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I have been working out since the 29th of January (not long..i know) I've been walking at least 2 miles a day- doing other cardio- pilates ab workouts-eating healthy- drinking lots of (and ONLY) water..EVERYDAY. But nothing seems to be showing up on my scale as far as weight loss goes..(even some slight weight increases??) I NEED to lose 30 pounds before my wedding on June 30th. Any tips on how to expedite the process? It's frustrating!!

2007-02-05 04:47:54 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

14 answers

I see this a lot, and there are a couple of things I would recommend:

1) You may be eating healthy, but are you counting calories? Weight loss is just a numbers game. "Healthy" eating can still pack on pounds if you're eating 2000 calories in healthy food a day. If you're trying to lose weight, aim for about 9-10 calories per pound of your body (ie, if you weigh 150, don't eat any more than 1500 calories, if you weigh 140, don't eat any more than 1400, etc.)

2) Walking is alright, pilates is OK, but if you're trying to lose weight this probably won't cut it. You need to be working out HARD, as in getting your heart rate and keeping it up, for at least 30-40 minutes a day, 5-6 days a week to lose weight. (This is why they say weight loss is not easy!) Alternate your walking with jogging, or do Tae-Bo or step aerobics at home. Also, mix in some free weights with that as well and you should see results soon.

Good luck!

2007-02-05 05:07:01 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Don't worry so much about what the scale says. Keep the routine going and possibly take a diuretic because it may just be water retention. You have plenty of time to lose the weight. Keep eating right and exercising and even when you are just sitting at home, try to do things that keep you going like laundry, vacuuming, and cleaning up which are great at burning calories. You know the old saying "a watched pot never boils". It's kind of the same with the scale, so just stay off of it and wait until you see the difference in mirrors before you have to go find a number for the weight.

2007-02-05 05:00:43 · answer #2 · answered by mrb1017 4 · 0 0

Hi and happy weight loss. Here is a little trick that I use to see if I am losing weight. I buy a pair of jeans that are one size too small. Instead of getting on the scale, I keep trying them on until they fit. Sometimes the scale doesn't move but my jeans that are too small will fit. Good luck and congratulations on your wedding. Be careful losing that much weight so quickly because after the wedding when you aren't stressing as much, you will gain the 30 pounds back plus some.

2007-02-05 04:58:45 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I've tried many diets and couldn't make anything work. Since having my first child, I've been carrying around an extra 30 pounds. This diet just made sense and showed me that everything I was doing before was wrong and a waste of my time.

The plan was so refreshing and so simple to follow. I did everything plan said and lost 23 pounds in the first three weeks. I'm now starting the diet again to lose 7 more pounds. This plan has changed my life.

Get started today!

2016-05-20 06:08:53 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Here is a place that reviews a bunch of weight loss programs, dieting aides, supplements and so on. Even has categories like diabetes, low fat and hypnosis. Pretty cool site.


Many of the programs listed have consumer reviews, so you can read what others think of the different programs.

Hope this helps!

2007-02-07 10:58:16 · answer #5 · answered by BlogDawg 3 · 0 0

If you are exercising like that then you should be showing a weight loss unless your body is gaining muscle. You should stop weighing yourself by the scales and try measuring around your stomach, arms, legs, thighs, breasts etc. because you most likely have lost inches.

2007-02-05 04:55:15 · answer #6 · answered by Deanna 2 · 0 0

Let me give you a really good piece of advice for people trying to lose weight.


I will give you three good reasons.

1. The scale is a liar. Physics tells us that weight is a relative term not specific and its based on gravity so the instruments that measure weight can give any reading for reasons unexplained. Bottom line, scales arent accurate and you will beat yourself up over something you have no control over.

2. Which leads to number 2. Our bodies, especially female bodies can shift weight for unexplained reasons because of hormones. In most cases you cant control it. Everybody has different hormonal functions no 2 people are the same. Hormones are what can make you burn less or more fat, retain or eliminate water from your system or speed or slow your metabolism.

3. Which leads to number 3. You need a good plan and to stick with it. Weighing yourself everyday isnt measuring progress its defeating your efforts by psychologically telling you that what you are doing is not sufficient. If you had a good plan then you would stick to it, measure yourself in 3-4 week intervals, after your first 90 days, and quit worrying about whether its enough.

Why wait 90 days before making the first measurement? This will ensure that you are serious about making a change in your life. Most people only stick with their exercise plan for 60-90 days before completely giving up. If you continue on your fitness plan only seeing the more visible rewards such as change in clothes size or feeling better, then it assures you mentally that you are in it for the best reasons.

Why 3-4 weeks? Thats how long it takes the body to change and adapt to whatever program you are using. Its the process that shows real results in weight loss not just temporary water gain/loss. You may think, I will go crazy if I cant weigh myself, but you will go even crazier and become discouraged if the scale shows a weight you dont want to see.

For any weight loss program its important to understand how to increase your RMR or metabolism. Your RMR or resting metabolic rate is the amount of energy you burn in your daily activities. There are several ways to increase metabolism but lets look at the factors that drive your metabolism first.

1. Genetics - you have very little control, but you are not a prisoner of your genes.
2. Lean Muscle Mass - this one throws most people off because women think, oh no I dont want muscles and men think I guess I have to look like a body builder. Lean muscle mass is simply your weight minus the weight of your organs, bones, fluids and fat. You increase lean muscle mass primarily through eating properly, resistance exercise, and a lifestyle that doesnt promote catabolizing activites (smoking, heavy drinking and drug use)
3. Frequency of meals - the more meals the more the metabolic processes take place in your body and the faster your metabolism.
4. Water Intake - dehydration is a major drag on metabolism.
Most people are dehydrated and they dont know it.
5. Sleep - getting enough rest allows the body to function at a higher metabolic level.

Before beginning any program to speed up your metabolism its important to know what your RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) is. This is essentially your metabolism because its the number of calories you burn from normal everyday activities.
The goal is always to make this number as high as possible, because the higher your RMR its is more likely you will be lean or thin.

The Mental Aspect
Weight loss specialists will tell you that attitude has a more powerful effect on losing weight than all other factors. The best plan out there won't cut it, if you don't follow it, and that can be a matter of attitude and motivation. Here are some tips to help you change your thinking and acting:

1. Never dwell on "failures." Look at failures honestly, and then tell yourself, "This setback is temporary - here's what I'll do differently next time."

2. Look at setbacks as opportunities. Problems and temporary failures provide a chance to learn how to do it better. Use them as steps towards success.

3. Think in terms of solutions, not problems. "I have such a hard time resisting temptation," becomes, "When have I resisted, and what can I learn from that experience?" Reaching for the convenient junk food isn't a problem, but a lesson: Don't let it be convenient.

4. See success, both your own and other's. Noticing even a little progress reminds you what is possible, and it keeps you motivated. This is a powerful way to stay on track. Little successes give the motivation for bigger ones.

5. Imagine yourself how you want to be. When you see yourself how you want to be repeatedly, this gets your subconscious mind working towards that image. Do this often.

6. Do something now. Action often precedes and stimulates attitude and motivation. Eat some healthy snacks, read a useful article, or get out and take a walk. Do anything, however small, towards your weight loss goals. Momentum is created by taking any step in the right direction.

2007-02-06 09:48:33 · answer #7 · answered by jt66250 7 · 1 0

It would depend on what you're eating. Sometimes what we think is is healthy is what keeps the weight on, especially stuck on the hips, thighs, waist.
Though it's only been about 2 weeks, you could have lost 2 pounds, which would be normal, and not feel it yet.

2007-02-05 05:16:50 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

probably your case is what you are eating, because looks like you are working out alot.maybe you started too soon and the results will show up later.you have like 5 months to acomplish it, im sure you will loose weight. i can tell you a nice and healthy diet 100% natural and wonderful, i lost like 15 pounds in 2 weeks and im keeping the good weight.send me a email.

2007-02-05 04:59:04 · answer #9 · answered by Marcelo Halmen 2 · 1 0

What you need is to make sure you pay attention to what you’re eating. Odds are, what you eat may have too many calories. Are you using a calorie counter? You can find one at www.ProjectWeightLoss.com (it’s free) – it’s got a calculator that tells you how many calories you should consume if you’d like to lose “x” number of pounds per week, and then you can select your meal, and see how many calories you’re actually eating, and how many you need to burn to lose the pounds. Good luck!

2007-02-06 01:18:53 · answer #10 · answered by debora_mcnamara 1 · 0 0

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