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He was hitting on other girls, drunk, angry, screaming and acting like an idiot punching my dashboard, but he thinks that fact that he was drunk makes it all better. He says I over reacted and should understand that when he gets drunk he gets out of control. I have no desire to go back to him, but how does he think his being drunk justifies him acting like an idiot.

2007-02-04 14:02:17 · 7 answers · asked by dab1121 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

7 answers

ALOT of people use alcohol to try and excuse their behavior. Believe me I know. My Dad was an alcoholic for years and put my family through HELL and each time he would apoligize and say he didn't know what he was doing. Tearing us up emotionally was what he did and now he spends his life trying to make up for it. Boyfriends are somewhat different. Your NOT engaged to him or even married to this guy with his issues so even if you love him, you did the right thing by breaking up with him. Better now than later. Maybe he will seek the help he needs and treat his next girlfriend with respect or better yet , respect himself first. Sorry your going through this but you made up your mind, now stick to it. Don't let him try and put his guilt on you. After all, your the one being mentally abused. Take care.

2007-02-04 14:16:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well most people who make a habit of getting drunk act like idiots. Apparently he is on the verge of being an alcoholic if he isn't one already. You owe him no further explanation. Be glad to be rid of him and find yourself someone else..

2007-02-04 22:10:12 · answer #2 · answered by rare2findd 6 · 1 0

Some people make excuses for everything they do, but it doesn't make them innocent. If he acts like that when he's drunk, it's best if you find another boyfriend who knows how to treat you right.

2007-02-04 22:08:48 · answer #3 · answered by Faith 4 · 1 0

Being drunk just gives us pseudo-permission to do things we subconsciously want to do anyway. I think you can, and will, do a lot better than this guy!

2007-02-04 22:06:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He is stupid. Don't go back to him, you deserve better. You will find somebody else who does not do those things and treats you like a princess.

2007-02-04 22:07:31 · answer #5 · answered by luvmykids 4 · 0 0

actually it justifies it just fine. wen u get drunk, u dont no wut ur doing! duh! and like, if he wants u back, u need to just tell him that u understnad that he wuz drunk, but u have to make him undderstand that it's not ok for him to get drunk and actlike that ALL THE TIME. get that clear.

2007-02-04 22:08:59 · answer #6 · answered by sweety_pie!! <3 3 · 0 0

whatever, move on and stop whining

2007-02-04 22:06:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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