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I just started going out some smeone else Jan. 18. I really like him but whenever i'm not with him I start thinking of my ex I know that i'm over him. my friends keep tryna say i'm not but i know i am. I don't want to keep thinking about him if i'm going with someone else cuz thats not right. And I know if he was thinking about his ex i would get mad. So how do i stop getting these feelings?

2007-02-04 13:43:11 · 12 answers · asked by cutie 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

12 answers

think about why you and your ex broke up.sure he must have done something or you guys fought a lot or he dint respect you enough to keep you by his side. and now when you've got yourself a nice new guy who loves and respects you,give him your all and be totally loyal to him. just know that the guy you are with is the best guy in the universe.make him your hero and hell to the guy who did not manage to stick to you.

2007-02-04 13:53:23 · answer #1 · answered by spin spin sunshine 4 · 0 0

my question is, did you and your ex end with closure? That has been my problem. I am married now and I love my husband but there are times I can't stop thinking of my ex (we haven't been together in over 8 years) but we never really had that closure. It's like you know you don't have feelings for him, you know you like the person you are with now.... totally feel you. If that's what it is, the only thing I can think of is talk to your ex, ask why it never worked out, and what happened when you were together and that should make you feel better. If that's not the case, then disregard my answer! :)

2007-02-04 21:50:16 · answer #2 · answered by glassflower 4 · 0 0

OMG, this is SO scary... my ex and I broke up in Nov. and i got another bf on Jan. 18th too!!! I cant stop thinking of my ex either, and I am now over him, but b4 I wasnt... well, don't mension your ex is all I can say. It leads to those happy memories and then you get caught up in the moment. Get active w/ your friends like horseback riding. I did that today with my friend Allana, and my dad came along too. I haven't thought about him all day! My new bf and I are happy 2gether, and so will you and your bf.

2007-02-04 21:48:02 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am the same situation as you and I think you should go out with the other guy but only after making sure you are not using him as a rebound guy. Its hard to get over your ex sometimes but with time you will be so with the new guy just go with the flow and don't push things too fast. Take time to search within yourself to make sure you are completely over your ex before pushing things fast with the new guy because you don't want to hurt him since you like him........................

2007-02-04 21:49:49 · answer #4 · answered by Sexygeminibabe5 1 · 0 0

YOUR PROB. thinking about that boy because your so use to him and his ways. It just takes time... when you start think about him.. just do something to get your mind off of your ex.. this happens to the best of us.. i know your over him.. but maybe he hurt you really bad? so you learned your lesson the first time and with this new guy your just looking to see red flags to see if he is like you ex!!! hope it gets better girl!

2007-02-04 21:50:02 · answer #5 · answered by Emmie S 1 · 0 0

It sounds to me like this guy you are seeing now, is your rebound guy. If you can't stop thinking of your ex, then that means you still have feelings for him. Don't string this other guy along...you will just break his heart. Good luck!

2007-02-04 21:47:02 · answer #6 · answered by Shorty06 3 · 0 0

feelings are hard to control. even though your mind may say that your over your ex your hear may not be. just because he is your ex does not mean that he stops existing. he was apart of your life, you have memories together. give yourself time to heal.

2007-02-04 21:50:14 · answer #7 · answered by curiouskitty 2 · 0 0

just remember 3 things about ex's

1- they are ex for a reason
2- you can never go back
3- you broke up over something, why think you could do it again?

also- it is normal for memories to haunt you... don't let it get to you- its like a poison

2007-02-04 21:46:57 · answer #8 · answered by notfromaround_here 4 · 0 0

U have to stand on your and chew on garlic and foil at the same time. I swear to God it works. For some reason it works.

2007-02-04 21:49:33 · answer #9 · answered by Jay-V-Dub 3 · 0 0

maybe you dont miss your ex and your over her, but maybe your just not ready to date yet, thats all.....

2007-02-04 21:47:14 · answer #10 · answered by yayme_denae 2 · 0 0

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