I don't care if spanish is spoken. I do care that I shouldn't have to be inconvienced by a language barrier in my own country and that it stretches our tax dollar. It's not unreasonable that people learn the language of the country they move to if anything just so daily business can be accomplished.
2007-02-03 19:55:53
answer #1
answered by Χαλαρά 7
Who cares if Spanish is spoken! However it should not be demanded that US citizen learn to speak Spanish!! If people want to come into the US they should be the ones to learn the language not the other way around!
As for most states having Spanish names, not! There are 50 states and they have either English names or Indian names! With the exception of New Mexico!
2007-02-03 20:29:44
answer #2
answered by wondermom 6
The Indians did not all speak one language as English speaking America does (85%) There were over 100 different tribes and they all spoke a different language so it would have been impossible to speak the native language.
Why is it that all other legal immigrants didn't have any problem learning English and adapting to the American way of life.They still kept their own culture but also took on some American ways and culture too.Why do Mexicans have such a problem with learning the English language,or rather not having the desire or need to learn it ?I speak French-Cajun,Spanish and I am learning Japanese.Why cant/don't Mexicans learn English ?After all we do speak English in America.
They are smart and know its good for them job wise to speak the language. Why in the world would you in any rational argument expect this English speaking nation to speak Spanish just for you ? Why ? Live in the HERE AND NOW
not the THEN and YOU WISH.
2007-02-04 02:37:06
answer #3
answered by Yakuza 7
We are angry because most of the people that want us to speak Spanish to make life easier for them are here illegally! Because those that come here legally take pride in going through the process and actually becoming Americans and all that means. Roosevelt had it right...
"In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American ... There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile ... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."
Theodore Roosevelt, 1919, from a letter he wrote to the president of the American Defense Society on January 3, 1919, three days before Roosevelt died.
2007-02-03 19:36:52
answer #4
answered by goldenpheonix 2
On the anger part, there are two points, only one of which affects me.
First, people like 'home' to feel homelike. If people here from Mexico went back home to find Mexico full of Russians speaking Russian, and signs in their old neighborhood changed, and a huge part of the population both as workers and the public not speaking Spanish, they wouldn't like it either. It wouldn't feel like 'home'. In fact, Mexico has a law that you can't hold a job there unless you speak fluent Spanish, did you know?
Which brings us to the other point which severely impacts our less educated and those with fewer employment options. They didn't learn Spanish in school, in part because language is one of the programs that have been cut from schools in the heavily illegal immigrant impacted areas, in order to pay for ESL courses. In jobs where there are a lot of low wage illegals, management has started to be required to be bilingual. Guess who that shuts out? The people who belong here, in favor of the people who don't.
We are a melting pot, but that assumes many different cultures becoming American and each adding their bit to the mix. It doesn't assume wholesale importation of a single competing culture and language. While there will always be enclaves, the numbers now are simply too large.
That is aside from ruining our schools and services, but what you asked about was language.
2007-02-04 04:22:39
answer #5
answered by DAR 7
This is just my opinion....I, being an American, have no problem with people speaking Spanish in this country. I DO however have a problem with people that ONLY speak Spanish in this country. It is sooooooo annoying to call somewhere and get a foreigner that speaks quasi-English and throws Spanish words into their sentences and has such a thick accent that I can't understand the English words that they DO know. UGH!
2007-02-03 19:34:38
answer #6
answered by Laura C 3
Judging by everybodies answers here I guess we should be speaking Native American. You know since immigrating a land you should know the language of that land. Everybody makes me sick since English is not the only spoken language here in America home of the free(freedom of speech) land of the brave(they can't speak a different language but can die for the Country). When this land was conquered many of the names are in Spanish because Spain claimed much of the land and spoke Spanish. They are angry cause there is nothing more to do but hate the ones we don't understand.
2007-02-03 19:36:30
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I don't think they are so mad that it is spoken in the country so much as they are mad that spanish people come into the country and do not learn to speak the language of the country they arrive in.
When you move to a country, you adapt to ITS surroundings, the country doesn't adapt to the one foreigner
2007-02-03 19:26:30
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Remember if you tell the truth these days you’ll probably be branded a racist!
True summary of illegal activity from long term illegal immigrants
Here is a true summary of illegal activity from long term illegal’s, and as you can see it's not just about sneaking across the border, and it's not just careless breaking of the law.
1. Illegal entry into the United States - Misdemeanor - deportable offense.
2. Failure to register as a foreign national - misdemeanor - deportable offense.
3. Fraudulently applying for a state driver's license with counterfeit ID - misdemeanor
4. Applying for work or working in the United States without a work visa - Misdemeanor - Deportable Offense.
5. Fraudulently operating an unregistered business under a false name - misdemeanor - Deportable Offense
6. Fraudulently applying for and accepting welfare using counterfeit ID - Felony - Jail Time- Deportation
7. Fraudulently applying for and accepting food stamps using counterfeit ID - Felony - Jail Time - Deportation
8. Fraudulently applying for and accepting mother's assistance using counterfeit ID - Felony - Jail Time - Deportation.
9. Fraudulently applying for work using counterfeit or stolen Social Security Number - Felony (Perjury)- Deportation
10. Fraudulently claiming excessive deductions for Federal Income Taxes to avoid paying any taxes - Felony - Jail Time - Deportation
11. Registering to vote in states with Motor Voter programs and voting without being a US Citizen - Felony (Perjury)- Deportation
12. Buying counterfeit auto license tabs instead of paying the sate - Misdemeanor
13. Buying phony auto insurance from Mexican operatives so automobile with counterfeit tabs can be registered - Misdemeanor
14. Claiming poverty in a household with high income (for you less than informed - illegal households can easily make as much $100,000 a year tax free) so children can apply for free lunches at school - misdemeanor
15. Claiming poverty to get free medical care from free clinics - Felony - Fraud (hundreds in LA alone) and using first class hospital emergency rooms as family doctors for non-emergency medical - ALL ILLEGALS HAVE 100% MEDICAL COVERAGE AT NO COST TO THEM - PERIOD - Misdemeanor - Deportation.
16. Traffic citations and accidents - Illegal’s have no real name or address - if they are get a citation or are involved in an accident - they just disappear and surface again with a new counterfeit license and address- and good luck with your insurance company - misdemeanor - Deportation
2007-02-04 00:45:13
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
When in Rome, do as the Romans. When in America, do as Americans. If you want to live here and be American, then live here and speak your new country's language. Decide on where you want to live and speak the language.
2007-02-03 19:44:21
answer #10
answered by grannywinkie 6