Work out every day. Eat lots of heavy foods; potatoes, pancakes, bread. You want to get a little bit of fat first and then work that fat into muscles. Hit the gym, run ever day and lift weights. But start with small increments and then build from there.
2007-02-04 05:24:13
answer #1
answered by TheSilverBeetles 4
Well, you should start with weights. But DON'T over do yourself. What I mean is, don't start with a ten pound when you should be a five pound. You could really hurt yourself if you do. Also, you're old enough to go to the gym with somebody so try that. Usually there are weight classes that you take. Swimming, pull ups and sit ups help build abs and muscles. You really can't get strong in a short time though.
2007-02-04 05:34:55
answer #2
answered by artheart1212 1
Eat lots of good food with protein carbs and fats. Chicken, beef, eggs, milk, steak, pasta, rice, baked and sweet potatoes, oatmeal, white and wheat bread and lots of water. Invest in a good quality protein powder that you can take after your workout to repair the muslces. You should be working out 3-4 times a week very intense hitting each musle group once. Stick to the big basic compound movements to increase size and strength. Bench press, deadlifts, squats, pullups, dips, barbell curls and wrist curls. Sleep 8 hours and keep your workouts under 1 hour. GOod luck
2007-02-04 07:44:00
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Just workout. Um... go to the gym and go on the treadmill. Lifts some weights but don't over do it. Just lift what you can. And don't eat a big meal. Take it slow.
2007-02-04 05:27:28
answer #4
answered by Brainiac 2
My brother started playing basketball, and now he is very masculine and tall. His now eighteen years old, and he works out everyday and plays basketball. I am not saying you should play basketball, but you should get interested in some kind of sports if you want to build muscles, and in the long run it will help your body stay in shape.
2007-02-04 05:29:29
answer #5
answered by beygrl 4
Go to a good JIM or
Join a yoga class.
2007-02-04 05:27:00
answer #6
answered by Anonymous