Mark the date on the calendar and see if she does the exact same thing and acts crazy 30 days later. if she does, stay the hell away from her for those days of the month.
try to look up her dress for any unusual bulge under her panties or to see if a string is sticking out.
Go to her bathroom and look in the trash for used tampons or pads.
Ignore the girls who tell you to go ask her, Girls talk to other girls about their periods and think it is ok for you to do that. Here is the thing if you ask her, she is going to F you up and beat the crap out of you and probably not talk to you for a while.
2007-02-03 09:38:26
answer #1
answered by DECEMBER 5
Does she act the same way every month? PMS is a serious condition and requires medication. I know I suffer from PMS some months are worst than others it just depends. She has no control over her emotions. Believe me my boyfriend ask the same question. So during this time usually before the period starts. I go into the guest room and sleep. It has been working for us. I dont want to lose him so we both give each other space during this time.
2007-02-03 17:43:31
answer #2
answered by justturning40 4
Just ask her if she is due to start...also you must consider there is a full moon. People get kind of different around this time. Ask her if there is anything that she wants to talk about, or if something has upset her. I'm sure you will get a reply!
Take care & good luck! :)
2007-02-03 17:39:13
answer #3
answered by oracle1 3
If she is constantly going into the bathroom and if she is having so cramps the chance is she is... but if she is just flipping out over nothing.. than she more than likely is just being a b*tch
2007-02-03 17:37:42
answer #4
answered by Beth m 3
Well if you do not know now then give it up!!!She can be who she wants not necessary for it to be PMS.
2007-02-03 17:39:55
answer #5
answered by peanutbulls 4
PMS---headaches, backaches, moody,bloatin belly,
fatigue,crampy, want to be alone.
2007-02-03 17:37:10
answer #6
answered by sunflare63 7
It she always acting the way she is now? Answer that and I think you'll know
2007-02-03 17:38:01
answer #7
answered by bluelightning08 2
one comes with blood the other doesn't.(well the other one isn't suppose to come with blood, what i'm talking about is, her blood, not yours or some other person that gets into her way...) lol
2007-02-03 17:38:42
answer #8
answered by ღсяаՀу∙թіхіе∙ժմѕτღ 6
your being a little insensitive but you can probably tell if shes rlly happy and then rlly bitchy. if shes a ***** she'll just be a *****.
2007-02-03 17:37:24
answer #9
answered by muriii. 2
try this crowd pleaser: "Honey, do you have pms or are you just a b****? lol good luck
2007-02-03 17:40:20
answer #10
answered by molly 6