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Latley I have been feeling totaly miserable like Im not happy about anything, I am always angry,I have anxiety all the time, Im always yelling & crying, and have a negative outlook on everything, I dont know why this is happening to me and I hate feeling this way, could this be signs of depression or bipolar, I just want to be back to myself the person who is always happy, could this also be a mid life crisis? Ill be 34 next Tuesday

2007-02-05 05:41:12 · 10 answers · asked by lilshedevil 1 in Health Mental Health

10 answers

"Did you think that I didn't hear you when you cried out to Me in your time of need?
Truly, I did hear you.
If I hear the final cry of every sparrow that falls in death, would I not hear you?
"Did you wonder if I was listening when you prayed to Me for an answer to the troubles that weighed you down?
Indeed, I was listening.
If I listen intently for the very heartbeat of every baby conceived in the womb, would I not listen when that child prays? I listened, and I remember precisely the instant that your heart took it's first beat; the moment that you took your first gasping breath upon leaving the security of your mother's womb; the contented sigh of relief at your first belly full of warm milk. And, though you've grown up, I still listen for every word spoken in My direction.
"Do you think that I don't know when problems come into your life? I know everything there is to know about you! Even the very hairs of your head are numbered! I've watched you daily, from those first tentative steps and groping words to your very first love; and I was there, cheering you on, though you never knew it. "Did you think that I was unconcerned because you didn't receive an instantaneous answer to your prayer?
My dear child, I am more concerned for you than you will ever know. If I were not, would I have sent my son to earth in the flesh and allowed your kind to mock Him, spit on Him, beat Him, and nail Him up on a cross for all to see? He gave His life for You! He poured out His very life's blood in order to pay a price for your life, and to set you free.! Would I have done that if I was unconcerned?
"Or did you accept the devil's lie that I didn't even exist? Can you really believe his lies when the very magnitude and complexity of the universe bears witness to the unquestionable fact that they are My handiwork? When everything that you can see and not see is a work of My perfection, delicately balanced and timed, from the spiraling galaxies to the spinning atoms? Is it possible to comprehend such an intricate work and say,
"There is no God"?
"Take a good look at yourself!
You are the very epitome of My work!
You are My greatest creation!
A one-of-a-kind human being.
Of the seventy billion humans that have lived and walked this planet, there has been no other exactly like you. I created you perfect! I created you with a hundred million receptors in your eyes so that you could see the beauty around you; I created you with twenty-four thousand vibrating fibers in your inner ears to hear the softest whisper of the wind; I designed five hundred muscles, two hundred bones, and seven miles of nerve fibers, all wrapped in a renewable, nearly indestructible layer of skin and tissue. I gave you a heart that pulses hour after hour, day after day, thirty-six million beats a year, pumping blood through more than ninety-six thousand miles of veins and arteries to give your body life and keep it free of disease; and I gave you a brain that is the most complex organ in all of the universe, made up of one-hundred-trillion cells and crisscrossed with twenty-five billion nerve cells to help you retain the minutest memory; and I equipped your body with four million pain-sensitive structures, five hundred thousand touch detectors, and over two hundred thousand temperature detectors! And then, to top it all off, I gave you the ability to reason, to dream, to imagine, and to speak; things that no other of My creatures can do. And, as a final touch, after creating that magnificent body that you live in, I created the real you, the inner you, the spirit that I created in My likeness, and I breathed you into your body at the instant of birth. "And you were connected to Me then, but you never knew it. Deep inside of you you knew, because I planted that knowledge of Me there, but over the years you have allowed the things of the world to choke that knowledge out. In the beginning, however, you were perfect; My greatest creation; molded in My own image. Don't you find it really quite humorous, to think that some could adamantly believe that this all came about by chance or evolution?
Could such a masterpiece have come about simply by chance?
"If you can see the truth in this, then how can you think that I didn't
hear you?

"Behold, I am standing at your heart's door, knocking and asking entrance, but I will not force My will on you. Call to Me now and ask Me to come in; into your heart and your life. Call to Me, for I am listening and waiting even as you read this. I'm only a word away, and if you will invite Me in, I will come in and never will I leave you alone. Give Me your heart and your love and, as I live, saith the Lord, this day you shall be one with Me in Paradise."


2007-02-05 09:26:23 · answer #1 · answered by Mummy is not at home 4 · 0 0

I think you need to go talk to your doctor about this. One thing to look for in bipolar is irritability. You could just have depression and anxiety is a really common comorbidity of depression. Bipolar disorder usually is something you would have been experiencing since your mid twenties...example you would have had a lot of serious depression and times of a lot of energy. Because this sounds like it is very unusual for you, I would suggest trying an anti-depressant. Some really great newer drugs on the market are "cymbalta" which alleviates the depression and anxiety but also helps with any pain you may have..also "effexor" and "lexapro". Research all of these so that you can be informed when you talk to your doctor.
This is a very very common diagnosis, especially in women in there mid thirties and older so please don't feel alone. I think that you will find that after only one week on your anti-depressant you will fee a lot better...
p.s. try to get your doctor to give you one of the newer medications because they work better than the older ones like prozac and paxil. Good luck, I hope you start feeling better soon!

2007-02-05 05:53:31 · answer #2 · answered by katiebug 5 · 0 0

I don't think it's a midlife anything. You're still young.

I also don't think it's a sign of Bipolar Disorder, because I don't see many signs of mania which is required for that diagnosis.

If you were evaluated, you may get Major Depressive Disorder or Depressive Disorder NOS (not otherwise specified). You'd get this diagnosis so that you would qualify for therapy under your insurance. That's something you may want to consider. There are a lot of therapeutic resources out there that may help you really open up about this and figure out just what the hell's going on.

2007-02-05 05:51:10 · answer #3 · answered by Buying is Voting 7 · 0 0

Not sure specifically, but a similar thing has happened to me and is ongoing, so I sympathise wholeheartedly. I guess you need to find out what triggered your depressed and anxious feelings (such as breaking up with a partner, losing your job, or some other uncertainty), and then mentally push them out of your head - yes it sounds odd, but there's a relaxation technique where you lie down, close your eyes and breathe deeply while visualising an image of the cause of your problems getting smaller and smaller and having the color drained out of it. The opposite can be done to good/happy and fun things you remember, by mentally enlarging them and making them more colorful. Alternatively speak to your Dr who may be able to prescribe antidepressants, or CBT (cognitive behavior therapy), whatever you do, though, don't let this condition drag you down further, it's your mind and you are in control. Good luck...

2007-02-05 05:57:02 · answer #4 · answered by Chay D 3 · 1 0

Something is wrong if it infringes on a person's natural rights. All people are entitled to things such as life, liberty, and prosperity. So if you kill a person, you take away their life. If you put them through dominance and abuse without their consent, you take away their liberty. If you steal their property or money, you are affecting their prosperity. Something is right if it preserves those natural rights and promotes them for others. If you save someone, work to give people suffrage, or give to charity, you are doing the right thing. However, the line between right and wrong often becomes blurred. For instance, suppose you kill a murderer who broke into your home to save your own family. In this example, we can dissect your actions and judge them individually to be either right or wrong. Killing the man was wrong, but protecting your family and property was right. In this case, the number of right actions and the amount of good that was done is greater than the evil, so you would be right in this situation.

2016-05-24 18:37:18 · answer #5 · answered by Evelyn 4 · 0 0

34 is NOT a midlife crisis. Are you only planning to live till you are 68?

You need to find out why you are angry, anxious and negative. To do that, you need to see a professional. The two of you will figure out why you feel this way, and then you'll learn how to handle things better and not get angry, anxious and negative. But you have to WANT to feel better.

2007-02-05 05:47:01 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

it sounds a lot like depression. but you would have to go to the doctor to find out. bipolar is when you are happy one minute and the littlest thing could set you off and make you upset and hate life.

go to the doctor and tell them what is going on and they will be able to tell you more. it could end up being too much stress in your life or it could be depression or bipolar.

go get it checked out before it has a chance to get worse.

2007-02-05 06:16:25 · answer #7 · answered by ashley h 1 · 0 0

Not a mid life...you are too young for that ! Call your doctor, you may need some medication for anxiety and depression. And find a counselor

2007-02-05 05:46:25 · answer #8 · answered by whatelsewhatever 3 · 0 0

ok. ive been ther, done tht. it may mean you are a little suicidal. i would go to consuling if this continues. Or maybe your just under stress. go to a spa and just relax. take it easy. try to have some 'YOU' time. maybe by reading a book or go shopping alone. hope this helps. btw, happy early b-day

2007-02-05 07:47:39 · answer #9 · answered by KittyKat 2 · 0 0

it could be anything from depression to a thyroid or hormone problem. You should go to doc be checked out.

2007-02-05 06:10:43 · answer #10 · answered by lady_jane_az 3 · 0 0

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