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In one of my other questions, someone sayed there was a black&white brush tool in Adobe Photoshop, but did not tell me where it was located...can u please help me?

2007-02-04 10:11:42 · 3 answers · asked by Ana Semphrey 2 in Computers & Internet Software

3 answers

I am not aware of a black & white brush other than just using the regular brush to paint either black or white.

If you change the picture to black and white, then create a snapshot for that view you can go back to the origial image and use the history brush to paint portions of the picture in black and white.

2007-02-04 10:19:11 · answer #1 · answered by blndchik 5 · 0 0

I'm not sure about a brush tool, but if you're looking to convert an entire image to black and white then go to "image" tab at the top -> mode -> grayscale. Hope that helps.

2007-02-04 18:17:18 · answer #2 · answered by Christine 2 · 0 0

About halfway down the toolbar, there is the Sponge tool. It's grouped with the Dodge and Burn tools. If you select it and change its mode at the top to "desaturate," it will take the color out of your image wherever you brush it. It's nice for selective areas if you don't want to turn the whole image grayscale.

2007-02-06 18:25:06 · answer #3 · answered by ael_ecurai 2 · 0 0

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