ask common frends...
be cunning and sly...
and find out!
if that doesnt work
ask him urself simple!
usually guys flirt bk, make it generally obvious they like u but can be shy and super flirty with other girls as well!!
2007-02-03 11:09:38
answer #1
answered by YabbaJabba 3
How to tell if he likes you
(and if he's flirting with you in his special own guy-way).
A lot depends on the type of guy and his individual personality.
Shy Guys
These are tough to crack sometimes...
He'll look at you, until you turn around, then boom, he's looking the other way.
You may 'feel' like he's watching you - but he's hard to catch at it
He may do something physical - like grab you in a play way, poke you, play with your hair...
(Remember when you were really young and the guy you liked punched you or tackled you?)
He may be working really hard to pay attention to you, but doesn't quite know how...
He may ask a friend of yours about you - he'll say it's just for "friend of mine" that wants to know about you.
He talks to everybody else - but when you're around he turns silent, or chokes up.
You seem to accidentally bump into him a lot of different places.
He may not say a word to you, but he shows up in the same line, at the same movie, etc.
He'll give you a little smile from across the room, but if you get near, he won't look up.
Basically - the BIG clue is that his behavior changes when you're around (compared to when he's around his buds or other girls).
DEAD Giveaway - when you talk to him he turns red.
(Bingo - you can pack that puppy up and take him home...)
If he's one of those cocky, confident, straight forward guys, he'll just simply tell you.
2007-02-03 19:40:11
answer #2
answered by Showstopper 2
Flirt and see if he flirts back. talk to him heaps and see where it leads, he will eventually give you hints or tell you straight out
2007-02-03 19:09:40
answer #3
answered by bella_girl 1
many ways to ask,be blunt and ask him ,be coy and drop him a line on your favorite stationary, have your friend ask him, walk up and plant one on him
my suggestions
2007-02-03 19:43:58
answer #4
answered by photog50 6
hi, thats an interesting question! lol! 20/F wondering the same thing... holla back
2007-02-03 19:08:15
answer #5
answered by Michelle T 1
flirt with him?
and sorry i dont like you.
2007-02-03 19:08:49
answer #6