Think about the foods you eat on a regular basis. Try to calculate the amount of calories they have. Then, try cutting down on 500 calories a day. Increase your exercise. Yo udon't need to do anything drastic, but try exercising for maybe an hour a day, give or take half an hour on some days (i.e. if you have lots of homework).
2007-02-03 16:09:59
answer #1
answered by Elizabeth V. 1
The simple reality is that to lose weight, you must burn more calories than you eat. So, to be succesful you must either reduce the calories eaten each day or increase exercise, but the most successful plan is to do both.
Calculate the number of calories required to eat you ideal weight and eat only that much, while having some daily activity. You don't have to starve and you need not start running marathons. Start slowly but keep it up.
Don't make the mistake of eating far too little food. Your metabolism will reset even lower and your weight will stay up at a lower calorie intake than before. A healthy weight loss after the first week or two should be not more than one or two pounds a week.
DIscovery Health is running a free program to help lose weight and be healthier. It even provides menus and recipes.
2007-02-04 00:12:10
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Most important: Get rid of Stress (Anything that bothers you)
Stress causes fat to gather in certain areas of the body.
Cut on sugary stuff.
Walk or Run.
Stop eating late at night.
Do not stay up late, get enough sleep.
Do not try any of those crazy ab toning exercises, I tried them and instead of losing weight I got hurt and I could barely walk for over a month and had to go see a doctor. Right now your main goal is to get rid of the fat, start walking fast and gradually start running. If you don't feel comfortable running outside, you can do it in the house, you don't have to run fast, just run slow so you don't get tired fast.
2007-02-04 00:10:59
answer #3
answered by robert11 s 1
I've heard of this online program, not pills or stuff, but a healthy way used by bodybuilders, to burn fat and keep weight off permanently. fast and they guarantee money back:
hope this helps.
2007-02-04 07:15:30
answer #4
answered by garoogan 2
you need to put your self on a syudy diet and follow it for best food group serving search food pyriamid excercise daily for at least 3-4 hours but take breaks as often as you need them.
Thats what i do.
2007-02-04 00:06:46
answer #5
answered by Pooh Bear 2
diet and exercise
2007-02-04 13:42:35
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
EXERCISE and eat healthy
2007-02-04 00:16:32
answer #7
answered by 2