i agree
2007-02-04 04:30:27
answer #1
answered by U.wanna.battle.me?! 4
no i don't agree. that idea is completely retarded and also false. why do you think people get to live here for free? do you know anyone who gets to do that? do you have any sources to show that??? one of the most common ways immigrants receive aid is through religious charities such as the catholic church. charities such as these pay usually 2 months full rent and help the immigrant get a job. then on the 3rd months they pay half the rent, and usualy by the 4th or 5th month, the immigrant is paying all of their expenses. and the food?? do you know what welfare food tastes like? it taste like crap!! unless you seriously need it, you're not going to sit back and just eat the free food. give me a break....you need to get to know an immigrant or two. i've been teaching for 4 years, every year i get new students, i visit their homes and meet their parents every year and in 4 years with over 240 home visits and parent meetings, i have never known an immigrant who is living totally for free...not even close. AND...when they work here, in the usual cases they do pay taxes, and if the documents are fake, they don't usually file to get a refund. so they are paying into the system, buying things from our economy...and if they didn't send that money back to their home country...their relatives would be here TOO! so, be thanksful it's just a few.
2007-02-04 04:36:12
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
How messed up is the stupidity you exhibit?
So, do they live here for free for "like 5 years," or is it actually 5 years? (Who are "they," by the way?) Have you done any research? Do you even have a clue what you are talking about? You sound very angry, but you don't exactly say why.
Read a newspaper, at least. Do some research. Come out of the darkness into the light, then post a question that shows at least a modicum of intelligent thought.
2007-02-04 04:37:54
answer #3
answered by Pamela B 5
Little more complicated than you have explained.
However one should turn this around and be glad that People want to come for a Better Life in the USA. It says a lot about our Jobs and way of life. Would rather have people trying to come in than seeing people fleeing Other countries like the Cuban's, Mexicans, and others...
2007-02-04 04:35:04
answer #4
answered by Scott 6
You know there are so many arguments against what you just said, but I will use this one today: Mexico is a neighbor. Mexico's economy affects ours. (If you don't believe me, you may recall when Clinton bailed out the value of Mexico's peso with our dollars. That's because it affects us.) Mexico gets a ton of money from Mexican's making it here in the States. Pretend all this money stopped flowing into Mexico. Pretend we deported 13 million illegals into Mexico. What would we have? We'd have 13 million more unemployed people, something Mexico would not readily absorb. We would also cripple the money flowing in. In other words, their economy would crash.
What's more, our cheap labor is gone. How much would you like to pay for fruits, vegetables, restaurant meals, and all the other places with illegal immigrants.
SO we would have Mexico's economy crashing below us and a rise in prices here in the US, probably to the point that the fed would have to step in and adjust interest rates.
No, I don't agree with your statement. With the world they way it is today, it is not messed up.
2007-02-04 05:02:10
answer #5
answered by TCSO 5
Write letters to your senators! http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm?State=UT And join the rally http://www.lframerica.com/march2.html
Prior to 1965 when the disastrous Immigration Bill was passed, there was very little immigration. In fact, between 1925 and 1965, there was even a period of net emigration out of the United States. During this time, our grass was getting cut, our meat was being packed, our children were being watched and our houses were being cleaned. The idea that somehow we suddenly can't run a country without an unlimited supply of foreigners is absurd.
Those in favor of foreign labor are corporations who are addicted to cheap labor. They are the ones who are benefiting. But their benefit comes at the American tax payer's expense when you consider that the American tax payer is virtually subsidizing the labor costs of the greedy corporations by supplying the illegal foreign workers and their families with welfare, free education, free medical, WICs, housing assistance, etc. -- something the corporations won't do.
Americans won't allow themselves to be exploited like illegals do, but they WILL do the work that illegals do for fair compensation and benefits. If Americans did the work that illegals do at higher pay, would that benefit the consumer? You bet it would in the long run. But many Americans who do not care about America's future are consumers who favor the idea of exploiting illegal workers because it keeps commodity and service prices down in the short term.
2007-02-04 04:33:00
answer #6
answered by pickme_american 2
i would be more concerned with the out-sourcing of labor in other countries then with illegal immigration. illegal immigrants mostly do jobs that Americans don't want to do anymore and they work for lower wages without benefits. American corporations outsource their labor in China or other countries where labor is much cheaper, but we end up paying the same high prices we'd pay if produced in the U.S. so corporations are gaining the profits and we are receiving a lower quality product .
2007-02-04 06:21:15
answer #7
answered by 215funk 4
Name one.
This is nonsense propagated by politicians trying raise ire and somehow turn that into votes. No-one "lives for free" in America, if you want something for "free" you go to a socialist economy, not a capitalist one!
There are immigrants that come here, work hard, and send cash home to their poor families (usually in South America), but they earn their money doing things Americans WILL NOT DO for the money. Think about it, why are so many Republicans "squishy" on illegal immigration? It's because if you deported them all tomorrow, we would have instant and rampant inflation. Which basically amounts to a paycut for you and a paycut for me.
Is that what you REALLY want?
2007-02-04 04:35:38
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Country? The 5 years free part makes me suspect it is the UK not the US.
2007-02-04 04:29:50
answer #9
answered by DAR 7
I think that the most qualified people should get the jobs. That's the key to success.
If other persons got the jobs you applied for, I feel sorry for you. Go out there and make yourself more qualified: take a course, get a degree or whatever.
Just don't put your bitterness into stupidity on Yahoo Answers or anywhere else, please.
2007-02-04 04:55:07
answer #10
answered by Kerosa S 3
What people? You say that there are people coming to the U.S. living "completely free" for five years and then running off with money they have earned from taking "all of our jobs."
A. Nobody is living in the U.S. completely free.
B. Noone is taking all of our jobs.
Every legal worker in the U.S. is paying taxes. People that make very little pay very little taxes. There is not some kind of drain sucking U.S. money out of the U.S. except for so-called "free trade". What is messed up is that the U.S. government sees fit to send American jobs overseas, allow foriegn goods free access to American markets, allows foreign investment in American businesses and then, points the finger of blame at poor immigrants. That is very messed up.
2007-02-04 04:36:55
answer #11
answered by fangtaiyang 7