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I'd like personal reasons for this rather than just a quoting of scriptures and religious tracts please. I have no need to discuss the latter - they are available for me should I wish to utilise them - which I do actually know, thanks. I am after personal experiences which you feel showed the presence of a Supreme deity. Thank you

2007-02-05 02:04:31 · 26 answers · asked by big pup in a small bath 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

Creation is how I knew there was God.

I remember when I was small asking many questions about the sky and grass and animals and people, etc.

When I got older, I always knew there was God, even though I got into other undesirable things.

I really realized it when I got very sick and could hardly move. A Christian lady prayed for me, while holding my hand. I was completely healed within the next week. Although I didn't accept Christ at that time, it really got my wheels turning and asking questions again. I got saved within a few months after.

2007-02-05 02:10:11 · answer #1 · answered by Christian93 5 · 1 1

The question "Who is God?" is a good question. It is better than asking "What is God?" This is because God exists, created us, loves us, is concerned for our being, desires to provide for us, and sent the Son to redeem us. If we were to ask "What is God?" we might be tempted to say that God is the infinite being, the creator, a presence, or something like that. In some respect, this would be true. But the first question brings us closer to understanding more of who God really is in His character and His love for us as revealed in the Bible.
The Bible teaches us that in all existence, from all eternity, there has been and always will be only one God. God was never created, is completely loving, completely just, completely holy, completely merciful, and that He desires the best for us. God is holy and He can have nothing to do with sin as the Bible says, "His eyes are too pure to look upon evil," (Hab. 1:13). This does not mean that God cannot see what someone does that is wrong. It is a way of describing how holy God is. God cannot sin. He is perfect.
In Christianity, God is a Trinity. This means that God is three persons, not three gods. Technically, the doctrine of the Trinity states that in the one God is the person of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each is not the same person as the other; yet there are not three gods but one. This is similar in analogy to the nature of time. Time is past, present, and future. The past is not the same as the present, which is not the same as the future. But, there are not three times. There is only one thing called time.
The reason the word "person" is used in describing the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is because each exhibits attributes of personhood -- not in a body of flesh and bones, but in personality. In other words, each has a will, loves, speaks, is aware of others, communicates with others, etc. These are attributes of personhood and we see the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit each demonstrate these qualities.
Because of the Trinity, God can become flesh in the form of the Son, and still exist in such a way so that He can run the universe. Therefore, the Son can communicate to us on our level.
Following are a couple verses that hint at the Trinity.

Matt. 28:19, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."
2 Cor. 13:14, "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all."
The Bible says there is only one God: "I am the Lord, and there is no other;
Besides Me there is no God," (Isaiah 45:5). Yet, the Bible teaches that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are each called God.
Below is a very brief chart that shows that each of the persons in the Trinity share the same attributes that only God shares. But remember, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit each have wills, and speak, etc. Therefore, we say there are are three persons.

Called God Phil. 1:2 John 1:1,14; Acts 5:3-4
Creator Isaiah 64:8 John 1:3; Job 33:4, 26:13
Everywhere 1 Kings 8:27 Matt. 28:20 Psalm 139:7-10
All knowing 1 John 3:20 John 16:30; 21:17 1 Cor. 2:10-11
A Will Luke 22:42 Luke 22:42 1 Cor. 12:11
Speaks Matt. 3:17; Luke 5:20; 7:48 Acts 13:2

2007-02-05 02:09:01 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Before I answer, I need to know what you mean when you say "God."

If you mean an omnipotent supernatural person who governs the course of all cosmic events and knows the future as a settled fact, then no, such a God does not exist. The first insurmountable difficulty is the problem of evil, and the second is the reality of human freewill. Those two objectively observable phenomena directly contradict assertions of divine omnipotence and omniscience.

If, on the other hand, by "God" you mean instead a universal mind, or the ground of being, or some such thing, then yes, God must exist.

2007-02-05 02:15:47 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think God has been personified to make people feel better about the good and bad things that happen in life. It also makes the supernatural and spritual world less frightful if we know there is a God who has a conscience and human personal features like ourselves. I do think there have been people walk this life who had a higher plain of conscienouss and morality and were able to preach what they thought to people - because they had the natural ability of inner good, forgiveness etc.

However I do not believe god is a person in the sky, or a person waiting after you have met peter at the gates - i think God is a way of life. If you choose to live your life well then I think you have already found God when the lights go out.

2007-02-05 02:16:12 · answer #4 · answered by kel_mccoy_uk555 2 · 0 0

I was living a dangerous and reckless lifestyle, I was an alcoholic, a drug user, and was fairly promiscuous and engaged in unprotected sex. I didn't care I was just doing my thing, I had a near death experience where I believe I spoke to Jesus. We were walking through a burnt out city, it looked like it had been nuked I remember him telling me "This is your life, if you don't change the way you are living it you will surely die." Than I was shown a place that I believe was heaven, he said to me "This is what your life could be, all you have to do is make some changes and you can have it."
I was not a religious man, I did not go to church when I was a kid. I knew who Jesus was but had never really thought about it. What my experience did for me is enabled me to give up drinking, give up the drugs, and be more responsible and protect myself.

I can not prove that my experience was real or that there is a God, but to me he is very real and he has changed my life for the better.

2007-02-05 02:15:54 · answer #5 · answered by crazyhorse19682003 3 · 0 0

There is GOD and he is real. The events that have occurred that we have termed miracles are enough reasons to let you know that there's GOD. We have seen a situation a woman have been pregnant for several years and despite medical advise that there's nothing in the womb GOD still proves himself. Of recent, there was this big pipeline fire explosion in Nigeria that lead to the death of over 500 persons and destruction of many buildings/ homes but to the surprise of everyone the Church in that area was spared, not even there rubbish dump was touched.Several cases of healing of diseases and infirmities have proven that there is GOD.

2007-02-05 02:23:04 · answer #6 · answered by wilson_ugbo 2 · 0 0

Look around you and everything you see has been created by God.
Every blade of grass, for example was created by God.
You may call it 'Nature'. Who created 'Nature'?
You may call it 'Evolution'. Who created the earliest form of life?
You may say complex molecules. Why were these created?
You may say by the combining of atoms. How were atoms created?
You may say from elementary particles. Who created the particles?
You can go on then to the Big Bang theory or the String theory depending on your preference.
Who created existence?
The fact that you exist is due to God.
I do not need to ask 'Is there a God?'
I know there is God.
If you are looking for a description of a 'miracle' for proof of God then you are like a baby looking for a rattle as evidence of the existence of your mother.

2007-02-05 06:08:30 · answer #7 · answered by kayamat_ka_din 3 · 1 0

No I do not believe so.

I can go to a church and sit and look around and know for sure that the majority in that room will espouse the glory of this piece of fiction as if its some way of excusing themselves for the wrongdoings of the week, and the wrongdoings that they plan for the week ahead.
And if that is what belonging to that club means (dishonesty and no integrity), then it can be seen that it is no differant to belonging to any other club.
It has no meaning, its just their as an alibi.

2007-02-05 02:35:28 · answer #8 · answered by Jon H 3 · 0 0

You say you don't want scripture.Well then you will find a god but not the god of the BibleThe Bible speaks of the god of this world,which is Satan.There are also angels which come as angels of light but are devils in reality.It also tells of preaching some other Jesus.If you get personal opinions you are likely to come up with anything.People like to create their own gods because it is to their advantage & also they think it makes them look smart.

2007-02-05 02:21:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are times in my life when i get so caught up in school, work, relationships and everything else that i sit back and feel so lost. I feel like everything is a waste of time. Times like that are what bring me back to the Lord. For some reason when i keep him on my mind life seems just that much better. This is not something you can see but when you feel it, trust me, you know its there

2007-02-05 02:10:44 · answer #10 · answered by Ecclesiastes 3 · 1 0

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