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What I am asking for is something tangable that we can look at and say oh so that is God!

Ancient Egyptians thought of the sun as a God (RA)
Is Christianity simular?
What about Islam?

2007-02-05 05:44:11 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

31 answers

no, there is no God.
you do not need God.
you can be your own god.
you can create your own gods to worship.
there is no Heaven
there is no Hell.
you can do anything you want, as long as it feels good to you.
happy now?
feel better?
for further assistance or assurance that you are right, contact:
Satan's Second Hand Shop
the call is toll free for fools!

2007-02-05 05:57:18 · answer #1 · answered by Chef Bob 5 · 1 1

There is proof that God exists all around us:
1. The fact that there is even the earth shows proof of a Creator. Things don't just appear on their own.
2. The Bible. In Genesis 1:1 it states: "In the beginning..God" "
John 1:1 "I the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God."
God as always and will always be real.

There is also lots of proof about the Bible being true.
1. Science- Nothing is made by itself
2. The Bible was written at different times by different people at different times. None of the accounts in the Bible contradict themselves.

These are just a few of the many proofs that the Bible is real

2007-02-05 07:19:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

certain and no. certain they do in some techniques. yet as for me, i do not favor 'miracles' as evidence. it is all in accordance to faith. in case you want some extra evidence, i will provide you with this: between the oldest historic records is Hammurabi's code. no human being questions the legitimacy. Or take even Nostradamus prophecy. there are countless. The Bible is older than all. it truly is a historic rfile that you merely do no longer question the legitimacy. between the most functional arguments for the accuracy of the Bible is its 100% accuracy in predicting the destiny. those destiny predictions are referred to as “prophecies.” The previous testomony change into written between about 1450 BC and 430 BC. throughout that element, many predictions of the destiny were recorded contained in the Bible with assistance from God’s prophets. Of the activities that were to have taken position with assistance from now, one and all occurred merely the way they envisioned it ought to. No different “sacred writing” has such completely precise predictions of the destiny. The understand God change into penned with assistance from idea from the author lengthy in the previous scientists stamped their approval on experimental findings. yet mankind has a tendency to look at issues from a skeptical or medical, secular attitude even as the info were contained in the Bible all alongside. some examples of this include: The Earth is round, no longer flat as once believed (Isaiah 40:22). Atmospheric move (Ecclesiastes a million:6). field of Gravity (pastime 26:7). organic and organic magnitude of blood to existence (Leviticus 17:11). there is so a lot extra i ought to say...i have not even began. the element is none of it truly is miracles. nevertheless in my opinion i do no longer favor evidence, I actually have self belief. Even those who have self belief contained in the numerous diverse and ever replacing theories on the starting up of time (huge Bang, etc..), have self belief.

2016-11-02 09:45:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As something you can touch is tangible by feel, God is tangible in the spirit, and you can feel His presence. Even certain christian churches practice a special kind of prayer which allows you to feel His presence and even be healed. If it was only a belief on your part which makes God somehow real, then you would be believing in nothing. God is very active, all you have to do is "open your eyes".

2007-02-05 06:00:20 · answer #4 · answered by anonymous 2 · 0 0

Faith is the center post of religion. People believe because they feel better than not believing. However, faith isn't just about God. I have no proof that my kids will get through the day OK, but I have faith that they will. I don't understand theoretical physics, but I have faith that modern science has strong foundations and is going the right direction.

Don't make fun of Christians just because they can't prove their case. Most of them are good people. The ones that aren't aggravate their brethren as much as they aggravate us non-believers.

2007-02-05 05:59:27 · answer #5 · answered by Lew 4 · 0 0

It sounds as tho u have already made up your mind.

But I'd like u to listen to this (rather read), there was this li'l girl, born into a family of atheists. At 4 years old, she tells her mother that she had a dream about God (never being exposed to God) & He took her to heaven in a dream.
This amazing li'l girl at 4, starts to draw everything. Nature, family, anything her li'l divine mind thinks of. She grows, her parents encourage her ability, it is undeniably a gift. She starts to use paints, she learns to write. She paints portraits of Jesus at 30 years old, Jesus as a teenager, Jesus as a child. Other glorious works follow with her poetry to compliment each painting. Her website is artakiane.com. If you are looking for real proof, or just want to hear yourself type, please check it out. People born with such prodigal skills is NO mistake. We all serve a purpose, we all have a journey. Please be openminded.:o] This little girl is a prophet straight from God to give us hope, and light the way in a very dark time. God bless.:o]

2007-02-05 05:55:52 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

. The Bible tells us that God has clearly revealed Himself in nature (Romans 1:20) and in the hearts of people (Ecclesiastes 3:11). The problem is that the human race is sinful; we all reject this knowledge of God and rebel against Him (Romans 1:21-23). Apart from God's grace, God would give us over to the sinful desires of our hearts, allowing us to discover how useless and miserable life is apart from Him. This He does for those who reject Him (Romans 1:24-32).
In reality, it is not that some people have not heard about God. Rather, the problem is that they have rejected what they have heard and what is readily seen in nature. Deuteronomy 4:29 proclaims, “But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.” This verse teaches an important principle: everyone who truly seeks after God will find Him. If a person truly desires to know God, God will make Himself known.
The problem is, “there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God” (Romans 3:11). People reject the knowledge of God that is present in nature and in their own heart, and instead decide to worship a “god” of their own creation. It is foolish to debate the fairness of God sending someone to hell who never had the opportunity to hear the Gospel of Christ. People are responsible to God for what God has already revealed to them. The Bible says that people reject this knowledge, and therefore God is just in condemning them to hell.

2007-02-05 17:59:42 · answer #7 · answered by Freedom 7 · 0 0

Nobody can prove any gods, much less a specific god, exist; many people will tell you their god exists but no others, but will never be able to prove it, even if they think so. Some will threaten you with eternal pain or promise eternal joy to get you to believe in their god; these are all stories, created for people who were scared long before we understood the universe. Now we have no more reason for these superstitions.

How terrible the bible in particular is:

How silly and horrible religion in general is:

The alternative:

2007-02-05 05:54:55 · answer #8 · answered by eldad9 6 · 3 1

First of all, there is no "proof" outside pure mathematics. All we can do is offer the most coherent accounts we can of the data of our experience.

I think the data of our experience point to an underlying cosmic reality which was intuited by traditional religions and given various names by various systems: Sat-Chit-Ananda by Hindus, the Void by Mahayana Buddhists, God by the Semitic monotheisms, the Good by Plato, Fate by Greek polytheists, etc. etc.

I think that cosmic reality -- a cosmic plenum underlying the world of phenomena -- can aptly be named God, and can be investigated by the tools of science. Is it tangible? Certainly not; but relatively little is tangible when you get into the guts of phenomenal reality; read some quantum theory.

2007-02-05 05:52:06 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

This has been rehashed so many times. Fact is that those who believe in God do so because of their faith. That does not need to pass the burden of proof!

I am no theist but I understand their argument - though I don't agree with them.

2007-02-05 05:56:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Religion is based solely on faith . NO ONE can provide any tangible or empirical evidence proving his existence. Its all faith , people who are religious simply have faith that he exist.

Definition of faith ( Merriam Webster) firm belief in something for which there is no proof ,belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion,something that is believed especially with strong conviction

2007-02-05 05:56:34 · answer #11 · answered by renegade4141 1 · 0 0

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