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5 answers

Sometimes when a relationship is new, still in the honeymoon phase, things are wonderful.

But, once each one in the couple starts to relax or maybe the relationship became sexual, then the situation changes from him wanting to be with her every moment, complimenting her all the time to being bored with her, wanting his own way - maybe because the "chase" is much more interesting than once the woman has been "caught"

2007-02-03 12:31:12 · answer #1 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

Not that it's true in your case hon, but it's usually because they begin to feel manipulated, used and disrespected. The incentive to be nice and caring is stripped away. A little mutual respect goes a long way. You may just have had a string of jerks though.

2007-02-03 12:24:42 · answer #2 · answered by mac&cheese 2 · 0 0

you may not. 'do exactly not care' is often an act. until something's incorrect alongside with your ideas or you're from yet another planet, you care. it fairly is something you may pretend isn't there even nonetheless it fairly is not something you may fairly turn off. in case you have by no skill been waiting as much as now a trustworthy woman or by no skill seen it ensue then i might say you're putting around with the incorrect human beings and chasing the incorrect females. the two that or you're turning them into the incorrect females by way of being emotionally distant or an insanely jealous boyfriend. experience the sentiments you experience now. Painful as they may well be, they don't seem to be going to kill you. And take a severe seem at what retains taking place on your relationships. i think of you recognize that treating females like crap shouldn't artwork and is purely an expression of your frustration. ask your self questions: became into she purely not that into me from the beginning up? became into it warm for a on an identical time as and then something occurred to make it bypass chilly? if so, what became into it that occurred? Did I deliver out mixed alerts? Did I say something insulting? Did she purely exchange her ideas?(occurs especially situations) Did I fail to make a flow while the region called for it? Did she say or do something that pissed you off and you style of went chilly on her? etc. Releationships are complicated, gentle issues. human beings(alongside with you) do not continually say what they mean. The solutions are frequently situations not undemanding, the conclusions not so sure and urban. seem for subtleties. experience your soreness(like bill Clinton hehe) and learn and improve from it. get extra effective and extra effective on the courting interest. definite, it fairly is a interest. it fairly is not approximately being a jerk. yet including a splash unavailability makes you appear to be a prize nicely worth getting, relatively than somebody who's going to be putting around no count what. That little bit of puzzle once you first meet somebody is likewise stable, relatively than laying your enjoying cards all out at as quickly as.

2016-12-13 08:16:25 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I dunno...the experience i had... was 2 months hah and loe longer it got the more "problems" she saw in me.. i don't think I became a jerk.. i think expectations rise or something.

2007-02-03 12:22:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i dont

2007-02-03 12:22:34 · answer #5 · answered by $$$$$$$$ice man$$$$$$$$ 3 · 0 0

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