Just because she dates white men, doesn't mean she is ashamed of her race!! I am white and I find that there are beautiful women of all races.
Stop seeing her dates for their skin color and see them for who they are inside... Apparently she has the gift to do so...
Maybe you should date a white guy and find out what she likes about them?? Where ya live? I'l take ya out... ;-)
2007-02-04 12:40:40
answer #1
answered by Robert C 2
When you say ashamed do you mean she does not want to be black? well if thats the case then she has major issue about herself that needs to be answer. If she's ashamed to be african american then she feels ashamed to be herself. I mean I know there isnt many possitive image of african american but still its not enough to be ashamed of it. I think you should talk to her about african american history and what they have gone through and why we are here at this point in life and of all of the hard sturggles they had gone through. As for her wanting to only date white males I dont think that is an issue but she should still have an open option on dating not only "white" men's but other mens as well.
2007-02-04 20:36:56
answer #2
answered by Dominican angel 2
It doesn't mean she's ashamed of her race, Hon.
Years ago I had a very close friend who was African-American and was married to a white man. She told me once that she'd never dated a black man; when I asked her why, she just shrugged and said she was more attracted to white men.
Lots of white women date only black men; it doesn't mean they're ashamed of being white. It's just a matter of preference, and thank god we all have different tastes. Otherwise we'd all want the same guy!
2007-02-04 20:35:49
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You should sit down and speak to her. I have known Asian women that do not date Asian men, white women who do not date white men, and black women who do not date black men and I have discovered that there is one thing that these women have in common. An identity crises. Regardless of the race of the individual, most people who intentionally exclude their own race have a serious problem. Who you choose as a mate results in how your off spring will look. If you rule out your own race what you are essentially saying is that I do not like my mother, or my father's physical appearance and I am bent on greatly altering it. Try to maybe enroll her in some type of counseling that may be able to address the underlying issues of this behavior. Best of luck to you, and your niece.
2007-02-08 15:25:43
answer #4
answered by Hernan 1
Just because she dates strictly white men does not necessarily mean she's ashamed of her race, it could just be that that is what she prefers in men for whatever reason. I date strictly black men and I'm in no way ashamed of my race (white), it's just that I prefer the looks and coloring of black males.
2007-02-04 20:31:13
answer #5
answered by cookiefactory4 3
Look you shouldn't worry about her but I know you are going to anyways. I mean it isn't that big of a deal... (it may be to you) but she could be going through a stage in her life were she (like you said) is ashamed of her skin color. But to tell you the truth most girls go through a phase when they don't want to date their own race but boys from a different background... so try not to worry to much.
2007-02-04 20:37:45
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It's difficult, isn't it when we can't even accept who and what we are? That we can't accept our differences? What a pointless way to struggle within yourself and in our lives denying who we are and the human qualities that are beyond our control.
Let her learn who she is. She will come around to it one way or the other, whether through the pains of her acceptance of the truth. She needs to deal with her own identity and she can only do this through her own experiences in life.
And give her the freedom to choose her partners, friends and dates. Stopping her from dating other 'race' is only enhancing the discrimination in the family. She can accept who she if you can accept everyone else. Your preference can only be seen by her as discrimination.
She will learn. Give her the time and space. This is part of her self-identification, freedom and independence that she needs to go through.
You can only love her for who she is. In time, she will do the same for herself.
2007-02-04 20:31:57
answer #7
answered by Nocturne_in_G_Major 2
how old is your niece? if she is young let her have her free moment and she will learn from them. ask her why. if she has a good response allow her to be herself. plus dont forget or be afraid the tell her why her race id so important to the making of this country.
2007-02-04 20:29:59
answer #8
answered by Tigger 2
Build her self confidence first. People who hated their races are people with low self-esteem. I know a lot of Koreans (heck, Asians) who are undergoing cosmetic surgeries to look more Western, some bleach their skin.
2007-02-04 20:33:37
answer #9
answered by Lee C 2
Why would she be ashmed of her face if she dates white guys whats bad about that. Maybe she just has a thing for white people.
2007-02-04 20:29:16
answer #10
answered by Krayden 6