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25 answers

If your're a christian, the point of life is to glorify God.

Q."What is the Chief End of Man?"
A."Man's chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever."

2007-02-05 08:16:11 · answer #1 · answered by LittleSis 5 · 0 0

Everything has a purpose...maybe you are not enjoying life right now because you are looking to someone or something to fulfill you? (i.e. a mate, or a friend or family member). Only Jesus can fill that hole. Allow him in and you will find joy, and peace 'beyond all understanding'. I'm not saying that every day is a bowl of cherries, but you begin to realize that you don't have to look for joy in others. You can look to Him and He is always there for you. You may also try to help others or do good deeds, or simply be there for a friend. Doing things for others will bring joy to your heart! Give it a try! Look for it - the point of living is just around the corner waiting for you to enjoy it!

2007-02-13 15:34:27 · answer #2 · answered by The rest is still Unwritten 1 · 0 0

There is no point to living if you can't enjoy life. Without joy, life nothing but 80 years of suffering, and I wouldn't want to live through that. Some people will tell you that the point of life to get into heaven, but there's no reason to believe that to be true other than by authority or popular vote.

2007-02-05 16:07:51 · answer #3 · answered by Subconsciousless 7 · 0 0

Figure out why. Take out a sheet of paper, and put a big line right down the middle of the page.
on the right side, write down everything you hate about your life.
on the left side, everything you enjoy or love about it.
Be specific, be totally honest. Do it by yourself, not with someone else. You need to be completely open and honest.
Then go to sleep, and wait until the next day and read what you have written. What items on the right side of that paper are you able to change? What things on the left side can you do more?
Make your goal to go from item to item on that left side and change your damn life until it makes you happy.
I mean all of it. If you hate your job, your goal is to get a different one. make a plan. Don't put yourself in financial crisis, for example make sure you already have another job before you quit the one you have now. Use common sense.
If you only can get crap jobs, make your goal to go to a tech school at nights - remember: the harder you work, the better luck you will have. But a life is changeable. Yours is no exception, but you need to be sure what it is you are really unhappy with.
Sometimes we think one thing is making us depressed, then we change it, and find that it wasn't what was bothering us after all.
Don't listen to anyone - just make the changes you need to!
My hubby now and I used to both be so unhappy with our lives; but it seemed impossible for either of us to change it. But we did, we moved mountains, and we let absolutely nobody interfere with us - we changed every single thing in both of our lives.
We are really happy now, both together, and individually.
You can do it!!!

2007-02-05 16:06:09 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because there is a time and a season for everything. Life is not also a song and a joyous dance. We will have hard times, and people do leave us whether thru death, or just moving on without us. we do make terrible decision, that ruin us for a long time. But knowing these thigs when we get up in the morning allows me the opportunity to thank God for allowing me to get up another day and make what I can do right, repair any damages to my self and others, and ask for forgivness, from my Creator. And keep moving knowing that I will be able to smile again

2007-02-13 14:21:51 · answer #5 · answered by sodgirl6763 4 · 0 0

Then it's time to re-evaluate what you consider to be "enjoyment". Sounds like a bad case of clinging and attachment to things that you THINK bring you happiness, when in reality all things really, ultimately cause "suffering"... which is quite understandable, been there done that myself. Buddhism's philosophy, whether you're Buddhist or not can give you a different perspective if you're interested. Gives you a new way to look at things.... either way, this life is precious and it'd be a royal rot if you decided to shuffle off this mortal coil... I'm quite sure you have much to contribute to this world yet... so stick around, cultivate your own enjoyment.


2007-02-05 15:56:45 · answer #6 · answered by vinslave 7 · 0 0

There are many times when life is not enjoyable. Many times when suffer horribly. There are also times of happiness and joy. I don't know what is causing you to feel this way,but like a couple of the other answers said, you have loved ones that would be devastated if you were not around.Maybe you are suffering from depression.If you'd like to talk, email me or im me.Things will get better, you may not believe that right now. Take care.

2007-02-05 16:07:36 · answer #7 · answered by Rosalind S 4 · 0 0

That is the point of life...so if you are not enjoying yourself - you have to find within you the wellspring on joy and bliss.

Buddhism talks about the suffering of life and how to overcome it. Much of spirituality and religion is devoted to the topic of finding the point and truly living (enjoying yourself at all times).

~ Eric Putkonen

2007-02-05 16:01:08 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

because there is usually downpoints and what sucks the most is the downpoints can last a long time. there is nothing wrong with getting help to get through those points but if you are still alive there is a reason. life is not always beautiful and is not always fun but there is a reason. I dont obviously know your situation but i encourage you to tough it out and figure out what you are here for. Because there is a reason you are still here. There are periods when we dont enjoy life but what comes after those periods is what we live for......keep on living and figure it out....

2007-02-13 14:38:03 · answer #9 · answered by meggie v 2 · 0 0

a person has to think about the other people that care about you,and know they want you happy we all have horrible times but keep in mind tomorrow is a new day and you wont feel the same,at our very best life is to short,think of others and try to keep your mind occupied until this passes although life will sometimes stink and yet other times we are happy,try to remember the good until the bad passes there is so much happiness for you out there

2007-02-05 16:27:48 · answer #10 · answered by loveChrist 6 · 0 0

You never know what life could bring your way. You may be suffering now, but you may find great pleasures down the road of life. Then again, there may be no point at all. I dunno. I'm not enjoying life very much right now, but I do at times, and I'm sure there are many good times down the line. I'm not gonna give up because of hard times.

2007-02-13 03:21:01 · answer #11 · answered by Ledge 2 · 1 0

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