all i can say is dammit man, i guess do what you gotta do -- but i gotta ask though, is she gonna take it from the front or the back --- if from the front, what happens when she comes home and sticks her tongue down your throat (with dick all over her breath) -- whatta you do tell her to brush her teeth first --- and if from the back, she comes (no pun intended) home, gets in bed and your boy is standing at attention-- whatta you do, rollover and start bangin' her after a long night of already being smashed (who knows how many times - at least 5 or 6 times to make any kind of money) all night -- well i guess she'd probably get a mixture of the two, so you just need to be prepared for whatever -- check it out dude, put her *** on stage somewhere and let her shake it in the spotlight for a while -- better her get bad hips from dancing than tucking her knees beheind her ears
2007-02-03 12:17:25
answer #1
answered by Big Rob II 1
Pimp My Wife
2016-10-04 10:26:26
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Why do you have a female avatar? If you are serious about your question...I think you and your wife should seek some kind of counciling.
2007-02-03 12:05:44
answer #3
answered by my two cents 6
1st of all... how does ur wife beng pimp have 2 do wth ur money????
2nd of all dont try to change your wifes way of life girls HATE it when guys want to change or fix somthing about them it shows that there is somthing u dont like about her....... then without even trying 2 she will soon find things she doesent like about you..........
then. as u can guess your relationship with her will slowly slip away!!
2007-02-03 12:06:56
answer #4
answered by kali 2
I'm going to assume this is one of those ridiculous questions designed to get people going, if not, you and your wife need mental help more than you need money.
2007-02-03 12:04:06
answer #5
answered by Laurie K 5
i gotz 20.00, thatz 'nough fer a good ride y'herd!
and u, 10 spot, need headz cleand.
2007-02-03 12:24:44
answer #6
answered by transvainia 3
no it is not ok get a life punk!along with a real job.
2007-02-03 12:10:52
answer #7
answered by hotcocoaf 1
Your avatar is female...and looks sane. Looks can be deceiving.
You're not funny.
2007-02-03 13:59:03
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
you do whatever makes you happy bro
2007-02-03 23:24:39
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
well...personally, I think you deserve each other...
2007-02-03 12:03:49
answer #10
answered by Anonymous