ask him to give you some space
2007-02-04 14:01:34
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Well like you don't have to respond to an im. and you didn't have to tell him where you locker was. You say he's nice but has the "worst personality" (ah what?) You can block im's. As you probably know. So if you know and you haven't done so, you really do want to talk to him.
2007-02-04 14:04:40
answer #2
answered by rare2findd 6
That tramp,she takes photos of herself making pouty faces on the digicam,clone of a slut does. OMG OMG OMG!!!! Edit-what's extremely humorous is each and each and every of the morons who thinks it truly is intense.
2016-11-25 02:27:35
answer #3
answered by ? 4
You are like into yourself aren't you?...I am glad I am not a teen in this day in age!...girls today seem so crude to me....girls were not like this when I was in school!They had more respect for the boys they dated. If they did not want to date them anymore, they would politely tell the boy their feelings and they would go their own seperate ways...not lead them on like I have noticed as of resent!I feel sorry for the young men dating today!I'm sure this is going to ruffle a lot of feathers!Prove me wrong!
2007-02-04 14:12:50
answer #4
answered by reifrj 3
Funny. Nearly every other girl is the exact opposite. I've heard countless amount of complaints "he never IMs me - I have to IM him". But I've never heard it this way round.
If you really insist, just ask for space.
2007-02-04 14:11:06
answer #5
answered by Nova 2
Just tell him nicely. " You know what I am sorry but we are very different from each other and i dont think that we can have good boyfriend, girlfriend relationship, but can always be my friend.
2007-02-04 14:05:45
answer #6
answered by Rocky 1
Make sure that you are not leading him on. Let him know how you feel. Just don't play both sides of the fence!
2007-02-04 14:03:46
answer #7
answered by foru c 2
Let him know, in an unbitchy way, that you 2 are just freinds, but you are very flattered!
2007-02-04 14:03:54
answer #8
answered by Eva Lauren 2
hmm.. k i got an idea.. wel y not u pretend u don even know wat he is trying to do.. make him realise tat he is jst a frend nothing more then that.. Jst lie to him abt u having a crush.. tel him how u feel abt that guy..(Make up stories).. If u don wan to hurt his feeling then u got to act for a while gal..
Good luck!!
2007-02-04 14:08:42
answer #9
answered by sUnseT 3
make a casual comment like "im so glad we're just isn't it awesome how their's nothing more between us?"
2007-02-04 14:02:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous