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I was with my ex for 2 years. We went on a "break". Then broke up because he thought he liked other people. He was the best relationship I have had, I was devastated. My ex is sorry for what is done and wants to be with me however I have found a new guy at uni who I like. So who should I choose, or what should I do? tohelp me answer the question

2007-02-03 12:50:29 · 4 answers · asked by Nicole 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

4 answers

pick the new guy!! He left you so why should he get another chance??

2007-02-03 12:55:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If you do not yet know, I would recommend daqting both of them as "friends" until you decide. It is OK not to date just one guy at a time, as long as you do not have unsafe sex with multiple people at a time and as long as you do not lie to anyone. Dating is supposed to be about finding out who is right for you, which ccan only occur by spedning time with them. Tell your X you would like to trust him again and see if it will work out but it will take time and you need to take that time to hang out with him and see, and tell the other guy that you would like to get to know him better by hanging out with him and see. This is the best way for all of you to decide. Once you get to a point where you start getting very emotional over one or you want to have sex (depending on your age) them you will know that it is probably time to choose, and you will feel more drawn to one than the other. Don't ruin an old friendship by not giving it another chance, and dont ruin a possible new one by not giving it a chance. If one of the guys does not understand your desire to do this and respoect your wishes, he is probably NOT the one you should date.

2007-02-03 20:57:17 · answer #2 · answered by drjen 3 · 0 0

He sounds like a jerk. There will be better relationships and better people. I don't like guys who play the field just to come back to me. Try this new guy, you never know THIS relationship could really be the best one!!!

2007-02-03 20:55:47 · answer #3 · answered by Yay me!!!! 4 · 0 0

You have to ask your self who would be good to you. Do a list of the good on each of them and see wich one has the most good.

2007-02-03 20:58:15 · answer #4 · answered by redfirecracker2007 2 · 0 0

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