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why some people believe we must not have sex until we reach the age of 18 +??/
i believe the is no right age about sex, it is when and with who you feel it. Also why do you think marriage before sex? That's rediculus...

2007-02-05 01:53:46 · 25 answers · asked by kittana! 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

why sex have to do with kids and babies??? are you crazy???

2007-02-05 02:02:42 · update #1

25 answers

Are you free for dinner this evening?

Love and blessings Don

2007-02-05 01:59:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

You shouldn't have sex until your 18 because your probably too young to understand the consequences. This mostly holds in "First World" countries. The socio-economic structure of these countries makes social interactions complicated. The economic side of it means that you probably haven't received enough education to compete with others in the society if you should have to spend time parenting a child, before the age of 18.
In "Third World" countries it is common place to have sex well before the age of 18. However, those countries make it easier to raise a child at an earlier age because society isn't as complex, and the economy isn't typically competitive .
While there are people below the age of 18 that can responsibly have sex ( just like there are people well above 18 who can't), it is better to set an average age of "maturity". While also taking into account the chance that the person will have sex under questionable circumstances, and the impact this will have on them, and thus the rest of society.
Since it would be way to expensive to evaluate each person's maturity, a set age as been established. Which is 18.
As far as marriage before sex, that is a principle to once again cut down on the potential problems I mentioned above. Marriage in a sense obligates both parties to only have sex with each other which decreases potential problems with several different sexual partners. Waiting until one gets married to have sex avoids any obligations that the man and woman are not ready to handle outside of marriage.

2007-02-05 10:17:43 · answer #2 · answered by Count Acumen 5 · 0 0

If you are looking for the religious aspect of this, then God Himself has told us the sex has some specific bounds that must be complied with. He did not set an age limit but He did say that it must be only between a legally and lawfully married man and woman.

Why is that? God has ordained that the family unit be the most basic unit upon which all other things must rely. When the family unit breaks down, so does the rest of society. Every great nation in history began their downfall when the family unit began to break apart.

Sex is the basis to the family unit. It is what creates the family. It is a very strong bond that can help to keep a husband and a wife, a mother and a father together. When this basic trust is broken, the family is most likely falls apart. Since it is a basic and a so important part of families, God declared that sex should only occur between a husband and a wife.

2007-02-05 10:08:21 · answer #3 · answered by rbarc 4 · 0 0

The only sure way to avoid pregnancy is abstenance. Even with the pill AND a condum - there is still a chance pregnancy can occur.

Think about it...if you had a child (not even considered an adult, still in school, and not able to completely take care of themselves yet - can't make your own rent for home) and they had an accident - what would you think?

18 you are considered an adult in the US, so it has become the norm to say you can decide for yourself at that point. Before that you are a minor and your parents have to be responsible for what you do - that is why 18 is the age given.

Personally, I would prefer my children (when I have them) started after they left home and were taking care of themselves. That is what I did...it was not so bad (no my parents did not force me into it...it made sense to me to wait).

"It is when and with who you feel it" - but responsibility for your actions also plays a factor. There is ALWAYS a chance a child may result. I was just hit with this possibility myself (and I'm 33). This would not be the best time for a child...but I am willing to have one if my girlfriend becomes pregnant (no, we are not married yet...that is a few months away).

If you are willing to have a child and can take care of it yourself - go for it. Otherwise, you must also take into consideration the potential consequenses and responsibility for what you do...not just because it is TIME and you FEEL it.

You may think it is about time someone was no longer and this planet and then feel the need to kill them - but will you kill them? We restrain our violent desires from becoming an action - to hit, harm, or whatever? Why not restrain your sexual desires as well?

One of my sister's friends was 17 when she became pregnant (accident). Her boyfriend left her when he found out. She lived by herself with he son - a little place she could just afford - while she went to work during the day (daycare for the baby) and tried to go to college and get a degree (so she could make more and they would not live so poorly). The "it is when and with who you feel it" scenario has not worked out so well for her.

We treat sex far too lightly these days.

~ Eric Putkonen

2007-02-05 10:31:11 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sex is great but a person should wait until they're mature enough to handle whatever may result. Each person matures at a different age but 18 is the average (for now) and there have to be laws to govern a society. There are always exceptions but some things have to go by the average (therefore, the majority). The whole being only with one person and waiting until you're married is a society prssured thing but not an actual law.

2007-02-05 10:10:48 · answer #5 · answered by strpenta 7 · 0 0

To the first question; Just because something is possible does not mean it is a good idea. Your body is growing and developing in your teen years. It is difficult to make sound decisions about this when your hormones are dictating your your actions. It is good to learn self-control at this time. It can strengthen you for future challenges. Whether you realize it or not, sex changes this natural process and not for the better. Giving birth does irreparable damage to a teenage body.
Getting married before having sex elevates the act to a spiritual one that bonds two people together who recognize the importance of commitment.

2007-02-05 10:08:04 · answer #6 · answered by babydoll 7 · 1 0

It's when a country decides a child is old enough to accept responsibility then they accept rights. Authority and responsability must be equal. Sex before the legal age of consent is accepting authoirty without responsability. You accept that you are old enough to create a child but the state doesn't believe you have the responsability to make that decision.

I don't know when a person may be responsible, in fact it will vary from person to person but 16-18 seems a good time. If you are responsible enough, shouldn't it be easy to wait?

2007-02-05 10:04:02 · answer #7 · answered by jleslie4585 5 · 1 0

Personally, I think 18 is a good age because that is approximately when you'd be able to care for a child that could happen out of engaging in sex. You'd hopefully be done with HS (having a child in HS puts a damper on your education), you'd be able to get employment and care for your child. Plus, you'd be more mentally able to handle it than a younger teen. My answer has less to do with the morals of the matter than it has to do with realistic approaches to the outcome of sex.

I personally don't believe in sex only after marriage. I think that you should make sure that you and your partner are sexually compatible prior to making the leap. I also believe in living together first to make sure you don't want to strangle the other person six months into it. lol

2007-02-05 10:00:35 · answer #8 · answered by glitterkittyy 7 · 1 0

The right age to have sex is when you are mature enough to handle it. It includes handeling possible consequences, like possibility of getting pregnant. Yes, there is birth control, but it is not 100% guaranteed. Want it or not, there is a question of possible pregnancies. If you don't believe me - visit the Pregnancy section on Y! Answers and see how many desperate girls are asking what to do - they got pregnant but they have no means of supporting themselves, and their boyfriend ran away screaming.

So yes, having sex is a responcible decision. You don't have to be a certain age, you just have to be a certain level of maturity. I.e., you have a solid plan of what is going to happen if you were to accidentally get pregnant. Flipping out and running around in panic is not good enough of a plan. Saying "It will never happen to ME" is not good enough. Either you know what you will do if you are keeping the baby or you have enough money set aside to have an abortion. This kind of cold approach is usually somewhat correlated with age. LOL. It is necessary to wait till "when and with who do you feel it", like you said, but that's not good enough. Children shouldn't have sex even if they can. Adults can have sex if they want to. Child becomes an adult when he/she starts fully supporting themself (i.e. live on their own, have their own income). Part-time job at McDonals doesn't count - that only pays for funky hair color, makeup and fancy iPod that your parents refused to buy you.

I do not believe in marriage before sex. That is totally outdated concept. I believe in "try it before you buy it" otherwise you have no idea if you are sexually compatible. But I don't believe in sleeping around: if you are having sex it is better be serious.

2007-02-06 19:19:42 · answer #9 · answered by Snowflake 7 · 0 0

You just rock and roll, Sweetie.
Soon, that's exactly what you will be doing...rocking the baby all night, and rolling out of bed in the morning to get the kids off to school...and you'll be doing it all by yourself, because the studs you're sleeping around with really are "interested in just one thing", and that's what's between your legs. But that ain't where you keep your brains, Baby.

Silly child, don't they tell you kids any more where babies come from? Don't they explain to you that "birth control" doesn't always work? Haven't they told you about the serious physical and emotional risks of early pregnancy?
Are you so foolish that you don't realize that heavy emotions go along with sex? Do you really think it's all fun and games? "When and with who your feel it"...feel what, exactly? Not love, certainly. So you got "hot pants"...and all the boys can smell it. Do you think that makes you "special"??

Going to bed with a man is easy. Any slut can do it. It takes a grown woman to get up in the morning with the same man...and make a real home and a real life with him. For that, you need something called "maturity".

2007-02-05 10:18:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

marrige before sex is a silly out dated concept, but prpor age of sex is when a person can make an adult decision. 18 is the age of a legal adult, if you knew a 12 year old that want to have sex would you recomend it? No you would not( if your smart) because she is not old enough to make that decision, maturaty has a lot to do with it to the average age is about 17, also some girls have sex thinking it is the right person and it is not she does it to be liked and to be loved, although not all but if it is a possibility then sex is not the right choice at the time.

2007-02-05 10:02:24 · answer #11 · answered by ponitail 55 5 · 0 2

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