence of God? I've never once asked a person of faith to prove to me why they believe what they do. I believe in the goodness of people overall, whether that goodness is due to their faith, or whether its simply in their own character...it doesn't matter to me. I give respect when its due...and for no other reason than that.

The main difference between faith and science, to me...is that science is based off of proving hypothesis in a very strict manner. With faith, the proof IS the faith. Some people just prefer believing in something with empirical data.

Good luck.

2007-02-05 08:02:43 · answer #5 · answered by allthree 4 · 0 0

Things don't create themselves but God created himself, right. It's only because you cannot prove that god exist, that the reason for this question.

In life there is something called growth and there is something called destruction. These are forces of nature which are real and have been in existence before the biblical creation. If you look closely u will find there are patterns in which nature operates- like the design of the solar system and the atom. Everything is in harmony in nature but in the bible, there is countless records of confusion.

I prefer to ignore a god of confusion and his book before i ignore the peace nature offers.

2007-02-05 08:02:06 · answer #6 · answered by Nuwaubian Moor 3 · 1 0

If you went around believing everything to be true until you were proved wrong, you would be truly insane. Knowledge doesn't work that way. You cannot prove a negative. And just because you may have an explanation while the other side does not doesn't mean your explanation is correct.

2007-02-05 08:02:30 · answer #7 · answered by Subconsciousless 7 · 0 0

Therein lies the problem: Christians cannot prove God exists and atheists cannot prove that God doesn't exist. The debate is rather pointless in that respect.

I think people enjoy the debate largely for this reason: Since no one can be proven right, no one can really be accused of being wrong. The emotional fervor the debate seems to engender is a lovely thing to behold. There's nothing like righteous indignation to stir the blood.

It's as though two gangs of totally blind people are raging at each other over the color of car neither group as seen.

2007-02-05 07:59:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I cannot prove the non-existence of anything.

The universe was formed approximately 13.5 bya when gases in a vacuum became active, causing the Big Bang. Physical constants and laws of physics 'created' themselves as a necessity to this universe.

The laws of physics don't favor anything.

"Things do not create themselves" - it has been well observed that particles spontaneously generate out of nothing in vacuums.

2007-02-05 07:59:36 · answer #9 · answered by Nowhere Man 6 · 0 0

you can never disprove god because like christianity, atheism and evolution are religions, just no based on a god. but being a christian ill give some science facts. first they say the geographic column was layed out over millions of years yet there are trees and even a whale that has been found shooting up the entire thing. also nothing but micro evolution has been observed through science. evolution is nothing more then a theory that has yet to see sientific proof. adaptaions is true, evolution-change of one species to another is not. also, more universal, if all the mass in the universe was sucked into a dot the size of this ".", spun so fast that it exploded and created everything then the laws of physics cant apply because everything in that case would spin in the same direction. but entire galaxys spin in opposites. and for the other basis that the universe exploded from nothing cant be accurate because scientific law states something can never come out of nothing. therefore the concept of "intelegent design" or God must be a factor or at least a possibility.

2007-02-05 08:08:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Sorry sparky.
The onus is upon YOU to prove that god exists, not the other way around.
If I were to tell you that I had an enchanted marmot in my basement that levitates and grants wishes, would you believe me?
No, of course not, only the terminally stupid would.
Same thing goes for your imaginary sky-pixie. You have as much proof that your god exists as I have that my enchanted marmot exists. Yet you cannot disprove that the marmot exists, can you?

Logic really isn't your strong suit is it Zippy?

2007-02-05 08:03:23 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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