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The God of the Old Testament seemed really moody. He got mad at people and killed them, he ordered certain groups to kill other groups or take them as slaves, including children, he made bets with the devil about Job's faith, he seemed like he really had human emotions (like the Greek Gods)

Then you have the New Testament God who loved the world so much he sent his son who was him in human form to suffer and die for all. This new God told people to turn the other cheek, to not be violent, to love your neighbor.

If these Gods weren't grouped together in the bible there's no way I'd think they had anything to do with each other.

Can anyone explain this to me? I honestly want to know.

2007-02-05 04:45:36 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I really don't get why the OT God would order entire civilizations killed(In horrible ways) and then suddenly decide that he would die for everyone. It doesn't make sense.

2007-02-05 04:46:52 · update #1

God's actions did a 180 dude.

2007-02-05 04:49:39 · update #2

But I thought Jesus was supposed to be God. And he didn't wrath anyone like he did in the OT

2007-02-05 04:57:31 · update #3

15 answers

Simple, because there's more then one God mentioned in the bible. Most people don't realize it because many of the names are all just translated as "God" or "The Lord". They are not the same deity.

2007-02-05 04:54:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 6

Do not be mislead the Old Testament God is the same as the New Testament God. Jesus whipped the money changers out of the Temple remember. He also did not mince words with the Jewish Pharisees who thwarted his work. If you will remember too in Acts after Jesus already had ascended to Heaven, a couple was caught lieing to the Holy Spirit over a land transaction and "they lay down and breathed their last". This in front of the Apostles through who the Holy Spirit acts. People had better learn about the real Jesus and not a made up one. He is loving and everything but, he is also against sin and not above punishing unrepentant people. (he chastises those he loves)

2007-02-05 05:01:24 · answer #2 · answered by Midge 7 · 1 0

Same God, same way of thinking. Humanity had become so depraved by the time of Christ that the only way the price could be payed for us to enter heaven would be through one sacrifice so horrific that it would pay the price for those who desired to find the way back to God. That's why God's son had to be crucified on a cross. Our whole civilization will still be wiped out just as several were in the OT that turned away from a loving and holy God that created them.

2007-02-05 04:59:48 · answer #3 · answered by cropdownunder 2 · 0 0

Any wars fought in the Old Testament were fought to conquer the land that was promised to the Israelites. They only won the battle if they had God's approval. The people of these nations were very bad and wicked, sacrificed their children etc... God knew their heart condition. For the Israelites to be his people, they needed to be a moral people and obedient to his laws. They need to be separate from the nations around them. Which was to their benefit. Just as a true Christian today should be separate and different from those of the world.

As far as Noah's time, the people were so wicked due to influences of fallen angels who married woman and had children that were very violent. Noah preached to the people for 40 years and still only his family heeded the warning and had faith and survived. It was their choice, parents make the choice for their children. That's why children are a big responsibility.

With regards to Sodom, Abraham petitioned God that if there were 10 faithful men in Sodom would he not destroy it. Gen. 18: 32 "....I shall not bring it to ruin on account of the ten" From this you can see that he was not a hateful God who wants to destroy people, but Sodom had gotten so bad, that there were not even 10 found faithful. Only Lot and his daughters, whom he saved with the help of two angels.

Job was considered blameless and upright, God fearing. Satan questioned that Job was only serving God because God had blessed him with many things. God told Satan " Look! Everything that he has is in your hand. Only against him himself do not thrust out your hand." God did not bring on the tribulation, Satan did. All that time Job, even thinking God was bring it, he did not curse God, but remained faithful. As a result, he was blessed double and lived another 140 years. Job 42:17 say "And gradually Job died, old and satisfied with days". Job is a fine example for us all, and as James 5:11 says " Look! We pronounce happy those who have endured. You have heard of the endurance of Job and have seen the outcome Jehovah gave, that Jehovah is very tender in affection and merciful."

The Israelites were in Egypt due to a famine and because Joseph was in charge, they were able to stay. When the old Pharaoh died, the new Pharaoh made them slaves. Moses was saved and used to free them. God did not make them slaves.

The God of the O.T. and the N.T. are very much the same God. He still has laws for Christians to obey and will at his due time cleanse the earth once again for the faithful ones and they will have the promised paradise where "the meek will inherit the earth and live forever upon it." Ps. 37:10 & 11

.....Jesus is God's Son. Jehovah God sent his son to die for all mankind. John 3: 16; 1 John 4: 9 The utimate expression of love.

2007-02-05 05:34:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

What the Muslims are doing right now is the same as what the Jews were doing before. They do not care about life of others who do not belong to their tribes much more the ones they consider the enemy. To justify that, they claim that it was God who told them. Maybe it was true , maybe it was not true but that is how it was written in the Old Testament.
Justification however, In the Olden Times, it was normal for every warring tribe to make a decision to kill all the enemy including women, children and even their livestocks. They were nomads and they do not want to get the burden of taking prisoners with them. The other reason, anyone they will spare will definitely live to avenge their love ones. Both sides have the same idea of killing all completely otherwise the remaining few may live and join forces with another tribe who may also be the enemy of their enemy.
Now, the New Testaments that says about the same God who took human form and went down to suffer and die for all sinners is designed by the Roman leaders so the New Christian population will eventually learn to breakaway from Jewish traditional practices. God of Israel is not stupid to come down and die for the sins of the ones He only created and rebelled against Him. Softening the hearts of the occupied people by making them "more forgiving" as what the New Testament was teaching, lessens the danger of rebellions against the Roman Empire, a reason why their atrocities against those Christians who were not pure Romans took a very long time before they learned to fight back.
Jesus may have been chosen for a mission to bring the Jews back to Israel (Matthew 15:24) but the Roman Catholic made His mission larger that he was supposed to do. You have to read, what Jesus said about himself which had been contrary to what his apostles and followers have saying about him.The new Testament we have now is not the new Testament that God promised through His Prophets. In Isaiah, He said, "A time will come when I will make a New covenant where people of all nations will know. No longer will your brother say to you, "know they God" for they will all know me because I will write my laws into their hearts and minds."

2007-02-05 05:41:23 · answer #5 · answered by Rallie Florencio C 7 · 0 1

There is only one God, and He is the God of the whole Bible, He does not change- He is holy and just and righteous and loving and merciful and gracious- He is all of these because He is perfect and what HE DOES that being what He did in the OT and the NT, is RIGHT. Because everything God does is evidence of His justice. He is merciful right now, we are under HIS GRACE and it is a New Covenant. Because salvation is here, through Jesus Christ and it is only by HIS grace that we are saved when we believe. But God does not change, and who are we to question God's ways? He is above us! He is HOLY and SINLESS! He knows what is right and He is all good. Our human minds cannot compare God to man, and that is where many go wrong.

2007-02-05 05:00:48 · answer #6 · answered by Mandolyn Monkey Munch 6 · 1 0

God is the same in the Old and New Testament. In both, God is abounding in love, patience, and mercy to those who love and obey Him, while His judgement and wrath are reserved for the wicked and unrepentant. Here is a link to a good article that answers this same question: http://www.gotquestions.org/God-different.html

Also, a lot of people choose to focus on God's wrath rather than His love in the Old Testament. But, a thorough reading, rather than picking and choosing verses, will reveal God's love and unending patience with the Israelites. It's clear that God has much more patience than any of us do!

Time and time again, God blesses them and lists even more blessings He will bestow upon them if they continue to be obedient. He also tells them plainly that if they choose to disobey and worship idols He will remove His hand of protection from them and their enemies will rise up against them. So, the choice was theirs, just as it is ours today - obedience or disobedience; blessings or punishments; God's love or His wrath.

2007-02-05 17:10:43 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

People seem to want to overlook the constant forgiveness God shows in the OT, in order to focus only on His wrath. And in the NT, all they see is the John stuff, which is beautiful, but when Jesus spoke, He by no means ignored the wrath of God. There's no inconsistency if you read the whole book.

2007-02-05 04:55:10 · answer #8 · answered by cmw 6 · 1 0

First, I think you have to take in consideration that most books in the bible were written after the fact. Stories were pasted down generation after generation verbally, prior to ever being recorded in text. Over time stories would become adapted to what was socially going on at the time they were recorded. In many religions, you will find that often one pulls from another. Your statement comparing the old testament god to greek gods, is an example of this. Very insightful!

2007-02-05 05:00:19 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

They will tell you about the age of law and the age of grace, or some such nonsense..

In the OT you had to live by law. If God didn't like you, he'd punish you.

In the age of grace God doesn't have to punish you . You can do whatever you want and be forgiven for it because Jesus died so you could do it and not be punished.

See how great Chrisitanity is....

Oh and then they'll tell you he had it planned that way from the beginning.

Doesn't make much sense.....
I'll punish them for 4000 years and then I'll say they can do whatever they want...

2007-02-05 04:49:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

God does not change.

Heb 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

Plus you are thinking carnally.

No one has perished yet, not even Satan.

Flesh death is not death of the being that dwells in the body.

The second death or lake of fire is non-existence.
Even worse, no memory of you, you are blotted out of the book of life.

1Co 10:11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.


2007-02-05 04:49:12 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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